首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 主要分析師看好狗狗幣、佩佩價格預測——交易者轉向具有獨特功能的 Pullix

Major Analyst Bullish on Dogecoin, Pepe Price Prediction – Traders Turn to Pullix With Unique Features

主要分析師看好狗狗幣、佩佩價格預測——交易者轉向具有獨特功能的 Pullix

發布: 2023/12/10 22:00 閱讀: 982

原文作者:The Coin Republic


主要分析師看好狗狗幣、佩佩價格預測——交易者轉向具有獨特功能的 Pullix

Pepe (PEPE) gained a rapid level of momentum following its launch in April 2023 and entered the top 100 by market capitalization during the first two weeks. Its all-time high was on May 5, 2023, when it reached a value of $0.00000431. Since then, the crypto declined by 74.78%, leading to many worries about its future. 

Pepe (PEPE) 自 2023 年 4 月推出以來勢頭強勁,前兩週就進入市值前 100 名。其歷史新高出現在 2023 年 5 月 5 日,當時其價值達到 0.00000431 美元。此後,該加密貨幣下跌了 74.78%,引發了許多人對其未來的擔憂。

Dogecoin (DOGE) is seeing a lot of whale activity, as reported by the monitoring service known as WhaleAlert. This indicates a rapid market movement as well and could result in a price upswing for the cryptocurrency. Pullix (PLX) is getting the most attention, however, as it brings innovative features to the TradFi space. 

根據名為 WhaleAlert 的監控服務報告,狗狗幣(DOGE)發現了大量鯨魚活動。這也顯示市場正在快速波動,並可能導致加密貨幣的價格上漲。然而,Pullix (PLX) 受到了最多的關注,因為它為 TradFi 領域帶來了創新功能。

Pepe (PEPE) Dips in Value – Will Spiking Above $500M in Market Cap Make It Bullish?

Pepe (PEPE) 價值下跌——市值飆升至 5 億美元以上是否會使其看漲?

PEPE has been declining in value rapidly ever since it reached its all-time high. While a contributing factor could be the overall price correction of the broader crypto market, not a lot has happened to evolve the Pepe ecosystem either, leading to a decrease in its demand.

自從達到歷史新高以來,PEPE 的價值一直在迅速下降。雖然一個促成因素可能是更廣泛的加密貨幣市場的整體價格調整,但 Pepe 生態系統的發展也沒有發生太多變化,導致其需求下降。

During the past week, the price of the crypto moved up from $0.00000105 to a maximum point of $0.00000118, initially setting an optimistic outlook for its future price movements. Since then, however, it has declined to $0.00000109. 

過去一周,加密貨幣的價格從 0.00000105 美元上漲至最高點 0.00000118 美元,最初為其未來價格走勢設定了樂觀的前景。然而,從那時起,它已經下降到 0.00000109 美元。

Its market cap also decreased to $457,193,903, making it far away from the top 100 list, as it is now ranked 113. According to the Pepe price prediction, it can reach $0.000002 by the start of 2024, assuming it breaks past the $500 million market cap barrier. 

其市值也下降至 457,193,903 美元,與前 100 名相差甚遠,目前排名第 113 位。根據 Pepe 價格預測,假設其突破 5 億美元市場,到 2024 年初,其市值將達到 0.000002 美元帽屏障。

Dogecoin (DOGE) to Reach $0.14 After a Bullish Outlook by Ali Martinez

阿里馬丁內斯 (Ali Martinez) 看漲前景後,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 將達到 0.14 美元

DOGE saw a significant increase in its network activity, according to data from WhaleAlert. On December 1, 2023, the wallet moved 300,000,000 of the Dogecoin crypto, worth $25,033,123. This was conducted by a nameless crypto holder, who transferred all of this crypto to Robinhood.

根據 WhaleAlert 的數據,DOGE 的網路活動顯著增加。 2023 年 12 月 1 日,錢包轉移了 3 億狗狗幣加密貨幣,價值 25,033,123 美元。這是由一位無名的加密貨幣持有者進行的,他將所有這些加密貨幣轉移給了 Robinhood。

The trader only paid $0.18, or 2.256 DOGE, to do so. A major crypto analyst, Ali Martinez, shared a Dogecoin chart indicating how cryptocurrency could potentially double its value in the upcoming months. 

交易者只需支付 0.18 美元(即 2.256 DOGE)即可完成此操作。一位主要的加密貨幣分析師阿里馬丁內斯(Ali Martinez)分享了一張狗狗幣圖表,顯示加密貨幣如何在未來幾個月內使其價值翻倍。

Based on the analysis by Ali, there’s a 0.786 Fibonacci stage at this stage in the 100-week and 200-week EMAs. Based on the Dogecoin price prediction, it can rise as high as $0.14.

根據Ali的分析,現階段100週和200週EMA存在0.786斐波那契階段。根據狗狗幣價格預測,它可能會上漲至 0.14 美元。

Pullix (PLX) Will Enable Exclusive Benefits to Native Token Holders

Pullix (PLX) 將為原生代幣持有者帶來獨家福利

While Pepe is declining in value, Dogecoin is seeing rapid whale activity, and PLX has managed to grab a significant portion of traders’ attention with its unique offering. 

雖然 Pepe 的價值正在下降,但狗狗幣的鯨魚活動卻在迅速增長,PLX 憑藉其獨特的產品成功吸引了交易者的很大一部分注意力。

Not only will Pullix become the world’s first community-backed exchange, but it will also be a platform where anyone can trade the global market 24/7 and include all assets alongside cryptocurrencies. By holding the native crypto, PLX, investors on the platform is able to benefit from the daily revenues generated from the exchange. The token serves as a currency for traders to use the trading platform. 

Pullix 不僅將成為世界上第一個由社群支持的交易所,而且還將成為一個任何人都可以 24/7 交易全球市場並包含所有資產和加密貨幣的平台。透過持有原生加密貨幣 PLX,平台上的投資者能夠從交易所產生的日常收入中受益。該代幣作為交易者使用交易平台的貨幣。

Some of the assets and trading conditions would require it for exclusive entry, and as a result, its demand will spike. It will implement a token-burn feature as well to keep the value stable. There is multi-currency staking for passive income, including BTC, ETH, DOGE, and other altcoins. 

某些資產和交易條件需要其獨家進入,因此其需求將會激增。它還將實現代幣銷毀功能以保持價值穩定。被動收入有多種貨幣質押,包括 BTC、ETH、DOGE 和其他山寨幣。

Investors can also use the deposited crypto as collateral to trade OTC derivatives with up to 1000:1 leverage. During the initial presale stage, the crypto trades at $0.04, but at launch, it can surge by 1,500%.

投資者還可以使用存入的加密貨幣作為抵押品,以高達 1000:1 的槓桿率進行場外衍生性商品交易。在最初的預售階段,加密貨幣的交易價格為 0.04 美元,但在發佈時,它可以飆升 1,500%。

For more information regarding Pullix’s presale see links below: 

有關 Pullix 預售的更多信息,請參閱以下連結:

Visit Pullix 


Join The Pullix Communities

加入 Pullix 社區

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