首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 市場的起伏並沒有阻止加密貨幣愛好者對 Neo、Dogecoin 和 ScapesMania 的興趣

Market Ups and Downs Don't Deter Crypto Enthusiasts from Neo, Dogecoin, and ScapesMania

市場的起伏並沒有阻止加密貨幣愛好者對 Neo、Dogecoin 和 ScapesMania 的興趣

發布: 2024/04/25 18:34 閱讀: 256



Market Ups and Downs Don't Deter Crypto Enthusiasts From Neo, Dogecoin, and ScapesMania

市場的起伏並沒有阻止加密貨幣愛好者對 Neo、Dogecoin 和 ScapesMania 的興趣

The market has recently been exhibiting signs of a potential altcoin season. This phenomenon is characterized by a bullish trading pattern that suggests an explosive price move may be on the horizon. Despite the struggles of Bitcoin to maintain its crucial support level, altcoins, particularly memecoins and layer-1 cryptocurrencies, have shown remarkable performance. The anticipation for explosive growth is further fueled by the recovery of the altcoin market capitalization above key technical levels. So, even with all the ups and downs, there are certain currencies that seem to offer a high level of promise.

市場最近已經顯示出潛在的山寨幣季節的跡象。這種現象的特點是看漲交易模式,顯示爆炸性的價格走勢可能即將出現。儘管比特幣難以維持其關鍵的支撐水平,但山寨幣,尤其是 memecoin 和 Layer-1 加密貨幣,卻表現出了非凡的表現。山寨幣市值恢復到關鍵技術水平之上,進一步加劇了爆炸性增長的預期。因此,即使經歷了所有的起起落落,某些貨幣似乎仍具有很高的前景。

ScapesMania: Transforming Casual Gaming


The first project on our docket is ScapesMania. With its innovative Web2 and Web3 fusion, it is a trailblazer in the ever-changing world of casual gaming. An outstanding presale that amassed over $6,000,000 proves that there’s a huge demand for what ScapesMania is offering: advanced casual gaming and niche innovation.

我們待辦事項中的第一個項目是 ScapesMania。憑藉其創新的 Web2 和 Web3 融合,它成為不斷變化的休閒遊戲世界的開拓者。預售金額超過 6,000,000 美元,出色的預售證明了對 ScapesMania 所提供產品的巨大需求:高級休閒遊戲和利基創新。

Project Essentials


The essentials are as follows:


  • ScapesMania is more than just a single-focus project; it's a whole gaming ecosystem;
  • Debuted on Pancakeswap with MANIA/WBNB and MANIA/USDT liquidity pairs;
  • Trading volume hit $2,250,000 on the first day;
  • Shortly after the listing, ScapesMania recorded a strong 147.77% increase;
  • The highest price recorded for the MANIA/WBNB pair was $0.02691.
  • Operates within a highly advantageous niche;
  • Token utility expansion planned;
  • With around 20,000 holders now, ScapesMania has a thriving community of backers and supporters.

ScapesMania 不僅僅是一個單一焦點項目;這是一個完整的遊戲生態系統;在Pancakeswap 上首次亮相,MANIA/WBNB 和MANIA/USDT 流動性對;首日交易量達到2,250,000 美元;上市後不久,ScapesMania 強勁上漲147.77%;創下MANIA/ 的最高價格記錄WBNB 貨幣對為 0.02691 美元。

Path to Growth: Achieving Innovation and Expansion


Strategically, ScapesMania is shifting its attention to constructing a strong infrastructure. It was the most logical step as the project moved away from funding to product development. The project's goal is to provide players with unmatched gaming experiences and holders with maximum potential benefits. To stay on track with the project’s roadmap, the team relies on both in-house talent and partnerships with seasoned developers.

