首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 為什麼投資者不再喜歡狗狗幣和柴犬,現在投資 Option2Trade,20 倍即將到來

Why Have Investors Fallen Out of Love with Dogecoin & Shiba Inu, Now Investing into Option2Trade, 20x on The Horizon

為什麼投資者不再喜歡狗狗幣和柴犬,現在投資 Option2Trade,20 倍即將到來

發布: 2024/01/12 06:00 閱讀: 898



Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are two of the most popular meme coins that have attracted interest even beyond the cryptocurrency industry. The coins’ popularity came at a time when cryptocurrencies' attention went mainstream and speculation hit unprecedented levels. Consequently, many investors both newbies and crypto savvy traders, jumped on the bandwagon with the hope of becoming overnight millionaires.


The hype around these coins was however short-lived and once the buzz died down, many people were left holding bags of little worth and others lost billions in the aftermath. Now, with the dust having settled, the truth has been laid bare and investors have lost their love for these once popular meme coins. New entrants and seasoned investors are much more careful and interested in crypto projects that offer value rather than diving blindly into speculative schemes.


Rise and Fall of Meme Coins

Meme 幣的興衰

Dogecoin (DOGE), the OG of meme coins, was founded as a joke with the creator intent on showcasing the vulnerability of cryptocurrencies and the irrelevance of digital assets. As such, the tokens weren’t supposed to have any value or utility. However, the crypto space found a way to popularise the token hence kicking off waves of speculation. Even Elon Musk joined the brigade with his regular pronouncements triggering sharp rises in its value.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 是迷因幣的 OG,其創建者是一個笑話,其目的是展示加密貨幣的脆弱性和數位資產的無關性。因此,代幣不應具有任何價值或效用。然而,加密貨幣領域找到了普及代幣的方法,引發了投機浪潮。就連伊隆馬斯克也加入了這個隊伍,他的定期聲明引發了其價值的急劇上漲。

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) popularity resulted in the creation of a whole new category of meme coins with Shiba Inu (SHIB)  leading the charge. The common attribute of all these coins being that they were not backed by anything or have any underlying value. This proved to be the problem that would bring down the house of cards.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的流行催生了一種全新的迷因幣類別,其中以柴犬 (SHIB) 為首。所有這些硬幣的共同屬性是它們沒有任何支持或沒有任何潛在價值。事實證明,這就是導致紙牌屋倒塌的問題。

At its peak, Dogecoin (DOGE) was priced at $0.68 while Shiba Inu (SHIB)  traded at $0.000079 with daily trading volumes exceeding $25 billion and $32 billion respectively. The tokens’ values have fallen drastically since their 2021 peaks with both losing over 90% of their value to date. This sharp decline results from the investors' realisation that these meme coins have no utility and that their value is based on public sentiment. 

在高峰時期,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價格為 0.68 美元,而柴犬 (SHIB) 的交易價格為 0.000079 美元,每日交易量分別超過 250 億美元和 320 億美元。自 2021 年的高峰以來,這些代幣的價值已大幅下跌,迄今已損失了 90% 以上的價值。這種急劇下降是由於投資者意識到這些迷因幣沒有任何效用,它們的價值是基於公眾情緒的。

Now, investors are focused on investing in tokens and crypto projects like Option2Trade (O2T) that have underlying utility and potential to multiply their value in the Future.

現在,投資者專注於投資代幣和加密項目,例如 Option2Trade (O2T),這些項目具有潛在的實用性,並且有潛力在未來倍增其價值。

Option2Trade Financial Revolution 

Option2Trade 金融革命

Option2Trade (O2T) is a disruptive trading platform that is changing the global financial landscape by leveraging innovative technologies. Option2Trade (O2T) is a licenced new generation social trading platform that combines AI, Social-Fi, and DeFi to democratise trading of both traditional and next gen financial assets. Users have premium access to Forex, Indices, stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies through Option2Trade (O2T) multiple platforms specifically tailored for each asset class.

Option2Trade (O2T) 是一個顛覆性的交易平台,它利用創新技術正在改變全球金融格局。 Option2Trade (O2T) 是一個獲得許可的新一代社交交易平台,結合了人工智慧、社交網路和 DeFi,使傳統和下一代金融資產的交易民主化。使用者可以透過專為每個資產類別量身定制的 Option2Trade (O2T) 多個平台來高級存取外匯、指數、股票、大宗商品和加密貨幣。

The Option2Trade (O2T) platform has a native token, O2T, with multiple use cases on the ecosystem and in the greater crypto economy. The O2T token is built on the Ethereum blockchain and serves as a critical component of the Option2Trade (O2T) ecosystem by facilitating faster transactions, governance and rewards schemes. O2T versatility provides immense value for both its users and investors through enhanced utility and future growth potential.

Option2Trade (O2T) 平台有一個原生代幣 O2T,在生態系統和更大的加密經濟中具有多個用例。 O2T 代幣建立在以太坊區塊鏈上,透過促進更快的交易、治理和獎勵計劃,成為 Option2Trade (O2T) 生態系統的關鍵組成部分。 O2T 多功能性透過增強的實用性和未來的成長潛力為其用戶和投資者提供了巨大的價值。

The Option2Trade (O2T) platform is still in the takeoff stages with growth expectations on an upward trajectory further adding to the tokens value. The ability to bring traditional and modern day investors under one roof will enable the platform to outperform some existing exchanges by drawing users from a wide target market. With such potential, O2T value could easily grow 20x in the near future.

Option2Trade (O2T) 平台仍處於起飛階段,成長預期呈上升趨勢,進一步增加了代幣的價值。將傳統和現代投資者聚集在一起的能力將使該平台通過吸引來自廣泛目標市場的用戶而超越一些現有交易所。有了這樣的潛力,O2T價值在不久的將來很容易成長20倍。



Traditional meme coins appear to have run their course with the speculative element of cryptocurrencies paving way for more useful alternatives. The recent capitulation of once popular Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB)  is testament to the changing crypto landscape and maturity finally kicking into the sector. Now, tokens with more utility like O2T are more favourable to investors as they realise their usefulness in supporting their native ecosystem. With crypto going to the mainstream and the ongoing merger of traditional and digital finance the token’s fortunes can only go up. 

傳統的迷因硬幣似乎已經隨著加密貨幣的投機元素而發展,為更有用的替代品鋪平了道路。曾經流行的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 最近的投降證明了加密貨幣格局的變化和成熟度最終進入了該行業。現在,像 O2T 這樣具有更多實用性的代幣對投資者來說更有利,因為他們意識到它們在支持本地生態系統方面的有用性。隨著加密貨幣成為主流以及傳統金融和數位金融的不斷合併,代幣的財富只會不斷上升。

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/why-have-investors-fallen-out-of-love-with-dogecoin-shiba-inu-now-investing-into-option2trade-20x-on-the-horizon-tbt76300.html

資料來源:https://thebittimes.com/why-have-investors-fallen-out-of-love-with-dogecoin-shiba-inu-now-investing-into-option2trade-20x-on-the-horizo n-tbt76300. html


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