首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Kaspa & Bonk 投資者面臨“錯失恐懼症”,新 Meme 代幣搶盡風頭

Kaspa & Bonk Investors Face FOMO as Fresh New Meme Coin Steals the Show

Kaspa & Bonk 投資者面臨“錯失恐懼症”,新 Meme 代幣搶盡風頭

發布: 2024/07/12 17:05 閱讀: 874



Kaspa & Bonk 投資者面臨“錯失恐懼症”,新 Meme 代幣搶盡風頭

Crypto Investors Flock to Angry Pepe Fork, Leaving Kaspa and Bonk Behind

加密貨幣投資者湧向憤怒的 Pepe Fork,將 Kaspa 和 Bonk 拋在後面

In the current bear market, investors seek diversification to maximize profits. However, Kaspa and Bonk, once-promising altcoins, have struggled to gain traction. Meanwhile, a new presale project, Angry Pepe Fork, has emerged as a market sensation, attracting "whales" with over $195K raised.

在當前的熊市中,投資者尋求多元化以實現利潤最大化。然而,卡斯帕(Kaspa)和邦克(Bonk)這兩種曾經前途無量的山寨幣,卻一直難以獲得關注。與此同時,一個新的預售項目 Angry Pepe Fork 引起了市場轟動,吸引了“鯨魚”,籌集了超過 19.5 萬美元的資金。

Angry Pepe Fork: Investor Magnet


Angry Pepe Fork's unique staking model has drawn a significant influx of investors. This model rewards armies of users for conquering "zombie meme coins," increasing the APY of the staking pool based on their performance. The project aims to eliminate these inferior meme coins through its "Conquer-To-Earn" mechanism.

Angry Pepe Fork 獨特的質押模式吸引了大量投資者湧入。該模型獎勵大量征服「殭屍迷因幣」的用戶,並根據他們的表現增加質押池的 APY。該項目旨在透過其「征服賺取」機制消除這些劣質模因幣。

Furthermore, Angry Pepe Fork has a fixed supply of 1.9B tokens, reminiscent of Bitcoin's 21M limit. This scarcity creates the potential for price appreciation over time. Crypto analyst Crypto Promo believes Angry Pepe Fork has "greatness" ahead of it.

此外,Angry Pepe Fork 的固定供應量為 1.9B 代幣,這讓人想起比特幣的 2,100 萬個限制。隨著時間的推移,這種稀缺性創造了價格升值的潛力。 Crypto 分析師 Crypto Promo 認為 Angry Pepe Fork 有著「偉大」的一面。

Kaspa's Struggles


Despite its technical prowess, Kaspa's price has faltered, hindered by decelerating market activity and declining trading volume. Investors are shifting to Angry Pepe Fork to capitalize on its projected growth potential.

儘管技術實力雄厚,但 Kaspa 的價格因市場活動放緩和交易量下降而下滑。投資者正在轉向 Angry Pepe Fork,以利用其預期的成長潛力。

Bonk's Resurgence


Bonk has experienced a 7% price increase in the past week, buoyed by positive market indicators. However, Angry Pepe Fork's momentum is attracting investors who are seeking diversification and the potential for future rallies.

受積極市場指標的推動,Bonk 的價格在過去一周上漲了 7%。然而,憤怒的佩佩福克的勢頭正在吸引尋求多元化和未來反彈潛力的投資者。

Why Investors Are Embracing Angry Pepe Fork


Unlike speculative meme coins, Angry Pepe Fork offers utility and earning opportunities. The ecosystem provides stress-free earning mechanisms and the presale's attraction of major investors suggests the potential for substantial rallies.


How to Purchase Angry Pepe Fork


  • Website: https://angrypepefork.com/
  • Presale: Visit Angry Pepe Fork Presale
  • Telegram: https://t.me/AngryPepeFork
  • Twitter: https://x.com/AngryPorkCoin

網址:https://angrypepefork.com/Presale:造訪 Angry Pepe Fork PresaleTelegram:https://t.me/AngryPepeFork Twitter:https://x.com/AngryPorkCoin


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