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Leading Cryptocurrencies Witness Surge in Demand and Price Formation


發布: 2023/12/24 07:01 閱讀: 463



Cryptocurrency units are witnessing an increase in demand and price formation with benefits measured by various criteria such as network activity and Daily Active Addresses (DAA). A new study on Santiment’s crypto dashboard on December 23 revealed the top five cryptocurrencies leading in network activity. This result also indicates that these cryptocurrencies could be invested in January.

加密貨幣單位的需求和價格形成都在增加,其收益透過網路活動和每日活躍地址(DAA)等各種標準來衡量。 12 月 23 日,Santiment 加密儀表板的一項新研究揭示了網路活動中領先的前五名加密貨幣。這一結果也表明這些加密貨幣可以在一月進行投資。

Litecoin Leads! Ethereum Remains Strong


The top of the list is not surprising, of course. Bitcoin (BTC) reached 911,120 daily active addresses in the last 30 days, securing the top spot. Accordingly, with an impressive market value of 857 billion 170 million dollars, it proved to be a testament to its market dominance.

當然,名列榜首並不令人意外。過去 30 天內,比特幣 (BTC) 日活躍地址數達到 911,120 個,穩坐榜首。因此,它以8570億1.7億美元的驚人市值證明了其市場主導地位。

Unexpectedly, Litecoin (LTC) took second place in daily active addresses, leaving behind giants like Ethereum. Ranked 18th in terms of market value, Litecoin displayed 70% of Bitcoin’s network activity with 638,820 daily active addresses, while commanding only 0.62% of BTC’s capital with 5 billion 340 million dollars.

出乎意料的是,萊特幣(LTC)在每日活躍地址中排名第二,將以太坊等巨頭甩在身後。萊特幣市值排名第 18 位,擁有 638,820 個日活躍地址,佔比特幣網路活動的 70%,但僅佔 BTC 資金的 0.62%,價值 50 億 3.4 億美元。

Ethereum (ETH) confirmed its position as the second-largest cryptocurrency by market value, taking third place with 428,330 daily active addresses. The fourth and fifth places were claimed by altcoins Polygon (MATIC) and Dogecoin (DOGE), which recorded 217,190 and 137,770 daily active addresses last month, respectively.

以太幣 (ETH) 確認了其作為市值第二大加密貨幣的地位,以 428,330 個每日活躍地址位居第三。第四和第五位是山寨幣 Polygon (MATIC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE),上個月分別記錄了 217,190 和 137,770 個每日活躍地址。

Litecoin’s Asymmetry and Price Dynamics


Interestingly, the cryptocurrency Litecoin stands out among the top five cryptocurrencies in valuation with the highest asymmetry according to network activity. This situation leads to speculation about the role of network activities in price increases and the potential opportunities they can create.


Currently trading at $72.08 per coin, Litecoin has recorded a modest increase of 3% since the beginning of the year. In contrast, many cryptocurrencies with lower network activity have achieved significant gains exceeding 100% in 2023.

目前,萊特幣的交易價格為每枚 72.08 美元,自年初以來已小幅上漲 3%。相比之下,許多網路活動較低的加密貨幣在 2023 年實現了超過 100% 的大幅收益。

Additionally, the cryptocurrency Litecoin’s daily address activity tends to rise during increases in Bitcoin transaction fees. Despite Bitcoin’s transaction costs exceeding the global daily average income of $26 per person, maintaining its superiority in network activity underscores its resilience and leadership in the crypto space.

此外,隨著比特幣交易費用的增加,加密貨幣萊特幣的每日地址活動往往會增加。儘管比特幣的交易成本超過了全球每人日均收入 26 美元,但其在網路活動方面保持的優勢凸顯了其在加密貨幣領域的彈性和領導地位。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/leading-cryptocurrencies-witness-surge-in-demand-and-price-formation/



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