首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 厭倦了等待瑞波幣和狗狗幣走勢的投資者將資金轉向 IntelMarkets (INTL)

Investors Tired Of Waiting For Move On Ripple And Dogecoin Rotate Funds Into IntelMarkets (INTL)

厭倦了等待瑞波幣和狗狗幣走勢的投資者將資金轉向 IntelMarkets (INTL)

發布: 2024/09/28 20:31 閱讀: 365

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


厭倦了等待瑞波幣和狗狗幣走勢的投資者將資金轉向 IntelMarkets (INTL)

Crypto Investors Shift Focus to IntelMarkets (INTL), Seeking Substantial Gains amid XRP and Dogecoin (DOGE) Stagnation

加密貨幣投資者將焦點轉向 IntelMarkets (INTL),在 XRP 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 停滯之際尋求大幅收益

Crypto investors are growing impatient with the prolonged downturn in Ripple (XRP) and Dogecoin (DOGE), prompting them to pivot their funds into IntelMarkets (INTL), a promising cryptocurrency project gaining momentum.


Whale Activity Surges on XRP Network

XRP 網路上的鯨魚活動激增

Whale Alerts, a renowned whale activity tracker, reported significant transactions involving 400 million XRP moved to various destinations on September 24, 2024. The transfers were executed in five batches, four of which occurred between two wallets.

著名的鯨魚活動追蹤器 Whale Alerts 報告稱,涉及 4 億 XRP 的重大交易於 2024 年 9 月 24 日轉移到各個目的地。

Three of the transactions involved 95 million XRP each, estimated at approximately $55.5 million, sent to unknown addresses. The fourth transaction saw 98,852,249 million XRP, valued at $57.7 million, moved to an unidentified platform. In total, these four transactions amounted to $224.2 million.

其中三筆交易每筆涉及 9,500 萬個 XRP,估計價值約 5,550 萬美元,發送到未知地址。第四筆交易中,988,522.49 億枚 XRP(價值 5,770 萬美元)轉移到了一個未知的平台。這四筆交易總計達 2.242 億美元。

The final transaction transferred 17,230,000 XRP, worth around $9.9 million, from a known Ripple-affiliated wallet to the popular cryptocurrency exchange Bitstamp. Despite this activity, XRP's price remained largely unaffected, trading at $0.58 with an intraday loss of 0.62%.

最終交易將 17,230,000 XRP(價值約 990 萬美元)從已知的 Ripple 附屬錢包轉移到流行的加密貨幣交易所 Bitstamp。儘管有這項活動,XRP 的價格基本上沒有受到影響,交易價格為 0.58 美元,盤中下跌 0.62%。

Dogecoin Volume Breaks $1 Billion Milestone

狗狗幣交易量突破 10 億美元里程碑

Dogecoin's trading volume surged past the $1 billion threshold during the trading session on September 25, 2024, marking a 27.71% increase in 24 hours. This surge was observed across all major exchanges, indicating growing interest in DOGE among investors.

狗狗幣的交易量在2024年9月25日的交易時段飆升至10億美元大關,24小時內成長了27.71%。所有主要交易所都觀察到這種激增,顯示投資者對 DOGE 的興趣日益濃厚。

Binance accounted for $357.11 million of the $1.01 billion volume, followed by OKX with $245.60 million. Bybit, BingX, and Bitget contributed $145.75 million, $55.13 million, and $20.17 million, respectively.

在 10.1 億美元的交易額中,幣安佔 3.5711 億美元,其次是 OKX,佔 2.456 億美元。 Bybit、BingX和Bitget分別貢獻了1.4575億美元、5513萬美元和2017萬美元。

Despite the surge in volume, DOGE's price remained relatively stable, with a modest 0.28% increase to $0.10. Investors have therefore sought alternative opportunities, including a new dual-chain cryptocurrency that has captured their attention.

儘管成交量激增,DOGE 的價格仍相對穩定,小幅上漲 0.28% 至 0.10 美元。因此,投資者尋求替代機會,包括引起他們注意的新雙股加密貨幣。

Investors Turn to IntelMarkets for Substantial Gains


Disillusioned by the lackluster performance of XRP and DOGE, investors are flocking to IntelMarkets, a promising crypto project offering significant profit potential. IntelMarkets' presale presents an opportunity for investors to secure substantial returns on relatively small investments.

由於對 XRP 和 DOGE 的平淡表現感到失望,投資者紛紛湧向 IntelMarkets,這是一個前景光明的加密貨幣項目,可提供巨大的利潤潛力。 IntelMarkets 的預售為投資者提供了一個以相對較小的投資獲得豐厚回報的機會。

IntelMarkets is an AI-powered trading platform that allows users to speculate on the future prices of asset pairs, providing high-leverage options of up to 1,000x. The platform is built on the Ethereum and Solana blockchain, utilizing their infrastructure for flexibility and scalability.

IntelMarkets 是一個人工智慧驅動的交易平台,允許用戶推測資​​產對的未來價格,提供高達 1,000 倍的高槓桿選擇權。該平台建立在以太坊和 Solana 區塊鏈之上,利用其基礎設施實現靈活性和可擴展性。

INTL's presale is currently in Stage 2 and is set to advance to Stage 3 in six days. Investors who purchase the token during Stage 2 can potentially realize 50% gains. By the end of the presale, investors could accumulate over 511% in profits as the price reaches $0.11.

INTL的預售目前處於第二階段,並將在六天內推進到第三階段。在第二階段購買代幣的投資者有可能實現 50% 的收益。預售結束時,當價格達到 0.11 美元時,投資者可以獲得超過 511% 的利潤。

Why are XRP and DOGE Investors Choosing INTL?

為什麼 XRP 和 DOGE 投資者選擇 INTL?

INTL provides an opportunity for investors to capitalize on the stagnation in XRP and DOGE. With projections of INTL ascending into the top 20 crypto assets following its exchange listing, many believe now is the optimal time to invest.

INTL 為投資者提供了利用 XRP 和 DOGE 停滯不前的機會。隨著 INTL 在交易所上市後預計將躋身前 20 名加密資產,許多人認為現在是最佳投資時機。

Crypto market experts forecast that INTL's market capitalization could reach billions of dollars, potentially driving its price into triple digits by 2025.

加密貨幣市場專家預測,INTL 的市值可能達到數十億美元,到 2025 年可能會推動其價格達到三位數。


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