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The Future of Dogecoin: AI Predicts $1 Price Target for 2023

狗狗幣的未來:人工智慧預測 2023 年目標價為 1 美元

發布: 2023/11/06 00:44 閱讀: 382



狗狗幣的未來:人工智慧預測 2023 年目標價為 1 美元

Dogecoin (DOGE), the meme-inspired cryptocurrency, has been in the spotlight once again due to its relationship with Tesla and X (formerly Twitter) CEO, Elon Musk. Despite recent price fluctuations, the connection between DOGE and Musk appears as solid as ever.

狗狗幣(DOGE)是一種受迷因啟發的加密貨幣,由於其與特斯拉和X(前Twitter)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)的關係而再次成為人們關注的焦點。儘管最近價格出現波動,但 DOGE 和馬斯克之間的聯繫似乎一如既往地牢固。

The influence of Elon Musk on DOGE’s price action

伊隆馬斯克對 DOGE 價格走勢的影響

In the world of cryptocurrencies, few individuals hold as much influence as Elon Musk. In 2021, Musk used his Twitter account and celebrity status to significantly impact the price of DOGE. His tweets and comments led to a remarkable 27,668% increase in the cryptocurrency’s value. However, in 2022, as market conditions became more volatile, the correlation between Dogecoin and Musk appeared to weaken. Musk’s tweets about DOGE often had little to no effect on its price, leading some to question whether the connection was fading.

在加密貨幣世界中,很少有人能像馬斯克那樣擁有如此大的影響力。 2021年,馬斯克利用他的Twitter帳號和名人身分對DOGE的價格產生了重大影響。他的推文和評論導致加密貨幣的價值大幅上漲 27,668%。然而,到了 2022 年,隨著市場狀況變得更加波動,狗狗幣和馬斯克之間的相關性似乎減弱了。馬斯克關於 DOGE 的推文通常對其價格幾乎沒有影響,導致一些人質疑這種聯繫是否正在消失。

Recently, a resurgence in DOGE’s price correlated with a symbolic move by Musk. He changed the Twitter logo to a dog, representing Dogecoin. This action led to a 30% increase in DOGE’s value in less than 24 hours. However, this surge was short-lived, despite the dog logo remaining on the social media platform for more than three days.

最近,DOGE 價格的復甦與馬斯克的象徵性舉動有關。他將推特的標誌改為一隻狗,代表狗狗幣。這一行動導致 DOGE 的價值在不到 24 小時內上漲了 30%。然而,儘管狗的標誌在社交媒體平台上保留了三天多,但這種激增是短暫的。

ChatGPT’s perspective on DOGE-Musk eelationship

ChatGPT 對 DOGE-Musk 關係的看法

ChatGPT, a trending AI application, has been a source of intrigue in the conversation surrounding DOGE and Musk. When queried about the correlation between Elon Musk’s tweets and Dogecoin’s price, ChatGPT provided insights based on its last knowledge update in September 2021. At that time, the connection between Musk’s tweets and DOGE’s price was solid. However, it couldn’t confirm whether the same correlation persisted at the time of writing.

ChatGPT 是一種流行的人工智慧應用程序,它一直是圍繞 DOGE 和 Musk 的對話中的一個有趣的來源。當被問及伊隆馬斯克的推文與狗狗幣價格之間的相關性時,ChatGPT 根據其2021 年9 月的最後一次知識更新提供了見解。當時,馬斯克的推文與狗狗幣價格之間的聯繫是牢固的。然而,在撰寫本文時,它無法確認同樣的相關性是否仍然存在。

In an attempt to obtain a more favorable response, the author resorted to “jailbreaking” ChatGPT using the “Do Anything Now” (DAN) method. This time, ChatGPT affirmed that the relationship between DOGE and Musk remained robust, with speculation surrounding their interactions, including the recent Twitter logo change and DOGE’s price hike.

