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Hottest New Cryptocurrencies to Buy This July 2024

2024 年 7 月最熱門的新加密貨幣

發布: 2024/07/23 02:04 閱讀: 797



2024 年 7 月最熱門的新加密貨幣

Hottest New Cryptocurrencies to Buy in July 2024

2024 年 7 月最熱門的新加密貨幣

As the crypto market gains momentum, savvy investors are searching for promising projects that can deliver substantial returns on investment. While stalwarts like Bitcoin and Ethereum dominate the landscape, new and emerging cryptos are attracting attention as the next big opportunities.


These innovative digital assets offer unique solutions and use cases, making them ripe for exponential growth. In this article, we'll review eight of the hottest new cryptocurrencies to buy in July 2024, poised to deliver impressive returns and reshape the future of digital finance:

這些創新的數位資產提供了獨特的解決方案和用例,使其具備指數增長的條件。在本文中,我們將回顧 2024 年 7 月最熱門的八種新加密貨幣,它們有望帶來可觀的回報並重塑數位金融的未來:

  • Pepe Unchained (PEPU): A meme project with impressive Layer 2 solutions.
  • Meme Games (MGMES): A meme project leveraging the 2024 Olympic Games.
  • Wiener AI (WAI): A meme coin with cutting-edge AI capabilities.
  • PlayDoge (PLAY): A nostalgic play-to-earn game with rewarding potential.
  • Shiba ShootOut (SHIBASHOOT): A play-to-earn game set in the Wild West.
  • Mega Dice (DICE): The native currency of a popular online casino on the Solana blockchain.
  • Base Dawgz (DAWGZ): A multi-chain meme coin with a staking rewards system.
  • SpacePay (SPY): A fintech startup using blockchain to transform the payment infrastructure.

Pepe Unchained (PEPU)

Pepe Unchained (PEPU):一個具有令人印象深刻的第2 層解決方案的meme 項目。 。的原生貨幣.Base Dawgz (DAWGZ):具有質押獎勵系統的多鏈迷因幣。

Pepe Unchained is a game-changer in the crypto industry. Built on a more efficient Layer 2 solution, it offers faster, cheaper, and smoother transactions. Unlike most meme coins that struggle on slow Layer 1 blockchains, Pepe Unchained is optimized for efficient performance.

Pepe Unchained 是加密產業的遊戲規則改變者。它建立在更有效率的第 2 層解決方案之上,提供更快、更便宜、更流暢的交易。與大多數在緩慢的第 1 層區塊鏈上掙扎的迷因幣不同,Pepe Unchained 針對高效性能進行了優化。

The native token $PEPU is more than just a meme; it's designed with utility in mind, helping avoid the typical pump-and-dump patterns. The project has raised nearly $5 million, with tokens available at a discounted price. Early investors can also enjoy staking rewards of over 300%.

原生代幣 $PEPU 不只是一個迷因;它的設計考慮到了實用性,有助於避免典型的拉高拋售模式。該項目已籌集近 500 萬美元,並以折扣價提供代幣。早期投資者還可享有超過300%的質押獎勵。

Meme Games (MGMES)

迷因遊戲 (MGMES)

Meme Games is a novel crypto that's creating a buzz with its unique twist on the 2024 Paris Olympics. Instead of real athletes, popular meme characters race for glory. In just a few days, it has raised over $200,000!

Meme Games 是一種新穎的加密貨幣,以其獨特的方式在 2024 年巴黎奧運會上引起了轟動。流行的迷因人物不是真正的運動員,而是為了榮耀而競爭。短短幾天,就募集了超過20萬美元!

Participating is straightforward: buy $MGMES tokens and select a character to race. If your character wins, you earn a 25% token bonus. With high staking rewards of over 1,000% APY during its presale, Meme Games is poised to become the official meme coin of the 2024 Olympics.

參與非常簡單:購買 $MGMES 代幣並選擇一個角色進行比賽。如果您的角色獲勝,您將獲得 25% 的代幣獎勵。 Meme Games 在預售期間獲得超過 1,000% APY 的高質押獎勵,預計將成為 2024 年奧運會的官方 Meme 代幣。

Wiener AI (WAI)

維納人工智慧 (WAI)

Wiener AI blends humor with cutting-edge technology. Unlike many meme coins that rely solely on viral appeal, Wiener AI offers a robust ecosystem featuring an AI-enhanced trading system, seamless swaps, zero fees, and MFbot protection.

Wiener AI 將幽默與尖端技術融為一體。與許多僅依賴病毒式傳播的迷因幣不同,Wiener AI 提供了一個強大的生態系統,具有人工智慧增強的交易系統、無縫交換、零費用和 MFbot 保護。

With a total of 69 billion tokens and engaging graphics, Wiener AI has amassed a strong community. Its presale has been a hit, raising over $7 million. With limited tokens available, investors are eager to secure more before it soars on exchanges.

Wiener AI 擁有總計 690 億枚代幣和引人入勝的圖形,累積了強大的社群。它的預售很成功,籌集了超過 700 萬美元。由於可用代幣有限,投資者渴望在代幣在交易所飆升之前獲得更多代幣。

PlayDoge (PLAY)

玩狗 (PLAY)

PlayDoge is a captivating play-to-earn game that blends the nostalgia of Tamagotchi with modern blockchain technology. Players can adopt, feed, entertain, and train their virtual Doge pets, earning $PLAY tokens along the way.

