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300M DOGE Sent to Robinhood Amid Price Surge

價格飆升期間 3 億 DOGE 被發送給 Robinhood

發布: 2024/04/24 20:29 閱讀: 469



A significant amount of Dogecoin has been transferred from an unidentified wallet to a well-known trading platform. The transfer, highlighted by a popular cryptocurrency tracking account on Twitter, reveals a staggering sum of the leading meme coin being sent to the Robinhood exchange.

大量狗狗幣已從未知的錢包轉移到知名交易平台。 Twitter 上一個流行的加密貨幣追蹤帳戶重點強調了此次轉賬,顯示金額驚人的主要 meme 代幣被發送到 Robinhood 交易所。

Among the transferred assets were hundreds of millions of Dogecoin (DOGE). This substantial transaction occurred as the price of DOGE has been striving to make a breakthrough.


Massive Dogecoin Transfer to Robinhood

Whale Alert, a prominent cryptocurrency tracking platform, brought attention to a substantial transfer of 300,000,000 DOGE from an anonymous wallet to the trading platform Robinhood. Robinhood, known for offering its customers access to both cryptocurrencies and traditional stocks, received this significant amount of meme coins, valued at approximately $47,921,394.

大規模狗狗幣轉移到著名的加密貨幣追蹤平台 RobinhoodWhale Alert 引起了人們對從匿名錢包到交易平台 Robinhood 的 300,000,000 DOGE 的大量轉移的關注。 Robinhood 以其為客戶提供加密貨幣和傳統股票而聞名,收到了這筆大量的迷因幣,價值約為 47,921,394 美元。

However, the data shared by Whale Alert revealed that the actual volume of DOGE transferred was even higher. Alongside the 300,000,000 DOGE sent to Robinhood, an additional 129,693,892 DOGE were transacted to another anonymous wallet. This wallet now holds a staggering 1,733,699,458 Dogecoin.

然而,Whale Alert 分享的數據顯示,DOGE 的實際轉移量甚至更高。除了發送給 Robinhood 的 300,000,000 DOGE 之外,另有 129,693,892 DOGE 被交易到另一個匿名錢包。這個錢包現在擁有驚人的 1,733,699,458 狗狗幣。

300,000,000 #DOGE (47,921,394 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Robinhoodhttps://t.co/S8E1ZeJVQS— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) April 24, 2024

This transfer of DOGE comes after a remarkable transaction involving another popular meme cryptocurrency, Shiba Inu, which is the second largest in terms of market capitalization after DOGE.

300,000,000 #DOGE(47,921,394 美元)從未知錢包轉移到#Robinhoodhttps://t.co/S8E1ZeJVQS — Whale Alert (@whale_alert) 2024 年4 月24 日DOGE 的這次轉移是在涉及另一種加密流行的meme貨幣Shiba Inu 的非凡交易之後進行的,就市值而言,其規模僅次於 DOGE。

Whale Alert Uncovers Massive SHIB Transfer to Robinhood

A major cryptocurrency tracking platform, Whale Alert, recently spotted a massive transfer of 3 trillion SHIB tokens, worth about $79.9 million, between anonymous wallets. The recipient wallet was linked to the popular trading platform Robinhood, similar to a previous Dogecoin transfer.

Whale Alert 發現了向 Robinhood 進行的大規模 SHIB 轉賬主要加密貨幣追蹤平台 Whale Alert 最近發現匿名錢包之間存在 3 兆個 SHIB 代幣的大規模轉賬,價值約 7,990 萬美元。接收者錢包與流行的交易平台 Robinhood 相關聯,類似於先前的狗狗幣轉帳。

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In another significant move, an unknown investor bought a huge amount of meme coins—237.8 billion Shiba Inu tokens, valued at $6.3 million. This purchase coincided with an announcement from Shytoshi Kusama, the lead of SHIB, and the SHIB team. They revealed raising $12 million from trusted investors to develop a new Layer-3 solution on Shibarium, aiming to boost transaction and user data security in the SHIB ecosystem.

另一項重大舉措是,一位不知名的投資者購買了大量 meme 幣——2,378 億個 Shiba Inu 代幣,價值 630 萬美元。此次購買恰逢 SHIB 負責人草間淑敏 (Shytoshi Kusama) 和 SHIB 團隊宣布的消息。他們透露,從值得信賴的投資者那裡籌集了 1,200 萬美元,用於在 Shibarium 上開發新的第 3 層解決方案,旨在提高 SHIB 生態系統中的交易和用戶資料安全性。

Dogecoin Struggles Amid Recovery Attempts

In recent updates, Dogecoin (DOGE), the first meme-based digital currency, has been trying to bounce back and make a breakthrough. In the last day, DOGE increased by 4.23%, showing some strength in the market.

狗狗幣在復甦嘗試中舉步維艱 在最近的更新中,第一個基於模因的數位貨幣狗狗幣(DOGE)一直在努力反彈並取得突破。最後一天,DOGE上漲4.23%,顯示出市場的一些強勢。

But even with this improvement, DOGE later saw a small drop. Overall, the meme coin has stayed within the $0.1624 price range since Sunday. At the moment, DOGE is still trading at this price, suggesting it’s facing ongoing struggles with its value.

但即使有了這樣的改善,DOGE 後來還是出現了小幅下降。總體而言,自周日以來,Meme 幣的價格一直保持在 0.1624 美元的價格範圍內。目前,DOGE 仍以這個價格進行交易,這表明它正面臨其價值的持續掙扎。

Important: Please note that this article is only meant to provide information and should not be taken as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other type of advice.gec



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