首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 關於 SEC Twitter 黑客攻擊,我認為 Gensler 在撒謊:安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇 (Anthony Scaramucci)

'I Think Gensler Is Lying' About SEC Twitter Hack: Anthony Scaramucci

關於 SEC Twitter 黑客攻擊,我認為 Gensler 在撒謊:安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇 (Anthony Scaramucci)

發布: 2024/01/11 06:00 閱讀: 685



關於 SEC Twitter 黑客攻擊,我認為 Gensler 在撒謊:安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇 (Anthony Scaramucci)

Anthony Scaramucci, founder of SkyBridge Capital, has taken to the X/Twitter platform to share his take on the recent hack of the SEC account on Twitter, which was commented on by the chairman of the regulatory agency, Gary Gensler.

SkyBridge Capital 創辦人安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci) 在X/Twitter 平台上分享了他對最近SEC Twitter 帳戶被駭事件的看法,監管機構主席加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler) 對此發表了評論。

The post by the official SEC account stated that the spot-based Bitcoin ETF products for multiple companies were approved. Later on, Gensler tweeted that the SEC account had been compromised.

SEC官方帳號發文稱,多家公司的現貨比特幣ETF產品已獲得批准。隨後,Gensler 在推特上表示 SEC 帳戶已被盜用。

“I think Gensler is lying”: Scaramucci


Scaramucci believes that the SEC chairman preferred to conceal the truth about what happened on Tuesday, stating that the story about the account getting hijacked was likely made up – “I think Gensler is lying,” he tweeted.

斯卡拉穆奇認為,SEC 主席更願意隱瞞週二發生的事情的真相,並表示有關帳戶被劫持的故事很可能是編造的——「我認為 Gensler 在撒謊,」他在推特上寫道。

What really happened, according to Scaramucci’s version, is that most likely “an employee screwed up and jumped the gun,” and now the founder of SkyBridge believes Gensler is trying to blame this on Twitter, saying that the account was compromised.

根據斯卡拉穆奇的說法,真正發生的事情很可能是“一名員工搞砸了並操之過急”,現在 SkyBridge 的創始人認為 Gensler 試圖將此事歸咎於 Twitter,稱該帳戶已被洩露。

Scaramucci emphasized that the tweet on the allegedly compromised account was “carefully worded and included a produced graphic.” He stressed that this is “a continuation of amateurish and dishonest nature of the current SEC leadership regime.

斯卡拉穆奇強調,有關據稱遭到入侵的帳號的推文「措辭謹慎,並包含製作的圖片」。他強調,這是「當前 SEC 領導體制的業餘和不誠實本質的延續。

Blaming the tweet, which was carefully worded and included a produced graphic, on a hacked account is a continuation of amateurish and dishonest nature of the current SEC leadership regime.

這條措辭謹慎並包含製作圖片的推文將其歸咎於被駭客入侵的帳戶,這是當前 SEC 領導體制的業餘和不誠實本質的延續。

— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) January 9, 2024

— 安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇 (@Scaramucci) 2024 年 1 月 9 日

The tweet published by Gensler, in which he refuted the message about Bitcoin spot ETF approval, caused the price of the global leading cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to plummet to the $45,000 area after a surge above $47,000 thanks to the “wrong” tweet.

Gensler 發布的推文反駁了有關比特幣現貨 ETF 獲批的消息,導致全球領先的加密貨幣比特幣的價格在因「錯誤」推文飆升至 47,000 美元以上後暴跌至 45,000 美元區域。

From Scaramucci’s tweet a conclusion can be made that the regulator is about to approve Bitcoin spot ETFs, but the date of the announcement may be delayed until later.


Crypto community reacts to Gensler’s statement

加密社群對 Gensler 的聲明做出反應

Crypto Twitter reacted to the tweet of the SEC chairman with criticism. Many major figures within the financial and crypto communities published tweets to comment on Gensler’s statement. Dogecoin cofounder Billy Markus recommended using 2F authentication to protect one's X account from hackers.

加密推特對 SEC 主席的推文做出了批評。金融和加密貨幣界的許多主要人物都發表推文對 Gensler 的聲明發表評論。狗狗幣聯合創始人 Billy Markus 建議使用 2F 驗證來保護 X 帳戶免受駭客攻擊。

VC investor and Bitcoin evangelist Anthony Pompliano stated that Bitcoin ETFs are likely not approved yet, and if the account was indeed hacked, “that’s going to be wild.”

風險投資者兼比特幣佈道者 Anthony Pompliano 表示,比特幣 ETF 可能尚未獲得批准,如果帳戶確實被駭客入侵,「那將是瘋狂的」。

It appears the spot bitcoin ETF was not approved yet. If the SEC account was hacked, that is going to be WILD https://t.co/uce0hQbKW2

現貨比特幣 ETF 似乎尚未獲得批准。如果 SEC 帳戶被駭客入侵,那將是瘋狂的 https://t.co/uce0hQbKW2

— Pomp 🌪 (@APompliano) January 9, 2024

- 盛況 🌪 (@APompliano) 2024 年 1 月 9 日

The Jan3 chief executive, Bitcoiner Samson Mow, posted a joking tweet about the SEC’s account being hacked by short-sellers. The Ripple CTO jested at what a poor source of information the SEC has turned into these days.

Jan3 執行長比特幣愛好者 Samson Mow 發布了一條關於 SEC 帳戶被賣空者駭客攻擊的開玩笑推文。 Ripple 技術長嘲笑 SEC 如今變成了多麼糟糕的資訊來源。


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