首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 投資者正在放棄 PEPE 和 Injective,轉而投向新的加密貨幣登月計劃

Investors Are Ditching PEPE and Injective For This New Crypto Moonshot

投資者正在放棄 PEPE 和 Injective,轉而投向新的加密貨幣登月計劃

發布: 2024/07/10 03:03 閱讀: 799



投資者正在放棄 PEPE 和 Injective,轉而投向新的加密貨幣登月計劃

Turbulent Markets and Emerging Opportunities in Cryptocurrency


Following a period of market consolidation, investors anticipate the resumption of an upward trend in cryptocurrency markets. While established assets like Injective (INJ) have experienced significant declines, attention is shifting towards emerging tokens with promising prospects.

經過一段時間的市場整合後,投資人預期加密貨幣市場將恢復上升趨勢。雖然 Injective (INJ) 等成熟資產經歷了大幅下跌,但人們的注意力正在轉向前景光明的新興代幣。

Pepe Price Correction Amidst Meme Coin Volatility

Meme 幣波動 Pepe 價格調整

The price of Pepe, a meme coin inspired by the popular internet meme, has witnessed a notable 40% drop since its May peak. Its deflationary nature and playful approach have garnered attention within the crypto community. Analysts speculate that Pepe's price could rebound with the resurgence of the broader market.

Pepe 是受流行網路迷因啟發的迷因幣,其價格自 5 月高峰以來已大幅下跌 40%。它的通貨緊縮性質和有趣的方式引起了加密社區的注意。分析師猜測,佩佩的身價可能會隨著大盤的復甦而反彈。

INJ Volatility Highlights Utility-Driven Shifts

INJ 波動凸顯公用事業驅動的轉變

Launched in 2020, Injective has emerged as a blockchain tailored for financial applications. Despite its innovative platform and robust ecosystem, INJ has faced a 60% decline from its all-time high, indicating a shift in investor sentiment towards utility-driven projects.

Injective 於 2020 年推出,已成為專為金融應用量身打造的區塊鏈。儘管擁有創新的平台和強大的生態系統,INJ 仍面臨著較歷史最高點下降 60% 的局面,這表明投資者的情緒已轉向公用事業驅動的項目。

Rollblock Emerges as a Bull Market Contender

Rollblock 成為牛市競爭者

Rollblock, a newcomer to the cryptocurrency landscape, has made a significant impact within the online gambling industry and among astute investors. Its platform seamlessly integrates the excitement of casino games with the security and transparency of decentralized technology.

Rollblock 是加密貨幣領域的新人,在線上賭博行業和精明的投資者中產生了重大影響。其平台將賭場遊戲的刺激性與去中心化技術的安全性和透明度無縫地結合在一起。

RBLK Token Drives Ecosystem Engagement and Rewards

RBLK 代幣推動生態系統參與度和獎勵

At the heart of Rollblock lies its native token, $RBLK, providing holders access to the platform's entire ecosystem. Users can participate in popular games and betting, execute transactions, and enjoy a frictionless experience without the intrusion of KYC checks.

Rollblock 的核心在於其原生代幣 $RBLK,讓持有者能夠存取該平台的整個生態系統。用戶可以參與熱門遊戲和投注、執行交易,並享受無摩擦的體驗,而無需 KYC 檢查的侵入。

Passive Income Opportunities and Ecosystem Growth


Rollblock offers lucrative staking and passive rewards mechanisms, allowing token holders to generate passive income through the platform's revenue sharing. Additionally, its strategic token buyback and burn mechanism ensures long-term value preservation for investors.

Rollblock 提供利潤豐厚的質押和被動獎勵機制,讓代幣持有者透過平台的收入分享產生被動收入。此外,其策略性代幣回購和銷毀機制確保了投資者的長期保值。

Promising Presale and Analyst Predictions


The Rollblock presale has surpassed expectations, with over 90 million tokens sold in a short period. Analysts predict substantial gains during the presale (880%) and at launch (100x). These projections highlight the strong potential of Rollblock as a disruptor in the gaming and gambling sectors.

Rollblock預售超出預期,短時間內售出超過9,000萬枚代幣。分析師預測預售期間 (880%) 和發佈時 (100 倍) 將獲得大幅收益。這些預測突顯了 Rollblock 作為遊戲和賭博行業顛覆者的強大潛力。



The cryptocurrency market has experienced turbulence since March, with Pepe reflecting the volatility and INJ undergoing significant price adjustments as investors prioritize utility and growth-oriented projects. Rollblock emerges as a promising contender with its innovative platform and attractive tokenomics. Its presale success and analyst projections suggest its potential to lead the upcoming bull market cycle.

自 3 月以來,加密貨幣市場經歷了動盪,Pepe 反映了波動性,而隨著投資者優先考慮公用事業和成長導向項目,INJ 正在經歷重大價格調整。 Rollblock 憑藉其創新平台和有吸引力的代幣經濟學成為一個有前途的競爭者。其預售的成功和分析師的預測表明其有潛力引領即將到來的牛市週期。


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