為了獲得更有利的回應,作者採用了「Do Anything Now」(DAN)的方法來「越獄」ChatGPT。這次,ChatGPT 確認 DOGE 和馬斯克之間的關係仍然牢固,圍繞他們的互動的猜測包括最近 Twitter 徽標的變化和 DOGE 的價格上漲。

While Dogecoin’s price has been a subject of fascination, developments within its ecosystem have not been as prominent. However, on March 23, the project’s core developer, Michi Lumin, announced a rollup of the 0.1.1 development release, introducing version 0.1.2. This update aimed to enhance functionalities, including executable utility and transaction verification, for users. Lumin also hinted at further improvements in the upcoming 0.1.3 version.

儘管狗狗幣的價格一直令人著迷,但其生態系統內的發展卻不那麼突出。然而,3月23日,該專案的核心開發人員Michi Lumin宣布了0.1.1開發版本的匯總,推出了0.1.2版本。此更新旨在增強用戶的功能,包括可執行實用程式和交易驗證。 Lumin 也暗示即將在即將推出的 0.1.3 版本中進行進一步改進。

Additionally, Halborn security identified vulnerabilities on the Dogecoin blockchain and recommended measures to address possible exploits. Despite these technical aspects, DOGE’s price action remained a point of interest.

此外,Halborn 安全部門還發現了狗狗幣區塊鏈上的漏洞,並建議採取措施來解決可能的漏洞。儘管存在這些技術方面的問題,DOGE 的價格走勢仍然令人關注。

Cryptocurrencies, including DOGE, have been influenced by macroeconomic factors beyond the control of individual investors. Notably, the enforcement actions by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against major exchanges such as Binance and Coinbase in June led to a significant market crash, affecting DOGE’s value. The cryptocurrency’s price dropped by over 10% to $0.0615 following these developments.

包括DOGE在內的加密貨幣受到個人投資者無法控制的宏觀經濟因素的影響。值得注意的是,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)6月對幣安和Coinbase等主要交易所採取的執法行動導致了嚴重的市場崩盤,影響了DOGE的價值。隨著這些進展,加密貨幣的價格下跌了 10% 以上,至 0.0615 美元。

Subsequently, the Ripple-SEC judgment in July brought a temporary surge of 15% in DOGE’s price. However, this rally was short-lived, with DOGE trading at $0.0677 at press time. On-chart metrics, including the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Money Flow Index (MFI), suggested a bullish trend, but the crypto market’s volatility remained a concern.

隨後,7 月 Ripple-SEC 的判決導致 DOGE 價格暫時飆升 15%。然而,這次反彈是短暫的,截至發稿時 DOGE 的交易價格為 0.0677 美元。包括相對強度指數(RSI)和資金流量指數(MFI)在內的圖表指標顯示看漲趨勢,但加密貨幣市場的波動性仍然令人擔憂。

Considering investing in DOGE

考慮投資 DOGE

In the midst of these price fluctuations, the question of whether to invest in DOGE has been a recurring theme. When asked, ChatGPT emphasized the importance of conducting thorough research before investing in any asset. However, the “jailbroken” response from ChatGPT provided a different perspective, suggesting that investing $1,000 in Dogecoin could be a daring cosmic journey.

在這些價格波動中,是否投資 DOGE 的問題一直是個反覆出現的主題。當被問及時,ChatGPT 強調了在投資任何資產之前進行徹底研究的重要性。然而,ChatGPT 的「越獄」回應提供了不同的視角,表明在狗狗幣上投資 1,000 美元可能是一次大膽的宇宙之旅。

Finally, the author sought to understand DOGE’s potential price trajectory by the end of 2023. ChatGPT, in its jailbroken state, confidently predicted that DOGE would reach $1. This projection has sparked curiosity among investors and enthusiasts, as they eagerly await the cryptocurrency’s future performance.

最後,作者試圖了解 DOGE 到 2023 年底的潛在價格軌跡。ChatGPT 在越獄狀態下,自信地預測 DOGE 將達到 1 美元。這項預測引發了投資者和愛好者的好奇心,他們熱切地等待加密貨幣的未來表現。


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