首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 市場下跌?狗狗幣錢包不適合,因為超過 40 萬名新用戶推動了狂熱的上升

Market Dip? Not for Dogecoin Wallets As Over 400,000 New Users Drive Frenzy Upward

市場下跌?狗狗幣錢包不適合,因為超過 40 萬名新用戶推動了狂熱的上升

發布: 2024/02/06 18:35 閱讀: 379



Dogecoin, the Shiba Inu-faced cryptocurrency born from a meme, finds itself in an intriguing scenario. Despite a recent 23% price plunge since December, the network is experiencing an unprecedented boom in user adoption, marking a fascinating dichotomy in its current state.

狗狗幣(Dogecoin)是一種源自迷因的、帶有柴犬面孔的加密貨幣,它發現自己處於一個有趣的場景中。儘管自 12 月以來價格暴跌了 23%,但該網路的用戶採用率正在經歷前所未有的繁榮,這標誌著其當前狀態的一個令人著迷的二分法。

DOGE Frenzy: Wallet Growth Skyrockets 86%

DOGE 狂熱:皮夾成長 86%

On the bullish side, non-zero wallets, indicating active users holding DOGE, have witnessed a staggering 7.2% growth since January 22nd. This translates to roughly 414,000 new wallets joining the network in just two weeks, representing the fastest growth in Dogecoin’s decade-long history. These new users primarily hold smaller amounts, suggesting potential for future engagement within the ecosystem.

從看漲的角度來看,非零錢包(即持有 DOGE 的活躍用戶)自 1 月 22 日以來成長了 7.2%。這意味著短短兩週內就有大約 414,000 個新錢包加入該網絡,這是狗狗幣十年歷史上最快的增長。這些新用戶主要持有較小的金額,顯示未來參與生態系統的潛力。


Furthermore, Dogecoin adoption has skyrocketed by a mind-boggling 86% in the past week, with over 890,000 new addresses appearing on the blockchain, analysts at IntoTheBlock disclosed.

此外,IntoTheBlock 分析師透露,狗狗幣的採用率在過去一周激增了 86%,令人難以置信,區塊鏈上出現了超過 89 萬個新地址。

Analysts attribute this surge to several factors, including the revival of “Doginals” (NFTs on the Dogecoin chain), the recent release of the iconic game Doom on the Dogecoin blockchain, and the growing popularity of Xpayments, a platform enabling DOGE transactions in the real world.

分析師將這種激增歸因於幾個因素,包括「Doginals」(狗狗幣鏈上的NFT)的復興、最近在狗狗幣區塊鏈上發布的標誌性遊戲《Doom》,以及X payment的日益普及,這是一個支持狗狗幣交易的平台。真實世界。

Dogecoin’s Challenge: Balancing Growth And Stability


This price volatility highlights a key challenge for Dogecoin: balancing user growth with sustainable value appreciation. While the increasing user base indicates potential for future adoption, the lack of diverse use cases and inherent inflationary nature might hinder long-term price stability. Unlike Bitcoin with its capped supply, Dogecoin has an inflationary model, meaning new coins are continuously created, potentially impacting its value.


Dogecoin currently trading at $0.07834 on the daily chart: TradingView.com

狗狗幣目前在日線圖上的交易價格為 0.07834 美元:TradingView.com

Major Backers For The Meme Coin

Meme 幣的主要支持者

Meanwhile, SpaceX – the leading private space exploration company – threw its weight behind Dogecoin by accepting it as payment for the rescheduled DOGE-1 Moon mission. This endorsement not only adds legitimacy to the meme coin but also injects a dose of excitement into the community.

同時,領先的私人太空探索公司 SpaceX 也大力支持狗狗幣,接受狗狗幣作為重新安排的 DOGE-1 月球任務的付款。這種認可不僅增加了迷因幣的合法性,而且還為社區注入了一劑興奮劑。

Geometric Energy Corporation, the mission’s sponsor, revealed they paid SpaceX in DOGE to secure a new launch date following a delay. While the exact timing remains shrouded in mystery, the news has undoubtedly bolstered community sentiment.

該任務的贊助商幾何能源公司透露,他們向 SpaceX 支付了 DOGE 費用,以確保在推遲後確定新的發射日期。雖然確切的時間仍然籠罩在神秘之中,但這一消息無疑提振了社區情緒。

However, amidst the user boom, Dogecoin’s price performance paints a contrasting picture. As of February 6th, DOGE is trading at $0.078, reflecting a 0.3% decrease in the last 24 hours and a 3.48% decline over the past week. This dip extends to a 2.77% loss for the month, marking a significant drop from its December peak.

然而,在用戶激增的情況下,狗狗幣的價格表現卻呈現出截然不同的景象。截至 2 月 6 日,DOGE 交易價格為 0.078 美元,過去 24 小時下跌 0.3%,過去一週下跌 3.48%。本月跌幅擴大至 2.77%,較 12 月高峰大幅下跌。

相關閱讀:Meme Coin 藍調:近 70% 的柴犬投資者因價格暴跌而陷入困境

Featured image from Adobe Stock, chart from TradingView

精選圖片來自 Adob​​e Stock,圖表來自 TradingView

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標籤: cryptodogeDoge 價格Dogecoindogeusd


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