首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Furrever 代幣預售投資報酬率飆升引發以太坊、柴犬和狗狗幣投資者興趣

Furrever Token Presale ROI Surge Triggers Ethereum, Shiba Inu, and Dogecoin Investor Interest

Furrever 代幣預售投資報酬率飆升引發以太坊、柴犬和狗狗幣投資者興趣

發布: 2024/04/23 06:33 閱讀: 944

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Furrever 代幣預售投資報酬率飆升引發以太坊、柴犬和狗狗幣投資者興趣

The post Furrever Token Presale ROI Surge Triggers Ethereum, Shiba Inu, and Dogecoin Investor Interest appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

Furrever 代幣預售投資回報率飆升引發以太坊、柴犬和狗狗幣投資者興趣的帖子首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

In the vibrant world of cryptocurrencies, each token tells its own unique story through market movements and trading activities. Today, we delve into the updates of four distinct cryptocurrencies: Shiba Inu (SHIB), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Furrever Token (FURR). Each of these tokens has shown significant activities or faced regulatory milestones that shape their market position and future prospects.

在充滿活力的加密貨幣世界中,每種代幣都透過市場走勢和交易活動講述自己獨特的故事。今天,我們深入研究四種不同加密貨幣的更新:柴犬 (SHIB)、以太坊 (ETH)、狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Furrever Token (FURR)。這些代幣中的每一個都表現出重大活動或面臨著塑造其市場地位和未來前景的監管里程碑。

Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) Price Increases by 3% Amid Whale Activity

由於鯨魚活動,柴犬 (SHIB) 價格上漲 3%

Shiba Inu (SHIB) recently saw a significant spike in network activity due to an anonymous whale transferring 100 billion SHIB tokens, likely for sale. This movement, originating from a wallet starting with “0x859”, has caused a stir in the cryptocurrency community, given SHIB’s generally bullish behaviour.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 最近發現,由於匿名鯨魚轉移了 1000 億個 SHIB 代幣(可能會出售),網路活動顯著激增。鑑於 SHIB 普遍看漲的行為,這項源自「0x859」開頭錢包的運動在加密貨幣社群引起了轟動。

The substantial transaction volume potentially increases selling pressure, which can lead to a decrease in SHIB’s price. Currently, SHIB has been trading in a tightening range, indicating that the market is searching for stability amid fluctuations. The price charts show a decline in patterns, with support levels firmly at $0.000023 and resistance around $0.000029. At the moment, SHIB is trading at $0.000026, marking a 3.10% increase in its daily movement.

大量交易量可能會增加拋售壓力,從而導致 SHIB 價格下跌。目前SHIB一直處於緊縮區間,顯示市場在波動中求穩。價格圖表顯示下跌模式,支撐位牢牢位於 0.000023 美元,阻力位位於 0.000029 美元附近。目前,SHIB 的交易價格為 0.000026 美元,日均漲幅為 3.10%。

As the market navigates through these changes, the ongoing observation of SHIB’s price action and investor sentiment will be crucial for predicting its short-term financial health and market position.

隨著市場經歷這些變化,對 SHIB 價格走勢和投資者情緒的持續觀察對於預測其短期財務健康狀況和市場地位至關重要。

Ethereum (ETH) ETF Approval in May Appears Unlikely, According to Industry Experts

行業專家表示,以太坊 (ETH) ETF 在 5 月獲得批准的可能性似乎不大

Prospects for a spot Ethereum exchange-traded fund (ETF) being approved in May are dim, according to insights from industry insiders. The sentiment around the potential release of an Ethereum ETF has become skeptical due to a noticeable lack of communication from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which contrasts sharply with the approach taken during the approval process for Bitcoin ETFs.

業內人士認為,以太坊交易所交易基金(ETF)現貨在 5 月獲得批准的前景黯淡。由於美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 明顯缺乏溝通,圍繞以太坊 ETF 潛在發行的情緒已變得令人懷疑,這與比特幣 ETF 審批過程中採取的做法形成鮮明對比。

Nate Geraci, President of the ETF Store, highlighted this issue, noting the SEC’s silence on the matter in a recent tweet. This lack of commentary from the regulatory body has historically suggested a lower likelihood of approval, raising concerns within the cryptocurrency community.

ETF Store 總裁 Nate Geraci 強調了這個問題,並指出 SEC 在最近的一條推文中對此事保持沉默。監管機構缺乏評論歷來表明批准的可能性較低,這引起了加密貨幣社區的擔憂。

Eric Balchunas, a senior ETF analyst at Bloomberg, echoed this sentiment, stating that the SEC’s silence could be interpreted as “harmful.” He pointed out that without feedback or indications from the SEC, the chances of disapproval for an Ethereum ETF might be higher this time around. He also mentioned the possibility of a new legal battle, particularly if Grayscale, which previously secured a win in court for its Bitcoin ETF, decides to pursue similar actions for Ethereum.

彭博社高級 ETF 分析師 Eric Balchunas 也表達了同樣的觀點,他表示 SEC 的沉默可能會被解讀為「有害」。他指出,如果沒有 SEC 的回饋或指示,以太坊 ETF 這次被拒絕的可能性可能會更高。他還提到了一場新的法律訴訟的可能性,特別是如果之前因其比特幣 ETF 在法庭上獲勝的 Grayscale 決定對以太坊採取類似行動的話。

As the cryptocurrency community waits with bated breath, the outcome of this regulatory engagement could significantly impact the broader acceptance and integration of Ethereum into mainstream financial markets.


