首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 馬克庫班 (Mark Cuban) 重申達拉斯小牛隊接受狗狗幣,支持真實用例 NFT

Mark Cuban Restates Dallas Mavericks Acceptance of Dogecoin, Backs Real-Use Case NFTs

馬克庫班 (Mark Cuban) 重申達拉斯小牛隊接受狗狗幣,支持真實用例 NFT

發布: 2024/02/01 06:00 閱讀: 216



馬克庫班 (Mark Cuban) 重申達拉斯小牛隊接受狗狗幣,支持真實用例 NFT

Mark Cuban expressed several views on cryptocurrencies in his Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with followers. Importantly, he restated that the Dallas Mavericks accept Dogecoin for payments.

馬克庫班 (Mark Cuban) 在與追隨者的 Ask Me Anything (AMA) 會議中表達了對加密貨幣的多種看法。重要的是,他重申達拉斯小牛隊接受狗狗幣付款。

The American businessman and Shark Tank star answered numerous questions about cryptocurrency and other business dealings in an AMA session on X (formerly Twitter).

這位美國商人和《創智贏家》明星在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)的 AMA 會議上回答了有關加密貨幣和其他商業交易的眾多問題。

He revealed his interest in certain assets including his stance on memecoins and non-fungible tokens as users questioned him on almost all sectors of Web3 and decentralized finance (DeFi).

當用戶就 Web3 和去中心化金融 (DeFi) 的幾乎所有領域向他提出質疑時,他透露了他對某些資產的興趣,包括他對 memecoin 和不可替代代幣的立場。

Asked if the Dallas Mavericks still accept Dogecoin, he reacted positively restating the company’s early stance. In 2021, the Dallas Mavericks incorporated Dogecoin allowing fans to purchase tickets and merchandise.

當被問及達拉斯小牛隊是否仍然接受狗狗幣時,他做出了積極的反應,並重申了公司的早期立場。 2021 年,達拉斯小牛隊引入了狗狗幣,允許球迷購買門票和商品。

Do the Mavs still accept dogecoin?


— Sir Doge of the Coin (@dogeofficialceo) January 29, 2024

— 硬幣總督爵士 (@dogeofficialceo) 2024 年 1 月 29 日

While Dogecoin payments started as a joke at the time, the DOGE community and holders expressed optimism with the added use cases to the asset. Cuban also noted that the Mavericks would take DOGE, “today, tomorrow and possibly forever.”

雖然狗狗幣支付最初只是一個笑話,但 DOGE 社群和持有者對該資產的新增用例表示樂觀。庫班還指出,小牛隊將「今天、明天,甚至可能永遠」拿下 DOGE。

On Solana’s (SOL) dogwifhat meme coin he answered, “I don’t think about it.”

在 Solana (SOL) 的dogwifhat meme 硬幣上,他回答說:“我不考慮這個。”

The meme coin gained popularity in recent weeks soaring over 30% after securing a Bitget listing. It also recently hit a market capitalization of over $332 million.

Meme 幣在 Bitget 上市後,最近幾週人氣飆升超過 30%。最近,它的市值也超過了 3.32 億美元。

A follower asked about his favorite cryptocurrency aside from Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Cuban named Polygon and Injective adding that he is an investor in both while advising users to do their research.

一位追蹤者詢問除了比特幣(BTC)和以太幣(ETH)之外他最喜歡的加密貨幣。 Cuban 點名了 Polygon 和 Injective,並補充說他是這兩家公司的投資者,同時建議用戶進行研究。

NFTs For Collection not Speculation

NFT 用於收藏而非投機

Cuban remains a supporter of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) because of their use cases, advising users to acquire them for collection purposes and not to speculate.

由於其用例,Cuban 仍然是不可替代代幣(NFT)的支持者,建議用戶出於收藏目的而獲取它們,而不是投機。

“They are a collectible in most cases but can be used for other things. Only buy them to use or collect them. Not to speculate.” 


Similarly, he was asked about his views on music NFTs to which he replied “tough sell” because he hasn’t found a compelling aspect yet. Another user asked Cuban about his views on John Lilic becoming Telos Executive Director after being a Polygon investor.

同樣,當他被問及對音樂 NFT 的看法時,他回答說“很難推銷”,因為他還沒有找到令人信服的方面。另一位用戶向 Cuban 詢問他對 John Lilic 在成為 Polygon 投資者後成為 Telos 執行董事的看法。

Cuban said he doesn’t know much about it because he remains a passive investor. Away from digital assets, he was asked if he would consider purchasing Twitter and joked “Will Elon sell?”

庫班表示,他對此了解不多,因為他仍然是被動投資者。除了數位資產之外,當有人問他是否會考慮收購 Twitter 時,他開玩笑說“埃隆會賣掉嗎?”

Will elon sell ?


— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) January 29, 2024

— 馬克‧庫班 (@mcuban) 2024 年 1 月 29 日

Dogecoin Ss Still In The Red

狗狗幣 Ss 仍處於虧損狀態

Following the AMA session, social media spaces were filled with buzz and DOGE’s potential acceptance, but the asset still trades in the same negative direction. At the time of writing, DOGE stands at $0.079, a 2.5% plunge in the past 24 hours and a 12% decline in the past 30 days.

AMA 會議結束後,社群媒體空間充滿了議論和 DOGE 的潛在接受度,但資產的交易仍然朝著同樣的負面方向。截至本文撰寫時,DOGE 價格為 0.079 美元,過去 24 小時內下跌 2.5%,過去 30 天內下跌 12%。

Dogecoin was affected by the recent market correction after the approval of spot BTC ETFs by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

狗狗幣受到美國證券交易委員會(SEC)批准現貨 BTC ETF 後近期市場調整的影響。

The recent Mark Cuban AMA session also sparked optimism over a possible X payment integration meant to increase the asset’s use cases.

最近的 Mark Cuban AMA 會議也引發了人們對可能的 X 支付整合的樂觀情緒,該整合旨在增加該資產的用例。


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