首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2024 年最佳投資?我們同意 ToDeeStream (DST) 具有與 YouTube 和 Twitch 競爭的潛力,而不是 Polygon(Matic) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE)

Best Investment of 2024? We Say Yes ToDeeStream (DST) With Potential To RivalYoutube & Twitch Instead of Polygon(Matic) & Dogecoin (DOGE)

2024 年最佳投資?我們同意 ToDeeStream (DST) 具有與 YouTube 和 Twitch 競爭的潛力,而不是 Polygon(Matic) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE)

發布: 2024/02/02 06:17 閱讀: 586



2024 年最佳投資?我們同意 ToDeeStream (DST) 具有與 YouTube 和 Twitch 競爭的潛力,而不是 Polygon(Matic) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE)

It’s a new year and investors are looking for promising projects to put their money in. This year, Polygon (MATIC), Dogecoin (DOGE), and DeeStream (DST) are crypto tokens ripe for investment. If you’re an investor looking to choose one out of the three, here’s why DeeStream (DST) beats Polygon (MATIC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) to be the best investment of 2024.

新的一年到來了,投資者正在尋找有前途的項目來投入資金。今年,Polygon (MATIC)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 DeeStream (DST) 都是適合投資的加密代幣。如果您是投資者,希望從這三者中選擇一個,這就是為什麼 DeeStream (DST) 擊敗 Polygon (MATIC) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 成為 2024 年最佳投資的原因。

What is DeeStream (DST) All About?

DeeStream (DST) 是什麼?

DeeStream (DST), for starters, is the project making the waves in investor circles this 2024 since its presale began. DeeStream (DST) is a decentralized streaming platform with the potential to rival Twitch, YouTube, Facebook Live and Tik Tok in the future.

首先,DeeStream(DST)是自預售開始以來在 2024 年投資者圈中引起轟動的項目。 DeeStream(DST)是一個去中心化的串流平台,未來有可能與 Twitch、YouTube、Facebook Live 和 Tik Tok 競爭。

Everything about DeeStream’s (DST) platform is engineered to meet the gap in the global live content market. What positions DeeStream (DST) particularly well for success is its first-mover advantage. As the first completely decentralized streaming platform, DeeStream (DST) is poised to take advantage of a previously untapped market predicted to be worth 247 billion dollars by 2027.

DeeStream (DST) 平台的一切都是為了填補全球直播內容市場的空白而設計的。 DeeStream (DST) 之所以能夠特別成功,是因為它具有先發優勢。作為第一個完全去中心化的串流媒體平台,DeeStream (DST) 準備利用先前未開發的市場,預計到 2027 年價值將達到 2,470 億美元。

What sets DeeStream (DST) apart from centralized platforms? It’s simple. DeeStream (DST) solves three major pain points of the users of these platforms:

DeeStream (DST) 與中心化平台有何不同?這很簡單。 DeeStream(DST)解決了這些平台使用者的三大痛點:

●       Quick and Easy Payment –  with DeeStream (DST), users don’t have to wait a few days for the platform to process their withdrawal requests. Withdrawals are instant and easy.

●       快速且方便的付款 – 使用 DeeStream (DST),使用者無需等待幾天平台即可處理其提款請求。提款即時且簡單。

●       Freedom of Speech – One of the key problems with centralized platforms is censorship. Streamers and users of DeeStream (DST) will not have to be subject to ridiculous censorship rules and banning as long as their comments are within the limits of the law.

●       言論自由 – 中心化平台的關鍵問題之一是審查制度。只要他們的評論在法律範圍內,DeeStream(DST)的主播和用戶就不必受到​​荒謬的審查規則和禁令的約束。

●       Lower Fees – DeeStream (DST) will charge substantially lower fees in all areas of payment.

●       降低費用 – DeeStream (DST) 將在所有付款領域收取大幅降低的費用。

Why DeeStream (DST) Is The Best Investment Of 2024 Over Polygon (MATIC) and Dogecoin (DOGE)

為什麼 DeeStream (DST) 是 2024 年優於 Polygon (MATIC) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 的最佳投資

All the above make DeeStream (DST) a great product. But even that is not the only reason DeeStream (DST) is a much better investment option than Polygon (MATIC) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

所有這些都使 DeeStream (DST) 成為一款出色的產品。但這並不是 DeeStream (DST) 是比 Polygon (MATIC) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 更好的投資選擇的唯一原因。

Dogecoin (DOGE) and Polygon (MATIC) have both had a tough time in the last month, with both of them experiencing huge losses in value. Considering how unstable Polygon (MATIC) and particularly Dogecoin(DOGE) have been in the past, this downward plunge does not put them in the best light for investors.

狗狗幣(DOGE)和多邊形(MATIC)在上個月都經歷了一段艱難的時期,兩者都經歷了巨大的價值損失。考慮到 Polygon (MATIC),尤其是狗狗幣 (DOGE) 過去的不穩定程度,這次下跌並沒有為投資者帶來最好的前景。

Even though Polygon (MATIC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are expected to have a bull run this year, DeeStream (DST) is still expected to have much higher returns than the latter.

儘管 Polygon (MATIC) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 預計今年將迎來牛市,但 DeeStream (DST) 的回報率仍預計遠高於後者。

All investors buying into DeeStream’s (DST) presale will enjoy the following benefits:

所有購買 DeeStream (DST) 預售的投資者都將享受以下好處:

●       Governance utility.

●       治理效用。

This will allow investors to participate in the governance of the platform to ensure the success of their investment.


●       50% of all revenue generated on the platform

●       平台產生的所有收入的50%

DeeStream (DST) will split all revenues obtained through sponsored ads, subscriptions and DeeGifts with investors in a 50:50 ratio.

DeeStream (DST) 將按照 50:50 的比例與投資者分享透過搜尋廣告、訂閱和 DeeGifts 獲得的所有收入。

●       0% Commission charges on Coin Swaps.

●       代幣掉期佣金為0%。

DeeStream (DST) will run a swap service where users can exchange different types of crypto with zero commission fees.


It’s clear that although good enough tokens, Polygon (MATIC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) cannot compare with the value DeeStream (DST) is poised to give investors.

很明顯,儘管 Polygon (MATIC) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 是足夠好的代幣,但它們無法與 DeeStream (DST) 為投資者帶來的價值相提並論。

Find out more about the DeeStream (DST) presale by visiting the website here

請訪問此處的網站,以了解有關 DeeStream (DST) 預售的更多信息

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2024 年最佳投資後?我們同意 ToDeeStream (DST) 具有與 YouTube 和 Twitch 競爭的潛力,而不是 Polygon(Matic) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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