‘DOGE Day’ and Bitcoin Halving Spark Optimism, Pushing Dogecoin Prices Higher


Dogecoin (DOGE) has witnessed a notable price increase of 6.21% in the past 24 hours, following an earlier drop to $0.14. This resurgence in DOGE’s price coincides with the recent Bitcoin halving and the celebration of ‘DOGE Day,’ contributing to a buoyant mood among investors.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價格在過去 24 小時內大幅上漲 6.21%,此前曾跌至 0.14 美元。 DOGE 價格的回升恰逢最近比特幣減半和慶祝“DOGE 日”,這使得投資者情緒高漲。

Despite the upbeat market sentiment, the Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD) suggests that DOGE may not quickly reach the $0.20 mark. Nevertheless, traders remain optimistic about the long-term profitability of the coin. Analyst Ali Martinez highlighted a promising trend on the daily chart. According to Martinez, the Tom DeMark (TD) Sequential indicator, a tool used to identify trend exhaustion and potential reversals, signaled a buying opportunity for DOGE. This signal followed a period where sellers appeared exhausted after DOGE’s dip to $0.14, suggesting an impending uptick.

儘管市場情緒樂觀,但累積交易量 Delta (CVD) 表明 DOGE 可能不會很快達到 0.20 美元大關。儘管如此,交易員仍對代幣的長期獲利能力持樂觀態度。分析師阿里·馬丁內斯強調了日線圖上的一個有希望的趨勢。馬丁內斯表示,湯姆·德馬克 (TD) 順序指標是一種用於識別趨勢耗盡和潛在逆轉的工具,預示著 DOGE 的買入機會。這一信號是在 DOGE 跌至 0.14 美元後賣家顯得精疲力盡的時期出現的,這表明即將上漲。

‘DOGE Day,’ celebrated on April 20th, also played a role in boosting Dogecoin’s value. Traditionally seen as a “buy the rumor” event by the community, the day led to a temporary price spike. However, there is speculation about a potential “sell the news” effect, which could impact the price post-celebration. Current CVD trends show that while there is a likelihood of selling pressure, a turnaround could occur if buying interest increases, potentially sustaining the price rise throughout the week.

4 月 20 日慶祝的「狗狗日」也對提升狗狗幣的價值發揮了作用。傳統上,這一天被社區視為「謠言買入」事件,導致價格暫時飆升。然而,有人猜測潛在的「拋售新聞」效應可能會影響慶祝活動後的價格。目前的CVD趨勢表明,雖然可能存在拋售壓力,但如果購買興趣增加,可能會出現好轉,從而可能維持整個一周的價格上漲。

As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve with these market dynamics, Dogecoin remains a focal point for both speculative trading and community-driven events that shape its valuation.


The Rise of Furrever Token (FURR) as a Prime Post-Bitcoin Halving Investment

Furrever 代幣(FURR)作為比特幣減半後主要投資的崛起

In the wake of the recent Bitcoin halving, the Furrever Token (FURR) has distinguished itself as a leading investment option within the cryptocurrency community, delivering a novel and captivating twist to the digital asset space. Central to Furrever Token’s allure is its unique embrace of cuteness, leveraging the universal charm of kittens to enhance user engagement and community spirit.

在最近的比特幣減半之後,Furrever 代幣(FURR)已成為加密貨幣社群中領先的投資選擇,為數位資產領域帶來了新穎而迷人的轉變。 Furrever Token 的核心吸引力在於其獨特的可愛感,利用小貓的普遍魅力來提高用戶參與度和社區精神。

Unlike conventional crypto projects that may focus solely on technical aspects or financial gains, Furrever Token prioritizes enjoyment and accessibility. It has successfully cultivated a user-friendly platform embellished with delightful cat-themed visuals and stickers, creating a congenial atmosphere that invites users to partake in and propagate their affection for all things cute.

與僅關注技術方面或財務收益的傳統加密項目不同,Furrever Token 優先考慮享受和可訪問性。它成功地打造了一個用戶友好的平台,點綴著令人愉悅的貓主題視覺效果和貼紙,營造了一種友善的氛圍,邀請用戶參與並傳播他們對所有可愛事物的喜愛。

Furrever Token’s credibility is solidified by rigorous security measures, including a smart contract audited by Securi Lab, transparent practices by the development team, and active community involvement. These factors assure investors of the token’s legitimacy and potential for substantial returns. Currently priced at $0.000564, Furrever Token projects an opportunity for up to 15X returns, presenting an exclusive chance to invest through its official website, furrevertoken.com.

Furrever Token 的可信度透過嚴格的安全措施得到鞏固,包括由 Securi Lab 審查的智慧合約、開發團隊的透明實踐以及積極的社區參與。這些因素向投資者保證了代幣的合法性和獲得豐厚回報的潛力。 Furrever Token 目前的價格為 0.000564 美元,預計可獲得高達 15 倍的回報,提供透過其官方網站 Furrevertoken.com 進行投資的獨家機會。

For further information or any assistance regarding Furrever Token, reach out only through the official channel at support@furrevertoken.com to avoid potential scams.

有關 Furrever 令牌的更多資訊或任何協助,請僅透過官方管道 support@furrevertoken.com 聯繫,以避免潛在的詐騙。

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