首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 下一個市場轟動:創紀錄的預售時間籌集了 600 萬美元

Next market sensation: $6m raised in record pre-sale time

下一個市場轟動:創紀錄的預售時間籌集了 600 萬美元

發布: 2024/08/14 01:07 閱讀: 971

原文作者:crypto.ro global


PlayDoge: A Rising Star in the Cryptocurrency Market


As the digital financial landscape evolves, novel cryptocurrencies emerge with distinctive and innovative features. Among the latest entrants to the pre-sale phase, PlayDoge has captured the attention of crypto enthusiasts.

隨著數位金融格局的發展,新型加密貨幣不斷湧現,具有獨特和創新的特性。在最新進入預售階段的產品中,PlayDoge 吸引了加密貨幣愛好者的注意。

Introducing PlayDoge

PlayDoge 簡介

PlayDoge is a unique cryptocurrency that combines gaming and entertainment. Leveraging its "Play-to-Earn" (P2E) model, this meme coin has gained traction with users. It harmoniously blends the iconic pixelated Doge meme with the nostalgic charm of the 90s Tamagotchi game.

PlayDoge 是一種結合遊戲和娛樂的獨特加密貨幣。利用其「Play-to-Earn」(P2E)模式,這款迷因幣贏得了用戶的青睞。它將標誌性的像素化 Doge meme 與 90 年代 Tamagotchi 遊戲的懷舊魅力和諧地融合在一起。

Pre-Sale Success and Optimism


With the cryptocurrency market experiencing volatility, PlayDoge ($PLAY) has garnered over $6 million in its pre-sale. This reflects the strong belief of investors in this emerging crypto asset. Pre-sale investors are optimistic about PlayDoge's potential to replicate the success stories of previous meme coins like Dogecoin ($DOGE), which has surged in value by an astounding 3,233%.

隨著加密貨幣市場的波動,PlayDoge ($PLAY) 的預售收入已超過 600 萬美元。這反映了投資者對這種新興加密資產的堅定信念。預售投資者對 PlayDoge 複製 Dogecoin ($DOGE) 等先前模因幣成功故事的潛力感到樂觀,Dogecoin ($DOGE) 的價值已飆升了 3,233%。

90s Nostalgia and Gaming Appeal

90 年代懷舊情緒和遊戲魅力

PlayDoge incorporates the beloved concept of the Tamagotchi, adding a modern twist with blockchain technology. Users can interact with their virtual pets, feeding, training, and entertaining them. Simultaneously, they can earn $PLAY tokens for their participation.

PlayDoge 融入了備受喜愛的電子寵物概念,並透過區塊鏈技術增添了現代氣息。使用者可以與他們的虛擬寵物互動,餵食、訓練和娛樂它們。同時,他們還可以透過參與賺取 $PLAY 代幣。

Mini-Games and in-Game Assets


To enhance the gaming experience, users can participate in mini-games with their virtual pets to earn additional $PLAY tokens. These tokens can be used to purchase in-game assets, enter tournaments, or trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

為了增強遊戲體驗,用戶可以與虛擬寵物一起參與迷你遊戲,以獲得額外的 $PLAY 代幣。這些代幣可用於購買遊戲內資產、參加錦標賽或交易不可替代代幣(NFT)。

P2E as a Market Hedge

P2E 作為市場對沖

Historically, P2E coins have served as a buffer against market downturns. By fusing the allure of a meme coin with the advantages of P2E, PlayDoge is well-positioned to thrive in both bull and bear markets.

從歷史上看,P2E 幣一直充當著市場低迷的緩衝劑。透過將迷因幣的吸引力與 P2E 的優勢相融合,PlayDoge 處於有利地位,能夠在牛市和熊市中蓬勃發展。

Explosive Growth in Crypto Gaming


According to CoinMarketCap, the global crypto gaming industry has experienced exponential growth in recent years. The NFT gaming market is projected to reach $942.58 billion by 2029. This surge is driven by increased internet usage and the rise of games that allow users to earn cryptocurrencies. P2E platforms like PlayDoge emerge as major players, enabling investors to secure high returns.

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,全球加密遊戲產業近年來經歷了指數級增長。預計到 2029 年,NFT 遊戲市場將達到 9,425.8 億美元。 PlayDoge 等 P2E 平台成為主要參與者,使投資者能夠獲得高回報。



PlayDoge embodies the next wave of innovation in the cryptocurrency market. Its focus on the gaming industry and its meme-based community spirit distinguish it from other digital currencies. As new meme cryptocurrencies emerge, PlayDoge stands out as a promising option that combines the excitement of gaming with the potential of digital currencies.

PlayDoge 體現了加密貨幣市場的下一波創新浪潮。它對遊戲產業的關注及其基於迷因的社群精神使其有別於其他數位貨幣。隨著新的迷因加密貨幣的出現,PlayDoge 脫穎而出,成為將遊戲的興奮感與數位貨幣的潛力結合在一起的有前途的選擇。

Join the PlayDoge pre-sale at to acquire $PLAY tokens. The project has undergone a rigorous audit by SolidProof, ensuring its adherence to industry standards. Stay connected through the official X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram channels for updates.

參加 PlayDoge 預售即可獲得 $PLAY 代幣。該專案經過 SolidProof 的嚴格審核,確保其符合業界標準。透過官方 X(以前稱為 Twitter)和 Telegram 管道保持聯繫以獲取更新。

Disclaimer: This article does not provide investment advice. Thorough research is crucial before investing in any cryptocurrency project. Assess potential risks and make informed decisions based on your own judgment.



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