首頁 > 資訊新聞 > LecksMoney 回顧 Pepe Unchained 預售並籌集 1050 萬美元 – 為什麼 $PEPU 可以提供 10 倍的回報

LecksMoney Reviews Pepe Unchained Presale With $10.5 Million Raised – Why $PEPU Could Deliver 10X Returns

LecksMoney 回顧 Pepe Unchained 預售並籌集 1050 萬美元 – 為什麼 $PEPU 可以提供 10 倍的回報

發布: 2024/08/26 15:05 閱讀: 464

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


LecksMoney 回顧 Pepe Unchained 預售並籌集 1050 萬美元 – 為什麼 $PEPU 可以提供 10 倍的回報

Pepe Unchained: A Rising Meme Coin with a Solid Foundation

Pepe Unchained:具有堅實基礎的崛起的 Meme 代幣

Pepe Unchained, a novel meme coin with its own blockchain, has reached the $10.5 million milestone in its presale as the crypto market recovers. Industry experts believe this innovative coin has the potential for significant growth, especially as it nears its official launch.

Pepe Unchained 是一種擁有自己的區塊鏈的新穎迷因幣,隨著加密貨幣市場的復甦,其預售已達到 1050 萬美元的里程碑。產業專家認為,這種創新硬幣具有顯著成長的潛力,特別是在它即將正式推出之際。

The project is developing a Layer-2 (L2) solution on the Ethereum blockchain, which has attracted substantial funding and community support. As the presale approaches its end, investors are advised to acquire $PEPU tokens promptly.

該專案正在以太坊區塊鏈上開發第 2 層 (L2) 解決方案,已吸引了大量資金和社群支持。隨著預售接近尾聲,建議投資者立即購買 $PEPU 代幣。

Though the precise launch date for Pepe Unchained remains undisclosed, anticipation is building, with the community eagerly awaiting its debut on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). A successful launch could further fuel enthusiasm for the network's activation.

儘管 Pepe Unchained 的確切發布日期尚未公開,但人們的期待正在增強,社區熱切地等待其在去中心化交易所 (DEX) 上的首次亮相。成功啟動可能會進一步激發網路啟動的熱情。

Record-Breaking Presale and Strategic Token Distribution


Pepe Unchained's presale has surpassed $10 million, an impressive achievement considering its launch on June 16th. In just two months, $PEPU tokens have become more popular than many other presale projects. Currently, they are available at a discounted rate of $0.0093105.

Pepe Unchained 的預售已超過 1000 萬美元,考慮到它於 6 月 16 日推出,這是一個令人印象深刻的成就。在短短兩個月內,$PEPU 代幣已經比許多其他預售項目更受歡迎。目前,它們的折扣價為 0.0093105 美元。

The presale supports various payment methods, including $ETH, $USDT, $BNB, and bank cards. Of the total 8 billion tokens, 20% are allocated for the presale, incentivizing early investors. A further 30% is earmarked for staking, promoting network security and community involvement.

預售支援多種付款方式,包括$ETH、$USDT、$BNB、銀行卡等。在 80 億枚代幣總量中,20% 用於預售,以激勵早期投資者。另外 30% 專門用於質押、促進網路安全和社區參與。

Additionally, 20% is dedicated to marketing, which is crucial for increasing adoption and visibility. The remaining 30% is distributed between liquidity, project finance, and chain inventory, ensuring operational stability and financial sustainability.

此外,20% 致力於行銷,這對於提高採用率和知名度至關重要。剩下的30%分配在流動性、專案融資和鏈庫存之間,確保營運穩定性和財務可持續性。

This strategic allocation fosters growth and stability, essential for long-term success. Pepe Unchained has also established a strong social media presence, with over 11k followers on and 6.1k subscribers on Telegram.

這種策略配置促進成長和穩定,這對於長期成功至關重要。 Pepe Unchained 還建立了強大的社交媒體影響力,在 Telegram 上擁有超過 11,000 名粉絲和 61,000 名訂閱者。

Beyond the Meme: Utility and Rewards


Pepe Unchained stands out from other meme coins by offering more than just its Pepe-themed branding. While embracing the meme culture, $PEPU focuses on technological innovations that enhance its value for investors seeking short-term profits.

Pepe Unchained 從其他 meme 硬幣中脫穎而出,不僅提供以 Pepe 為主題的品牌。在擁抱 meme 文化的同時,$PEPU 專注於技術創新,為尋求短期利潤的投資者提高其價值。

Unlike many projects, Pepe Unchained leverages L2 technology to overcome the limitations of Layer-1. $PEPU seamlessly integrates with Ethereum, enabling smooth asset transfers and compatibility with decentralized applications (dApps).

與許多專案不同,Pepe Unchained 利用 L2 技術來克服 Layer-1 的限制。 $PEPU 與以太坊無縫集成,實現資產轉移的順利進行並與去中心化應用程式 (dApps) 相容。

Additionally, it minimizes transaction costs, making the project accessible to a larger audience. Improved scalability allows for faster trades and a platform that can handle increased transaction volumes without congestion.


By combining utility with its meme appeal, exemplified by its depiction of Pepe with a large brain, Pepe Unchained is positioning itself as a unique player in the meme coin market. The impressive $10.5 million raised during its presale highlights the project's significance and growing popularity.

透過將實用性與其迷因吸引力相結合,例如對具有大大腦的 Pepe 的描繪,Pepe Unchained 將自己定位為模因硬幣市場上的獨特參與者。預售期間籌集到的 1050 萬美元令人印象深刻,凸顯了該項目的重要性和日益受歡迎的程度。

A second key feature is the double staking mechanism, providing incentives for $PEPU investors. Pepe Unchained maximizes rewards through lower operational costs and increased efficiency.

第二個關鍵功能是雙重質押機制,為 $PEPU 投資者提供誘因。 Pepe Unchained 透過降低營運成本和提高效率來最大化回報。

Currently, rewards stand at $608.82 per ETH block, with an estimated APY of 189%. By staking their $PEPU tokens, investors contribute to price stability as the circulating supply decreases.

目前,每個 ETH 區塊的獎勵為 608.82 美元,預計 APY 為 189%。透過質押他們的 $PEPU 代幣,隨著流通供應量的減少,投資者可以為價格穩定做出貢獻。

To date, over 847 million $PEPU tokens have been staked, reflecting strong interest in the project. Visit to participate in the $PEPU token presale.

迄今為止,已有超過 8.47 億美元的 PEPU 代幣被質押,反映出人們對該計畫的濃厚興趣。訪問參與 $PEPU 代幣預售。


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