首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 透過狗狗幣 (DOGE) 賺了數百萬美元的投資者在 Pullix (PLX) 預售中獲利

Investor Who Made Millions With Dogecoin (DOGE) Bites At Pullix (PLX) Presale

透過狗狗幣 (DOGE) 賺了數百萬美元的投資者在 Pullix (PLX) 預售中獲利

發布: 2024/02/24 16:05 閱讀: 518



透過狗狗幣 (DOGE) 賺了數百萬美元的投資者在 Pullix (PLX) 預售中獲利

In the world of cryptocurrency, savvy investors constantly seek the next big opportunity. With the presale of Pullix (PLX) catching the attention of those who have previously capitalized on the explosive growth of Dogecoin (DOGE), the buzz is undeniable. This move highlights a growing trend where investors diversify their portfolios within the digital currency space, banking on the potential of emerging tokens alongside established ones like DOGE.

在加密貨幣世界中,精明的投資者不斷尋找下一個重大機會。隨著 Pullix (PLX) 的預售吸引了那些先前利用狗狗幣 (DOGE) 爆炸性增長的人的注意,這種嗡嗡聲是不可否認的。此舉突顯了一種日益增長的趨勢,即投資者在數位貨幣領域實現投資組合多元化,寄望於新興代幣以及 DOGE 等成熟代幣的潛力。

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) Remarkable Journey: A Beacon for Crypto Enthusiasts


Dogecoin (DOGE), initially created as a lighthearted alternative to more traditional cryptocurrencies, has experienced a meteoric rise that few could have predicted. With a staggering increase of 14,845.63% over its lifetime, Dogecoin’s current valuation at $0.08351 reflects not just its resilience but also the vibrant community that has rallied behind it. 

狗狗幣(DOGE)最初是作為更傳統的加密貨幣的輕鬆替代品而創建的,但它經歷了很少有人能預料到的迅速崛起。狗狗幣在其生命週期內上漲了 14,845.63%,目前的估值為 0.08351 美元,這不僅反映了它的韌性,也反映了其背後團結起來的充滿活力的社區。

Dogecoin has transcended its humorous beginnings to become a serious contender in the crypto market, largely propelled by endorsements from high-profile figures and a strong, supportive community. The tale of Dogecoin serves as a testament to the unpredictable nature of cryptocurrencies, where novelty can sometimes become a substantial financial force. 


This narrative continues to attract investors, interested by the blend of social media influence and speculative investment. Along with Dogecoin, these same investors are hoping to capture lightning in a bottle once more with ventures like the Pullix (PLX) presale.

這種敘述繼續吸引對社交媒體影響力和投機性投資相結合感興趣的投資者。與狗狗幣一樣,這些投資者也希望透過 Pullix (PLX) 預售等項目再次捕捉到瓶子裡的閃電。

Pullix: The Next Frontier in Crypto Trading


In an era where the distinction between decentralized and centralized exchanges blurs, Pullix emerges as a beacon of innovation. Aiming to solve the persistent liquidity issue plaguing DeFi, Pullix is not just another exchange—it’s a hybrid platform offering the best of both worlds. With security at its core, it allows users to retain asset custody, merging the trustless ethos of DeFi with the reliability of centralized platforms.

在去中心化和中心化交易所之間的界線變得模糊的時代,Pullix 成為創新的燈塔。 Pullix 旨在解決困擾 DeFi 的持續流動性問題,它不僅僅是另一個交易所,它還是一個提供兩全其美的混合平台。它以安全為核心,讓用戶保留資產託管,將 DeFi 的去信任精神與中心化平台的可靠性融為一體。

Pullix sets itself apart by tackling DeFi’s liquidity problem head-on. By incentivizing liquidity provision, it not only ensures deeper market depth but also more competitive pricing, potentially revolutionizing how trades are executed in the crypto sphere. This unique model could significantly increase the platform’s attractiveness, driving the demand for PLX tokens skyward.

Pullix 透過正面解決 DeFi 的流動性問題而脫穎而出。透過激勵流動性供應,它不僅確保了更深的市場深度,而且還確保了更具競爭力的定價,有可能徹底改變加密貨幣領域的交易執行方式。這種獨特的模式可以顯著提高平台的吸引力,推動對 PLX 代幣的需求激增。

The platform’s user-centric features, such as margin trading with up to 1000:1 leverage and a suite of advanced trading tools powered by openAI, cater to a wide range of traders from novices to seasoned professionals. Furthermore, Pullix’s community-driven approach promises a dynamic ecosystem where users’ feedback shapes the platform’s evolution.

該平台以用戶為中心的功能,例如高達 1000:1 槓桿的保證金交易以及由 openAI 提供支援的一套高級交易工具,可滿足從新手到經驗豐富的專業人士的各種交易者的需求。此外,Pullix 的社群驅動方法有望打造一個動態的生態系統,使用者的回饋將影響平台的發展。

One of Pullix’s most groundbreaking offerings is its “Trade-to-Earn” concept, where trading activities not only potentially yield profits but also earn immediate rewards in PLX tokens. Coupled with a revenue-sharing mechanism, this ensures that token holders benefit directly from the platform’s success, marking a significant departure from traditional exchange models.

Pullix 最具突破性的產品之一是其「Trade-to-Earn」概念,其中交易活動不僅有可能產生利潤,而且還可以立即獲得 PLX 代幣獎勵。再加上收入分享機制,確保了代幣持有者直接從平台的成功中受益,這標誌著與傳統交易模式的重大背離。

As the Pullix platform gears up for its launch, the crypto community watches closely. With analysts predicting a substantial rise in the value of PLX tokens, Pullix represents not just a new exchange but a new era in crypto trading, where efficiency, security, and user empowerment converge. With a live platform demonstration available to the public, two trading licenses obtained and listings on both Bitmart and Uniswap, Pullix has the potential to become the next 100x token in 2024.

隨著 Pullix 平台的推出,加密社群正在密切關注。分析師預測 PLX 代幣的價值將大幅上漲,Pullix 不僅代表著一個新的交易所,而且代表著加密貨幣交易的新時代,效率、安全性和用戶授權融合在一起。透過向公眾提供現場平台演示、獲得兩個交易許可證並在 Bitmart 和 Uniswap 上上市,Pullix 有潛力在 2024 年成為下一個 100 倍的代幣。

For more information regarding Pullix’s presale see links below:

有關 Pullix 預售的更多信息,請參閱以下連結:

Visit Pullix  | Join The Pullix Communities

參觀普利克斯 |加入 Pullix 社區

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The post Investor Who Made Millions With Dogecoin (DOGE) Bites At Pullix (PLX) Presale appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

投資者透過狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在 Pullix (PLX) 預售中賺了數百萬美元的貼文首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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