首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 1.5億狗狗幣從Robinhood轉移,這對DOGE意味著什麼?

150M Dogecoin shifted from Robinhood, What does it mean for DOGE?


發布: 2024/02/13 22:00 閱讀: 600

原文作者:Todayq News



As the global crypto market turned green, a whale wallet got caught moving 150 million Dogecoin (DOGE) in one major transaction. The fact that this transfer is worth about $20.67 million has grabbed the attention of lots of people in the crypto world. It came from Robinhood, a popular crypto exchange in the US. It was then sent to a wallet whose details haven’t been disclosed. Leading to speculations about what it could mean.

隨著全球加密貨幣市場變得綠色,一個鯨魚錢包在重大交易中轉移了 1.5 億狗狗幣 (DOGE)。此次轉帳價值約2,067萬美元,引起了加密界人士的注意。它來自美國流行的加密貨幣交易所 Robinhood。然後它被發送到一個錢包,其詳細資訊尚未披露。引發人們對這可能意味著什麼的猜測。

The Robinhood transaction sparks DOGE’s market speculation


Whale Alert, a platform that tracks large crypto transactions, was the first to bring this transfer to light. Sparking discussions and raising questions about the reasons behind such a substantial movement of DOGE. No one is sure exactly why the transfer happened. Some think it might have to do with big investors or rich individuals looking to invest a lot of money. This speculation stems from the size of the transfer and Robinhood’s accessibility to regular retail investors.

Whale Alert 是一個追蹤大型加密貨幣交易的平台,它是第一個曝光這項交易的平台。引發討論並提出關於 DOGE 如此大規模變動背後原因的疑問。沒有人確切知道轉移發生的原因。有些人認為這可能與想要投資大量資金的大投資者或富人有關。這種猜測源自於轉讓規模以及 Robinhood 對一般散戶投資者的接觸程度。

🚨 150,000,000

🚨 150,000,000

The movement of such a large amount of Dogecoin naturally prompts people to look at its price chart for clues. Dogecoin has been in an accumulation phase for the past 41 days. During this time, there have been some small increases in its price. As enthusiasts closely monitor DOGE’s movements, particularly with its current market price at $0.0827, up by 3.51% in the last day.

如此大量的狗狗幣走勢自然會促使人們查看其價格圖表以尋找線索。過去 41 天,狗狗幣一直處於累積階段。在此期間,其價格出現了一些小幅上漲。愛好者們密切關注DOGE的走勢,特別是目前其市場價格為0.0827美元,最後一天上漲了3.51%。

Questions arise about whether this transfer could signal a surge or change in the currency’s value. Dogecoin’s trajectory hints at the possibility of a significant market shift, especially if other factors like Bitcoin‘s stability around $50,000 continue.

人們質疑這種轉移是否預示著貨幣價值的飆升或變化。狗狗幣的走勢暗示了市場發生重大轉變的可能性,特別是如果比特幣穩定在 50,000 美元左右等其他因素繼續存在的話。

The global crypto market


Many people in the market are feeling cautious but hopeful about the situation. Keeping a close eye on DOGE’s movements, hoping to predict what might happen next. If recent patterns persist and market conditions remain favorable, DOGE might experience a significant increase in its value.

市場上許多人對這種情況感到謹慎但充滿希望。密切注意DOGE的動向,希望能夠預測接下來會發生什麼事。如果最近的模式持續下去並且市場條件仍然有利,DOGE 的價值可能會大幅上漲。

Moving on, the global crypto market cap has seen a 3.73% increase over the last day, reaching $1.87 trillion. The total volume of cryptocurrency transactions over the last 24 hours has also gone up significantly, reaching $72.25 billion. Within the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, the volume is currently at $5.99 billion, making up about 8.29% of the total crypto market volume. 

全球加密貨幣市值較上日上漲 3.73%,達 1.87 兆美元。過去24小時的加密貨幣交易總量也大幅上升,達到722.5億美元。在去中心化金融(DeFi)領域,目前交易量為 59.9 億美元,約佔加密市場總交易量的 8.29%。

Stablecoins, a type of crypto designed to have a stable value, now account for $65.17 billion of the total volume, which is about 90.21%. The largest crypto by market capitalization, still dominates the market with a share of 52.46%. This dominance has increased slightly by 0.02% over the day.

穩定幣是一種旨在具有穩定價值的加密貨幣,目前佔總交易量的 651.7 億美元,約佔 90.21%。市值最大的加密貨幣,仍以 52.46% 的份額佔據市場主導地位。這一優勢在當天小幅上升了 0.02%。

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