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JPMorgan to Accept XRP for Credit Card and Mortgage Payments

摩根大通將接受 XRP 進行信用卡和抵押貸款支付

發布: 2024/08/03 15:07 閱讀: 950

原文作者:Crypto News Flash


摩根大通將接受 XRP 進行信用卡和抵押貸款支付

JPMorgan Chase Embraces XRP for Credit Card and Mortgage Transactions

摩根大通採用 XRP 進行信用卡和抵押貸款交易

JPMorgan Chase is now enabling customers to utilize XRP for credit card and mortgage payments. This integration empowers customers to make payments with XRP and earn cash back through the XRP Ledger System's CTF tokens.

摩根大通現在允許客戶使用 XRP 進行信用卡和抵押貸款付款。這種整合使客戶能夠使用 XRP 進行支付,並透過 XRP Ledger System 的 CTF 代幣賺取現金回饋。

CTF Tokens: Cash Back Rewards

CTF 代幣:現金回饋獎勵

Customers transacting with XRP at participating merchants, both online and offline, receive CTF tokens as rewards. These tokens can be redeemed for products, sold for cash back, or held for potential value appreciation. With a limited supply of CTF tokens and anticipated high demand, their value has the potential to significantly increase.

在參與商家(線上和線下)使用 XRP 進行交易的客戶將收到 CTF 代幣作為獎勵。這些代幣可以兌換產品、出售以獲取現金回饋或持有以實現潛在的價值增值。由於 CTF 代幣供應有限且預期需求旺盛,其價值有可能大幅上漲。

FCF Pay Facilitates Payments

FCF Pay 促進支付

FCF Pay, a blockchain payments processor, provides the infrastructure for this initiative. FCF Pay has played a pivotal role in the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency, enabling Chase Bank clients to utilize digital currencies for credit card, loan, and mortgage payments. Supported cryptocurrencies include BTC, ETH, SHIB, XRP, DOGE, BNB, USDT, and USDC.

FCF Pay 是一個區塊鏈支付處理器,為該計劃提供基礎設施。 FCF Pay 在加密貨幣的廣泛採用中發揮了關鍵作用,使大通銀行客戶能夠利用數位貨幣進行信用卡、貸款和抵押貸款支付。支援的加密貨幣包括 BTC、ETH、SHIB、XRP、DOGE、BNB、USDT 和 USDC。

JPMorgan Chase and Blockchain


JPMorgan Chase has been actively exploring blockchain technology. In June 2023, the bank introduced blockchain-based Euro payments, demonstrating its commitment to integrating blockchain into mainstream financial services.

摩根大通一直在積極探索區塊鏈技術。 2023年6月,該銀行推出了基於區塊鏈的歐元支付,展現了將區塊鏈融入主流金融服務的承諾。

Growing Cryptocurrency Adoption


FCF Pay reports that over 20,000 American businesses now accept cryptocurrency. Chase Bank becomes the second major financial institution in recent weeks to support cryptocurrency payments for credit card purchases. US consumers are increasingly utilizing cryptocurrency for everyday transactions at retailers like gas stations, grocery stores, and online marketplaces.

FCF Pay 報告稱,目前有超過 20,000 家美國企業接受加密貨幣。大通銀行成為最近幾週第二家支持信用卡購買加密貨幣支付的主要金融機構。美國消費者越來越多地在加油站、雜貨店和線上市場等零售商的日常交易中使用加密貨幣。



JPMorgan Chase's acceptance of XRP payments represents a significant step towards the integration of cryptocurrency into traditional banking. By providing cash back incentives through CTF tokens and supporting a wide range of cryptocurrencies for payments, Chase Bank is embracing the future of digital finance and offering innovative payment options to its customers.

摩根大通接受 XRP 支付標誌著加密貨幣融入傳統銀行業務的重要一步。透過透過 CTF 代幣提供現金回饋激勵並支持多種加密貨幣支付,大通銀行正在擁抱數位金融的未來,並為其客戶提供創新的支付選項。


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