(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Please provide me with the relevant consultation content so I can write a compelling and readable English article about Dogecoin's price on March 10th, 2025. I need that information to create the article. Once you provide it, I will write an article incorporating the price data you've already given ($0.1676602970687, 24-hour volume of $1796205822.7114, -12.75793831% price drop in the last 24 hours, Bitcoin's circulating supply of 1483627716383.71 DOGE (this seems unusually high for Bitcoin; is this a typo and should it be Dogecoin?), and Dogecoin's circulating/total/market cap figures) and the additional context you provide.
請為我提供相關的諮詢內容,以便我可以在2025年3月10日寫一篇引人入勝且可讀性的英語文章。我需要這些信息來創建這篇文章。 一旦您提供了它,我將寫一篇文章,其中包含您已經給出的價格數據(0.1676602970687,24小時的體積為$ 1796205822.7114,-12.75793831%的價格下跌了過去24小時,比特幣供應1483627716383. ),以及Dogecoin的循環/總/市值數字)以及您提供的其他上下文。