首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 比特幣突破 42,000 美元令投資者興奮不已:狗狗幣的潛在反彈

Investors Excited as Bitcoin Surpasses $42,000: Dogecoin’s Potential Rally

比特幣突破 42,000 美元令投資者興奮不已:狗狗幣的潛在反彈

發布: 2023/12/05 17:58 閱讀: 788



Investors are excited as Bitcoin has once again surpassed the $42,000 mark after a long period. At the time of writing, the price has reclaimed the critical region. Significant rallies could occur if altcoins start consolidating at such high levels with BTC. The current expectation is to maintain the gains. So, what are the expectations for DOGE?

比特幣時隔很長一段時間後再次突破 42,000 美元大關,令投資者興奮不已。截至撰寫本文時,價格已收復關鍵區域。如果山寨幣開始與比特幣在如此高的水平上整合,可能會出現大幅反彈。目前的預期是維持漲幅。那麼,對於DOGE有何期待呢?

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

On the technical analysis front, the DOGE price appears set to continue its rally due to closures above the resistance area of $0.082. Bitcoin’s effort to push its annual peak further is also promising at the time of writing. Now, the next major resistance DOGE bulls need to overcome is at $0.093.

在技​​術分析方面,由於收盤價高於 0.082 美元的阻力區域,DOGE 價格似乎將繼續上漲。在撰寫本文時,比特幣進一步推動其年度高峰的努力也充滿希望。現在,DOGE 多頭需要克服的下一個主要阻力位在 0.093 美元。

If Dogecoin breaks this resistance, reaching $0.12 with a 30% increase wouldn’t be surprising. The MACD, upward moving averages, and RSI support the bullish scenario.

如果狗狗幣突破這一阻力位,上漲 30% 達到 0.12 美元也就不足為奇了。 MACD、上行移動平均線和 RSI 支援看漲情景。

A possible price correction could bring it down to $0.78.

可能的價格調整可能會將其降至 0.78 美元。

Dogecoin On-Chain Commentary


Approximately 65% of DOGE wallets are currently in a profitable position. The 29% experiencing losses are now a minority. Profitable investors are especially crucial for the continuation of the price increase, particularly in the current environment. With growing optimism for the coming year, investors concerned about losses are in a more comfortable position to hold their assets.

大約 65% 的 DOGE 錢包目前處於盈利狀態。遭受損失的 29% 現在只是少數。獲利的投資者對於價格的持續上漲尤其重要,特別是在當前環境下。隨著對來年的樂觀情緒日益增強,擔心損失的投資者可以更輕鬆地持有資產。

There has been a notable increase in the number of DOGE-holding addresses over the last 30 days. This number climbed from 4.97 million to 5.13 million. The current net increase shows that 50,000 new investors are still holding their assets amidst the recent rally.

過去 30 天內,持有 DOGE 的地址數量顯著增加。這一數字從 497 萬攀升至 513 萬。目前的淨成長表明,在近期的反彈中,仍有 50,000 名新投資者持有其資產。

Last week, we saw more than a 50% decrease in DOGE transactions. However, this should not be interpreted as a negative sign. We should recall the abnormal network activity reported earlier. A sudden drop in activity to average recent levels is not necessarily a bad sign.

上週,我們看到 DOGE 交易量減少了 50% 以上。然而,這不應被解釋為負面信號。我們應該回想一下之前報告的異常網路活動。活動突然下降至近期平均並不一定是個壞兆頭。

One piece of good news is the 16% decrease in the number of DOGE addresses with zero balance. While some have closed their wallets, a significant portion have turned to accumulation. Social volume remains weak despite the price increase, but we may soon see this metric recover, possibly with Elon Musk’s support, as the DOGE-1 and other space missions approach.

一個好消息是零餘額的 DOGE 位址數量減少了 16%。雖然有些人已經關閉了錢包,但很大一部分已經轉向累積。儘管價格上漲,社交量仍然疲軟,但隨著 DOGE-1 和其他太空任務的臨近,我們可能很快就會看到這一指標恢復,這可能是在馬斯克的支持下。

There are 81 large investors who own between 0.1% and 1% of Dogecoin tokens, and there is no decrease here. Addresses that hold approximately 22% of Dogecoin’s supply continue to remain stable. Meme coins can experience serious increases during bull rallies. In light of all these data, whether DOGE investors will profit depends on BTC’s performance. If the king cryptocurrency can reach new peaks, DOGE, along with other altcoins, could see rapid increases. However, BTC has not yet determined its local peak.

有 81 位大型投資者擁有 0.1% 到 1% 的狗狗幣代幣,這裡沒有減少。持有狗狗幣供應量約 22% 的地址繼續保持穩定。在牛市會期間,迷因幣可能會大幅上漲。鑑於所有這些數據,DOGE投資者能否獲利取決於BTC的表現。如果加密貨幣之王能夠達到新的峰值,DOGE 以及其他山寨幣可能會快速成長。不過,BTC尚未確定其局部峰值。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/investors-excited-as-bitcoin-surpasses-42000-dogecoins-potential-rally/



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