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Magic Labs to educate businesses on how to choose the right Wallet-as-a-Service

Magic Labs 將教育企業如何選擇合適的錢包即服務

發布: 2023/11/21 00:55 閱讀: 784



Businesses are facing a new kind of decision that’s becoming increasingly crucial as Web3 influence starts to spread: picking the right Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) provider. 

隨著 Web3 影響力開始蔓延,企業面臨著一種新的決策,這種決策變得越來越重要:選擇合適的錢包即服務 (WaaS) 提供者。

Magic, a leading Web3 WaaS provider, released a comprehensive guide aimed at aiding businesses and individual users in selecting the most suitable WaaS provider. According to the information shared with Finbold, this WaaS guide equips businesses and users to choose the right WaaS for their needs, focusing on security, implementation, and essential services.  

領先的 Web3 WaaS 供應商 Magic 發布了一份綜合指南,旨在幫助企業和個人用戶選擇最合適的 WaaS 提供者。根據與 Finbold 分享的訊息,這份 WaaS 指南可協助企業和使用者選擇適合自己需求的 WaaS,並專注於安全性、實施和基本服務。

This release comes at a time when the significance of digital wallets transcends mere asset storage, becoming instrumental in executing secure and efficient transactions. As the digital landscape evolves with Web3, the decision to choose the right WaaS provider has emerged as a strategic and crucial one, going beyond the boundaries of technology.

這次發布正值數位錢包的重要性超越單純的資產存儲,成為執行安全高效交易的重要工具。隨著數位環境隨著 Web3 的發展,選擇合適的 WaaS 提供者的決定已成為一項策略性且至關重要的決定,超越了技術的界限。

The WaaS guide by Magic emphasizes the importance of security and integration capabilities in a WaaS provider. Businesses need a provider that has strong security measures and follows strict compliance standards, as well as a WaaS that can be trusted.

Magic 的 WaaS 指南強調了 WaaS 提供者的安全性和整合能力的重要性。企業需要一個擁有強大安全措施並遵循嚴格合規標準的供應商,以及值得信賴的 WaaS。

The smoother transition into the Web3 landscape

更順利地過渡到 Web3 領域

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A solid reputation and a history of good collaborations mean that wallets with a good track record in areas like enterprise security, vulnerability management, and compliance are key. According to the report, WaaS provider’s experience and understanding of your needs can lead to more tailored solutions and better outcomes, empowering your business in the Web3 landscape.

良好的聲譽和良好合作的歷史意味著在企業安全、漏洞管理和合規性等領域擁有良好記錄的錢包是關鍵。根據該報告,WaaS 提供者的經驗和對您需求的理解可以帶來更量身定制的解決方案和更好的結果,從而在 Web3 領域為您的業務提供支援。

Magic’s guide also advocates for the selection of a WaaS provider whose services can effortlessly blend with existing systems, facilitating a smoother transition into the Web3 landscape for businesses

Magic 的指南也提倡選擇 WaaS 供應商,其服務可以輕鬆地與現有系統融合,從而促進企業更順利地過渡到 Web3 環境。

This aspect, coupled with strong support services such as reliable uptime, consistent service levels, and responsive assistance during critical phases like implementation, is crucial in maintaining operational efficiency in a Web3 environment.

這一點,再加上強大的支援服務,例如可靠的正常運作時間、一致的服務水準以及實施等關鍵階段的回應式協助,對於維持 Web3 環境中的營運效率至關重要。

The report states that assesses whether the WaaS provider adheres to industry-leading security practices, actively engages in a bug bounty program, and has dedicated Security staff with expertise in these areas.

該報告指出,評估 WaaS 提供者是否遵守業界領先的安全實踐,積極參與錯誤賞金計劃,並擁有在這些領域具有專業知識的專門安全人員。

Magic claims that businesses should prioritize a provider with a comprehensive security program covering enterprise security, vulnerability management, product security, cloud security, and more.

Magic 聲稱,企業應該優先考慮擁有全面安全計畫的供應商,涵蓋企業安全、漏洞管理、產品安全、雲端安全等。

Additionally, it’s essential to evaluate the provider’s support services, particularly the strength of its service level agreements and the commitment to continuous uptime. The WaaS guide notes that this is a way to ensure reliable and secure operations in the Web3 space.

此外,評估提供者的支援服務也很重要,特別是其服務等級協議的強度和對持續正常運作時間的承諾。 WaaS 指南指出,這是確保 Web3 領域可靠且安全操作的一種方法。

Overall, choosing a WaaS provider is a big decision in the fast-growing world of Web3. It’s not just about tech specs, but about finding a partner who can ensure the security and efficiency of each person’s digital needs. 

總的來說,在快速發展的 Web3 世界中,選擇 WaaS 提供者是一個重大決定。這不僅僅是技術規格的問題,而是尋找能夠確保每個人數字需求的安全性和效率的合作夥伴的問題。

The right WaaS provider can help protect your digital assets and keep your operations running smoothly with dependable and responsive support services [that] minimize disruptions and optimize operational efficiency for your business.

合適的 WaaS 供應商可以透過可靠且響應迅速的支援服務來幫助保護您的數位資產並保持您的營運平穩運行,從而最大限度地減少業務中斷並優化您的業務運營效率。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/magic-labs-to-educate-businesses-on-how-to-choose-the-right-wallet-as-a-service-tbt70951.html



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