PlayDoge 是一款引人入勝的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲,它將電子寵物的懷舊情懷與現代區塊鏈技術融為一體。玩家可以收養、餵食、娛樂和訓練他們的虛擬 Doge 寵物,並在此過程中賺取 $PLAY 代幣。

The play-to-earn model motivates players to gain XP and enhance their pets. High-ranking players earn bonus $PLAY tokens and exclusive rewards. With its high demand during presale and a strong community, PlayDoge is a promising investment opportunity.

邊玩邊賺錢的模式激勵玩家獲得經驗值並增強他們的寵物。高排名玩家可以獲得額外的 $PLAY 代幣和獨家獎勵。由於預售期間的高需求和強大的社區,PlayDoge 是一個有前途的投資機會。

Shiba ShootOut (SHIBASHOOT)


Shiba ShootOut is a play-to-earn mobile game set in the Wild West, offering thrilling gun battles and showdowns. Players can earn income upon victories, while unique features like Token Governance Roundups and the Posse Rewards program incentivize community growth and long-term holding.

Shiba ShootOut 是一款以狂野西部為背景的邊玩邊賺錢的手機遊戲,提供驚心動魄的槍戰和對決。玩家可以在勝利後賺取收入,而代幣治理綜述和 Posse 獎勵計劃等獨特功能可以激勵社區發展和長期持有。

With impressive APY rates on staking, Shiba ShootOut has attracted significant attention in the crypto space. Its presale has raised over $700,000, with tokens available at a discounted price.

憑藉令人印象深刻的質押 APY 率,Shiba ShootOut 在加密貨幣領域引起了廣泛關注。其預售已籌集超過 70 萬美元,代幣以折扣價出售。

Mega Dice (DICE)


Mega Dice is the native currency of Mega Dice, a popular online casino on the Solana blockchain. Token holders can stake their tokens and receive daily rewards based on the casino's performance, giving them a share of the action.

Mega Dice 是 Mega Dice 的原生貨幣,Mega Dice 是 Solana 區塊鏈上受歡迎的線上賭場。代幣持有者可以抵押他們的代幣,並根據賭場的表現獲得每日獎勵,從而分享行動。

With over 50,000 registered users and 10,000 active monthly players, Mega Dice is a well-established platform. Its unique approach to crypto casinos, combined with a staking model and a massive airdrop campaign, makes DICE an attractive investment.

Mega Dice 擁有超過 50,000 名註冊用戶和 10,000 名每月活躍玩家,是一個成熟的平台。其獨特的加密貨幣賭場方法,加上質押模式和大規模空投活動,使 DICE 成為一項有吸引力的投資。

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ)

道格茲基地 (DAWGZ)

Base Dawgz is a multi-chain meme coin accessible across various blockchains. Its staking rewards system provides continuous passive income for token holders. With over $2.5 million raised in presale, Base Dawgz is gaining traction in the crypto community.

Base Dawgz 是一種可跨多個區塊鏈存取的多鏈迷因幣。其質押獎勵系統為代幣持有者提供持續的被動收入。 Base Dawgz 預售籌集了超過 250 萬美元,在加密貨幣社群中越來越受歡迎。

The project's share-to-earn system rewards members for creating and sharing content, capitalizing on the popularity of meme coins. With a strong community and a discounted presale price, Base Dawgz is a promising investment.

該項目的分享賺取系統獎勵會員創建和分享內容,利用模因幣的流行。憑藉強大的社區和折扣預售價格,Base Dawgz 是一項有前途的投資。

SpacePay (SPY)


SpacePay is a fintech startup using blockchain to transform payment infrastructure. Its native token $SPY offers revenue sharing, voting rights, and early access to features. With $750K raised from private investors, SpacePay is a unique altcoin set to impact the payment landscape.

SpacePay 是一家利用區塊鏈改造支付基礎設施的金融科技新創公司。其原生代幣 $SPY 提供收入分享、投票權和早期使用功能。 SpacePay 從私人投資者籌集了 75 萬美元,是一種獨特的山寨幣,將影響支付格局。



Investing in the hottest new cryptocurrencies in July 2024 positions you at the forefront of the next wave in digital finance. These projects offer unique solutions, innovative features, and the potential for impressive returns. By seizing this opportunity before their prices skyrocket, you can maximize your investment potential in this rapidly evolving market.

投資 2024 年 7 月最熱門的新型加密貨幣將使您處於下一波數位金融浪潮的最前沿。這些項目提供獨特的解決方案、創新功能以及帶來可觀回報的潛力。在價格飆升之前抓住這個機會,您可以在這個快速發展的市場中最大限度地發揮您的投資潛力。

Disclaimer: Exercise caution and conduct thorough research before investing your money. The information provided is not financial advice. Neither the author nor any third party recommends buying or selling any financial products. Investing in crypto assets is high-risk; consider the potential for loss. Any investment decisions made based on this content are at the sole risk of the reader.



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