從戰略上講,ScapesMania 正在將注意力轉向建立強大的基礎設施。隨著專案從資金轉向產品開發,這是最合乎邏輯的一步。該計畫的目標是為玩家提供無與倫比的遊戲體驗,並為持有者提供最大的潛在利益。為了保持專案路線圖的順利進行,團隊依靠內部人才以及與經驗豐富的開發人員的合作。

In its unwavering commitment to fulfilling all objectives, ScapesMania has adopted a system that involves formulating hypotheses, testing them in the market, and continuously refining them. Thus far, this approach has brought nothing but success.

為了堅定不移地致力於實現所有目標,ScapesMania 採用了一套系統,其中包括制定假設、在市場上進行測試並不斷完善它們。到目前為止,這種方法只帶來了成功。

Token as a Key Tool


An abundance of features may be accessed via the $MANIA token. It acts as the foundation of the ScapesMania ecosystem.

可以透過 $MANIA 代幣存取大量功能。它是 ScapesMania 生態系統的基礎。

With $MANIA, community members may take part in determining the project's future. This is done by facilitating DAO governance. In addition, in-game assets, awards, and beyond encourage community engagement, which, in turn, promotes a very dynamic system. It’s easy to say that ScapesMania trusts you, the holder, the most. It gives the people all the power.

透過 $MANIA,社區成員可以參與決定專案的未來。這是透過促進 DAO 治理來實現的。此外,遊戲內資產、獎勵等鼓勵社區參與,這反過來又促進了一個非常動態的系統。可以很容易地說,ScapesMania 最信任您(持有者)。它賦予人民一切權力。

More on the Biggest Advantages


There are a lot of distinct features to mention. For instance, in order to avoid token dumping and keep supply and demand in balance, ScapesMania has a well-designed tokenomics architecture with controlled vesting periods.


With over 60,000 followers across several social media platforms, the project's growing online presence demonstrates the community's faith and excitement. To this very day, ScapesMania is leading the pack of cryptocurrency projects focused on casual gaming because of its dedication to DAO governance and emphasis on constant innovation.

該項目在多個社交媒體平台上擁有超過 60,000 名追隨者,其不斷增長的線上影響力體現了社區的信心和興奮。直到今天,ScapesMania 仍引領一系列專注於休閒遊戲的加密貨幣項目,因為它致力於 DAO 治理並強調不斷創新。

By implementing a strong post-listing marketing plan and passing the audit conducted by BlockSafu, ScapesMania demonstrates its dedication to honesty and high standards. Holders are kept well-informed and involved. It is becoming more and more clear that ScapesMania is heading in the direction of unprecedented potential success as it achieves more exposure on major crypto platforms and endorsements from influential industry figures.

透過實施強有力的上市後行銷計劃並透過 BlockSafu 的審核,ScapesMania 展現了其對誠實和高標準的奉獻精神。持有人能夠充分了解情況並參與其中。越來越明顯的是,ScapesMania 正朝著前所未有的潛在成功方向前進,因為它在主要加密平台上獲得了更多的曝光度並獲得了有影響力的行業人物的認可。

Join Today or Regret It Tomorrow


By combining elements of both casual gaming and blockchain technology, ScapesMania signifies change: development.

透過結合休閒遊戲和區塊鏈技術的元素,ScapesMania 意味著變化:發展。

As a gaming environment, ScapesMania ushers in a new age with its creative tokenomics, dedication to community empowerment, and inclusive attitude. Redefining the gaming scene, one milestone at a time, is within reach as the project keeps evolving and expanding its features.

作為一個遊戲環境,ScapesMania 以其創造性的代幣經濟、對社區賦權的奉獻和包容的態度迎來了一個新時代。隨著該專案不斷發展和擴展其功能,重新定義遊戲場景(一次一個里程碑)是可以實現的。

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Neo (NEO): Rising Contender

Neo (NEO):崛起的競爭者

While not as impressive as the above-mentioned casual gaming coin, Neo (NEO) has been performing pretty well. It has shown notable resilience in a fluctuating market, recently marking an impressive uptrend. This movement comes in the wake of positive market indicators and a strong performance against broader market cues, suggesting a robust recovery phase. Despite its smaller market cap making it susceptible to volatile swings, Neo (NEO) has managed remarkable gains, fueled by favorable market sentiment following key cryptocurrency events.

