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Investors Buy Bitcoin as Altcoins Recover


發布: 2024/06/27 02:03 閱讀: 261



Investors Buy Bitcoin as Altcoins Recover


Bitcoin sales have stabilized, with buyers emerging at $61,732. Altcoins are rebounding, erasing some of the recent losses. The recent dip to support levels presented an opportunity for investors to acquire assets at a discount. Given the bullish market trend, such dips typically yield profits for investors.

比特幣銷售已經穩定,買家數量達到 61,732 美元。山寨幣正在反彈,抹去了最近的一些損失。最近跌至支撐位為投資者提供了以折扣價收購資產的機會。考慮到看漲的市場趨勢,這種下跌通常會為投資者帶來利潤。

Dogwifhat (WIF) Coin

Dogwifhat (WIF) 硬幣

The recent BTC decline significantly impacted the meme coin WIF this year. Some crypto whales liquidated their meme coin holdings, such as $26 million worth of PEPE and SHIB reserves sold by two whales. These transactions can provide insights into market sentiment.

最近 BTC 的下跌對今年的迷因幣 WIF 產生了重大影響。一些加密鯨魚清算了他們持有的 meme 幣,例如兩隻鯨魚出售了價值 2600 萬美元的 PEPE 和 SHIB 儲備。這些交易可以提供對市場情緒的洞察。

Ethereum community leader Sassal criticized:

以太坊社群領袖 Sassal 批評:

"Investors believed scammers promoting a 'meme coin super cycle' and venture capitalists advocating for their crypto purchases. Those who traded ETH for dog-themed meme coins are particularly affected."

“投資者相信詐騙者在宣傳‘模因幣超級週期’,風險投資家則鼓吹購買加密貨幣。那些用 ETH 換取狗主題模因幣的人尤其受到影響。”

Despite these criticisms, WIF Coin has witnessed an increase of over 30% from its weekly low.

儘管有這些批評,WIF 幣仍較一週低點上漲了 30% 以上。

WIF Coin Observations

WIF 硬幣觀察

An analysis by Lookonchain indicates that a major WIF Coin investor acquired $4.65 million worth of tokens, bringing their total holdings to $50 million (23.39 million tokens).

Lookonchain 的分析表明,WIF Coin 的主要投資者購買了價值 465 萬美元的代幣,使其總持有量達到 5,000 萬美元(2,339 萬代幣)。

The question remains whether the super cycle narrative for meme coins has run its course. In the crypto market, investments are largely based on expectations, and even if a super cycle does not materialize, investors speculate on its potential.


Supportive measures for the super cycle story are evident on platforms such as BNB Chain. For example, the platform's "Meme Innovation Campaign" has allocated $1 million for fostering new projects. While Sassal's criticism is valid, it is plausible that certain meme coins may still align with this narrative, supported by platforms like BNB.

BNB Chain 等平台對超級週期故事的支持措施顯而易見。例如,該平台的「Meme創新活動」已撥款100萬美元用於培育新項目。雖然 Sassal 的批評是正確的,但在 BNB 等平台的支持下,某些 meme 代幣可能仍然符合這種說法,這似乎是合理的。

SHIB and DOGE remain relatively stable as new investors gravitate towards alternative assets with higher risk-reward profiles amidst the increasing competition.

SHIB 和 DOGE 保持相對穩定,因為在競爭日益激烈的情況下,新投資者傾向於風險回報較高的另類資產。


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