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Investors Reduce Losses by Selling Meme Coins

投資者透過出售 Meme 幣減少損失

發布: 2024/07/05 10:08 閱讀: 531



投資者透過出售 Meme 幣減少損失

Investors Mitigate Losses Amidst Crypto Decline by Unloading Meme Coins

投資者透過拋售 Meme 幣來減輕加密貨幣下跌帶來的損失

As the cryptocurrency market continues to experience a downturn, meme coins have not been spared. Market movements over the past three weeks have raised concerns among investors who anticipated an upswing in July. Notably, investors are reacting quickly by sending their meme coins to exchanges to minimize losses and prepare for potential sales.

隨著加密貨幣市場持續低迷,迷因幣也未能倖免。過去三週的市場走勢引起了預計 7 月上漲的投資者的擔憂。值得注意的是,投資者迅速做出反應,將他們的迷因幣發送到交易所,以盡量減少損失並為潛在的銷售做好準備。

Meme Coin Market Overview

Meme 幣市場概覽

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu dominate the meme coin market in terms of trading volume. Their movements often reverberate across the broader meme coin landscape.


At the time of writing, the total cryptocurrency market has dropped to $2.13 trillion, representing a 4% decline within the last 24 hours. Meme coin values have suffered a 14% loss, now standing at $44.3 billion.

截至撰寫本文時,加密貨幣市場總額已降至 2.13 兆美元,在過去 24 小時內下跌 4%。 Meme 幣價值下跌 14%,目前為 443 億美元。

The recent price movements have intensified questions about the future of meme coins, given their underperformance relative to the wider market.


Volatility and Market Sensitivity


Meme coins are inherently volatile, reacting swiftly to market events. The downturn in prominent assets like Bitcoin (BTC) tends to amplify losses in the meme coin sector.

Meme 幣本質上是不穩定的,對市場事件反應迅速。比特幣(BTC)等知名資產的低迷往往會放大迷因幣產業的損失。

Dogecoin's Current Situation


Dogecoin's price has declined by 9.71%, finding support at the $0.1069 level. Over the past week, DOGE has lost 16.03%. The market anxiety has triggered a wave of sales, leading to significant declines in DOGE's value.

狗狗幣價格下跌 9.71%,在 0.1069 美元水準找到支撐。過去一周,DOGE 下跌了 16.03%。市場焦慮引發了一波拋售潮,導致DOGE價值大幅下跌。

Over the past 30 days, DOGE has plunged by 33%, eroding much of the gains made in March. The market capitalization of DOGE has fallen to $15.492 billion.

過去 30 天,DOGE 暴跌 33%,侵蝕了 3 月的大部分漲幅。 DOGE市值已跌至154.92億美元。

Panic selling has resulted in a surge in 24-hour trading volume, reaching $1.2 billion.

恐慌性拋售導致 24 小時交易量激增,達到 12 億美元。


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