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Massive DOGE Transfer to Hit Major Exchange as Dogecoin Price Deletes Zero


發布: 2024/02/29 06:11 閱讀: 818



In a significant development in the cryptocurrency realm, a substantial transfer of over 80 million Dogecoin (DOGE), equivalent to nearly $8 million at current rates, has been detected. 

在加密貨幣領域的一項重大發展中,已檢測到超過 8000 萬枚狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的大量轉移,按當前匯率相當於近 800 萬美元。

This transaction stands out from recent transfers, as it diverges from the trend of withdrawals observed in recent days. Notably, this hefty transfer was directed toward the world's largest offshore crypto exchange, Binance, as reported by Whale Alert.

這筆交易在最近的轉帳中脫穎而出,因為它與最近幾天觀察到的提款趨勢不同。值得注意的是,根據 Whale Alert 報道,這筆巨額轉帳是針對全球最大的離岸加密貨幣交易所幣安 (Binance)。

🚨 80,134,653 #DOGE (7,911,960 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Binancehttps://t.co/acvRujsTRH

🚨 80,134,653 #DOGE(7,911,960 美元)從未知錢包轉移到#Binancehttps://t.co/acvRujsTRH

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) February 28, 2024

- 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 2 月 28 日

Cryptocurrency analysts are closely scrutinizing this event, as such a massive movement of tokens to an exchange typically indicates a potential intention to sell. Conversely, withdrawals from exchanges often suggest accumulation or storage of assets in separate wallets. 


Dogecoin (DOGE) price outlook


This transaction arrives amid a critical juncture for Dogecoin, as its price recently surged past the $0.1 mark for the first time since December 2023, only to retract to $0.098 following the transfer.

這項交易發生在狗狗幣的關鍵時刻,其價格最近自 2023 年 12 月以來首次飆升至 0.1 美元大關,但在轉帳後又回落至 0.098 美元。

DOGE to USD by CoinMarketCap

透過 CoinMarketCap 將 DOGE 兌換為 USD

The timing of this transfer adds layers of intrigue to the situation, with the price of DOGE oscillating around the psychologically significant threshold. As the community ponders whether this transfer signals an impending sell-off by a major player or a mere reallocation of assets, speculation about the future trajectory of Dogecoin intensifies.

這次轉移的時機為這種情況增添了一層層陰謀,DOGE 的價格在心理上重要的閾值附近波動。當社區思考這次轉移是否預示著主要參與者即將拋售或僅僅是資產的重新分配時,對狗狗幣未來軌蹟的猜測加劇。

Will Dogecoin manage to reclaim the $0.1 mark, or will the recent transfer exert sustained downward pressure on its price? The looming question remains: Are we on the brink of witnessing another wave of DOGE sales as it approaches this critical threshold once more?

狗狗幣能否成功重回 0.1 美元大關,或者最近的轉移是否會對其價格造成持續的下行壓力?迫在眉睫的問題仍然是:當 DOGE 再次接近這一關鍵門檻時,我們是否即將見證另一波 DOGE 銷售浪潮?


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