雖然不如上述休閒遊戲幣那麼令人印象深刻,但 Neo (NEO) 的表現卻相當不錯。它在波動的市場中表現出了顯著的韌性,最近呈現出令人印象深刻的上升趨勢。這一走勢是在積極的市場指標和針對更廣泛市場線索的強勁表現之後出現的,表明強勁的復甦階段。儘管其較小的市值使其容易受到波動的影響,但在關鍵加密貨幣事件後有利的市場情緒的推動下,Neo(NEO)仍然取得了顯著的收益。

The technical analysis reveals that Neo (NEO) is poised for potential gains with its price attempting to cross the significant $23 mark. This development is supported by a promising MACD indicator hinting at a bullish crossover.

技術分析顯示,Neo (NEO) 預計將突破 23 美元大關,並有望實現潛在上漲。這一發展得到了有希望的 MACD 指標的支持,該指標暗示看漲交叉。

Looking ahead, the future for Neo (NEO) seems promising if the bullish market trends continue. The asset's attractive Sharpe Ratio, which indicates favorable risk-adjusted returns, could draw more investment, pushing the price further up. However, a failure to breach the critical $20 resistance might see Neo (NEO) fall back, challenging its upward momentum.

展望未來,如果看漲的市場趨勢持續下去,Neo(NEO)的未來似乎充滿希望。該資產具有吸引力的夏普比率表明了良好的風險調整回報,可能會吸引更多投資,從而進一步推高價格。然而,如果未能突破 20 美元的關鍵阻力位,Neo (NEO) 可能會回落,挑戰其上漲勢頭。

Dogecoin (DOGE): People’s Crypto


Rounding out our improvised top-3, there is Dogecoin (DOGE). The so-called People’s Memecoin has displayed a strong market presence with recent positive movements. The meme coin, often swayed by social media influences and celebrity endorsements, continues to captivate the crypto community's interest. Recent trading activities suggest a bullish outlook as key indicators show positive signals, setting the stage for potential upward movement.


Currently, Dogecoin (DOGE) is experiencing a surge in investor interest, potentially setting it up for a significant price rebound. Market analysts are optimistic, with technical indicators like the Golden Cross suggesting that the bullish rally might continue.


The prospects for Dogecoin (DOGE) reaching the $1 milestone appear increasingly feasible amid the current market dynamics. Analysts project a substantial growth trajectory, potentially up to 700%, driven by a robust community and ongoing market interest. However, the path to $1 is fraught with challenges, including market volatility and the speculative nature of its valuation, which could deter sustained growth unless solid fundamentals emerge to support the rally.

在當前的市場動態中,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 達到 1 美元里程碑的前景似乎越來越可行。分析師預計,在強大的社區和持續的市場興趣的推動下,成長軌跡可能高達 700%。然而,通往 1 美元的道路充滿挑戰,包括市場波動和估值的投機性質,除非出現堅實的基本面來支持漲勢,否則這可能會阻礙持續成長。



The cryptocurrency market continues to exhibit resilience and potential, particularly evident in the strong performances of Neo (NEO), Dogecoin (DOGE), and ScapesMania. These assets have demonstrated notable stability and attractiveness despite the general volatility of the crypto markets. ScapesMania, in particular, shows great numbers. There is a strong belief in the long-term value of this digital asset.

加密貨幣市場持續展現出彈性和潛力,特別是 Neo (NEO)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 ScapesMania 的強勁表​​現。儘管加密貨幣市場普遍波動,但這些資產仍表現出顯著的穩定性和吸引力。尤其是 ScapesMania,其數量非常可觀。人們堅信這種數位資產的長期價值。

Site: https://scapesmania.io/


Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScapesMania


Telegram: https://t.me/scapesmania


Announcement Group: https://t.me/scapesmaniaAnn


Source: https://thebittimes.com/market-ups-and-downs-don-t-deter-crypto-enthusiasts-from-neo-dogecoin-and-scapesmania-tbt86509.html



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