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How Luma AI turns crypto memes into viral videos

Luma AI 如何將加密迷因變成病毒視頻

發布: 2024/07/09 00:04 閱讀: 526



Luma AI 如何將加密迷因變成病毒視頻

Luma's Dream Machine Brings Memes to Life

Luma 的夢想機器將迷因帶入生活

In mid-June, the artificial intelligence (AI) developer Luma introduced its Dream Machine, a tool that swiftly produces high-quality, realistic videos from text and image inputs.

6 月中旬,人工智慧 (AI) 開發商 Luma 推出了 Dream Machine,該工具可以根據文字和圖像輸入快速產生高品質、逼真的影片。

Since its release, users across the internet have been flooding social platforms with their own creations generated by Luma. One particular trend has been turning stagnant viral memes into extended mini-video clips.

自發布以來,網路上的用戶一直在社交平台上大量使用 Luma 生成的自己的作品。一種特殊的趨勢是將停滯不前的病毒模因變成延長的迷你視訊剪輯。

Memes Take on a New Life


One example features a little girl staring into a camera with a smirk while a house burns in the background. Through Luma, the image has been expanded to show the girl turning her head and firefighters rushing to extinguish the blaze behind her.

其中一個例子是,一個小女孩傻笑著盯著鏡頭,背景的房子正在燃燒。透過 Luma,影像被放大,顯示女孩轉過頭,消防隊員衝向她身後撲滅大火。

The majority of legacy memes circulating online have been animated using Luma since its emergence.

自從 Luma 出現以來,大多數線上流傳的傳統迷因都是使用 Luma 製作動畫的。

Crypto Memes Join the Animation Wave


The AI-generated meme trend has also spread to the crypto space. One user on the social media platform X utilized Luma AI to animate a still photo of Tron co-founder Justin Sun.

人工智慧生成的迷因趨勢也蔓延到了加密貨幣領域。社群媒體平台 X 上的一名用戶利用 Luma AI 將 Tron 聯合創始人孫宇晨的靜態照片製作成動畫。

Another user animated a photo of Bitcoin (BTC) in what resembles a vault-like setting.

另一位用戶在類似金庫的環境中製作了一張比特幣 (BTC) 的動畫照片。

Pepe the Frog Community Embraces AI

Pepe the Frog 社群擁抱人工智慧

The community surrounding the popular meme character Pepe the Frog has also adopted the Dream Machine. A popular meme template featuring Buzz Lightyear and Woody the Cowboy pointing into the distance was animated using AI to reveal a smug-looking Pepe sipping wine in a suit.


Tailor-Made AI for Crypto and Memes


One community has even created its own AI video image generator specifically designed for generating short, custom clips based on text and image prompts related to crypto and memes.


Future Implications


While concerns remain over the potential impact of these models on digital creators, especially animators, the internet continues to evolve rapidly, and the animated meme phenomenon has already taken hold.


Cointelegraph has reached out to Luma for further commentary on its Dream Machine AI model.

Cointelegraph 已聯繫 Luma,以獲取對其 Dream Machine AI 模型的進一步評論。


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