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Litecoin Halving Event: LTC Price Prediction Post Halving, Here’s What Traders Can Expect

萊特幣減半事件:減半後 LTC 價格預測,這是交易者可以期待的

發布: 2023/08/02 20:00 閱讀: 234

原文作者:CoinPedia News


萊特幣減半後事件:減半後 LTC 價格預測,交易者可以期待什麼首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞

Litecoin, one of the leading cryptocurrencies in the world, has found itself at the center of attention as anticipation for its upcoming halving has surged. With predictions of a significant price correction on the horizon, the buzz around Litecoin’s price movements and its relationship with the mining community has market stakeholders poised with both excitement and trepidation.


Litecoin Price Prediction Post Halving


Rekt Capital, a renowned cryptocurrency analyst, had earlier in the year forecasted the potential for Litecoin’s post-halving rally and also its pre-halving peak.

著名加密貨幣分析師 Rekt Capital 在今年稍早預測了萊特幣減半後反彈的潛力以及減半前的高峰。

Interestingly, Litecoin registered its pre-halving peak around the $115 mark, leading to talks of a substantial retracement in the coming months. The predictions range from a 70% correction from the local pre-halving top, aligning with historical retracements ranging from 73% to 83%. 

有趣的是,萊特幣在減半前創下了 115 美元大關附近的峰值,引發了未來幾個月大幅回調的討論。預測範圍是從當地減半前頂部的 70% 修正,與 73% 到 83% 的歷史回撤一致。

At the time of writing this article, Litecoin’s value stands at $91.40, having risen slightly in the past 24 hours. As the much-anticipated Litecoin halving looms, less than nine hours away, there’s a palpable sense that Litecoin might be entangled in a well-known market pattern: “Buy the rumor, sell the news.” This market phenomenon could lead to a sharp decline in price after the halving event, reflecting the market’s speculative nature.

在撰寫本文時,萊特幣的價值為 91.40 美元,在過去 24 小時內小幅上漲。距離萬眾期待的萊特幣減半即將到來,還有不到九個小時的時間,人們明顯感覺到萊特幣可能陷入了一種眾所周知的市場模式:“買謠言,賣新聞。”這種市場現象可能會導致減半事件後價格大幅下跌,反映出市場的投機性質。

Social Impact and Miner Profitability


The social dominance of Litecoin has also experienced a notable increase. As the countdown continues, many stakeholders are displaying signs of anxiety. The volatile nature of the current Litecoin market is posing a challenge for several investors.


Mining considerations have come into play as well, with rewards for mining Litecoin set to decrease. This, according to some experts, might affect miner profitability. However, the unique dual-mining mechanism with Dogecoin is said to mitigate these impacts. While Litecoin’s block reward is to be halved, Dogecoin’s reward remains unchanged.


Litecoin’s relatively smaller size and specific proof-of-work nature might not have a substantial impact on Bitcoin or other altcoins. Litecoin’s current hash rate is 786 terahashes per second (TH/s), a modest figure when compared to Bitcoin’s 356 exahash per second (EH/s).

萊特幣相對較小的規模和特定的工作量證明性質可能不會對比特幣或其他山寨幣產生重大影響。萊特幣目前的哈希率為每秒 786 兆兆哈希 (TH/s),與比特幣每秒 356 兆兆哈希 (EH/s) 相比,這個數字並不高。


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