首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在即將到來的牛市和比特幣減半期間,頂級山寨幣預計將飆升 10 倍,最大化加密貨幣投資組合

Maximize Crypto Portfolio with Top Altcoins Predicted to Surge 10x During Upcoming Bull Market and Bitcoin Halving

在即將到來的牛市和比特幣減半期間,頂級山寨幣預計將飆升 10 倍,最大化加密貨幣投資組合

發布: 2024/04/07 17:47 閱讀: 375

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


在即將到來的牛市和比特幣減半期間,頂級山寨幣預計將飆升 10 倍,最大化加密貨幣投資組合

In the face of the cryptocurrency market’s volatility, investors are looking for altcoins that provide a balance of stability and immense potential for growth.


This analysis identifies five altcoins with the potential to deliver 10x returns, promoting diversification within a crypto portfolio.

該分析確定了五種有潛力提供 10 倍回報的山寨幣,從而促進了加密貨幣投資組合的多元化。

Fueled by the anticipated 2024 bull market and the upcoming Bitcoin halving, these five altcoins could experience explosive growth in the coming months.

在預期的 2024 年牛市和即將到來的比特幣減半的推動下,這五種山寨幣可能在未來幾個月內經歷爆炸性增長。

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Dogecoin, born from a playful dog meme, surprised everyone by carving out a real space in the crypto market. Its market cap, now over $26 billion, shows its lasting impact. Recent weeks have been a wild ride for crypto prices, but Dogecoin defied the odds with a surge, proving it can make big gains even in a volatile market.

狗狗幣誕生於一個頑皮的狗迷因,它在加密貨幣市場中開闢了一個真正的空間,讓所有人感到驚訝。其市值現已超過 260 億美元,顯示出其持久的影響力。最近幾週,加密貨幣價格經歷了瘋狂的上漲,但狗狗幣卻以飆升的方式克服了困難,證明即使在動盪的市場中它也能獲得巨大收益。

There was a price correction, but its massive market cap suggests it has room to grow much higher, potentially reaching several times its current value. As “Day of the Doge” approaches at the end of the month, Dogecoin’s price is on a rollercoaster.


It skyrocketed from $0.17 to $0.22 within a week before settling back to $0.19, showcasing its recent volatility. Now, the question is: can it break through resistance levels and climb again? The high trading volume (over $2 billion) and hefty market cap ($27 billion) hint at renewed investor interest.

它在一周內從 0.17 美元飆升至 0.22 美元,然後回落至 0.19 美元,顯示出其近期的波動性。現在的問題是:它能否突破阻力位並再次攀升?高交易量(超過 20 億美元)和龐大的市值(270 億美元)暗示著投資者重新燃起了興趣。

This strong presence is sparking discussions about a Dogecoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). Despite its silly beginnings, Dogecoin is a force to be reckoned with. Backed by its original fun purpose and a passionate community, it’s well-positioned to make a significant mark in the ever-growing world of decentralized finance.


Jupiter (JUP)

木星 (JUP)

Jupiter (JUP) is grabbing the attention of the crypto community, especially Solana users. This surge in popularity likely stems from JUP’s focus on making crypto trading efficient and affordable.

Jupiter (JUP) 正在吸引加密社區,尤其是 Solana 用戶的注意。受歡迎程度的激增可能源自於 JUP 專注於提高加密貨幣交易的效率和價格。

Data shows JUP boasting a higher trading volume than its competitor, Raydium. This could signal user migration towards JUP, potentially lured by Solana’s faster transaction speeds and lower fees.

數據顯示,JUP 的交易量高於其競爭對手 Raydium。這可能標誌著用戶轉向 JUP,可能是受到 Solana 更快的交易速度和更低的費用的吸引。

Solana’s growing popularity for its cheaper transactions, coupled with JUP’s user-friendly experience within the Solana ecosystem, might attract new crypto traders seeking a faster and more affordable way to trade.

Solana 因其更便宜的交易而日益受歡迎,再加上 JUP 在 Solana 生態系統中的用戶友好體驗,可能會吸引新的加密貨幣交易者尋求更快、更實惠的交易方式。

JUP’s price has skyrocketed over 100% in the past month! The recent airdrop of JUP tokens to active users on the platform might have also fueled the price increase. Analysts are bullish on JUP’s future, with some predicting a market cap reaching a staggering $20 billion or even $30 billion.

JUP價格近一個月暴漲超100%!最近向平台上的活躍用戶空投 JUP 代幣也可能推動了價格上漲。分析師看好 JUP 的未來,有些人預測其市值將達到驚人的 200 億美元甚至 300 億美元。

With the observed trend of users transitioning to Solana, speculation swirls about JUP potentially surpassing Uniswap, the leading decentralized exchange on Ethereum.

隨著觀察到用戶轉向 Solana 的趨勢,人們猜測 JUP 可能會超越以太坊上領先的去中心化交易所 Uniswap。

Avalanche (AVAX)

雪崩 (AVAX)

Avalanche (AVAX) might not be a household name yet, but it’s turning heads as a potentially undervalued cryptocurrency. Currently operating on both the C-chain and the X-chain, AVAX boasts an impressive $18 billion market cap. But enthusiasts believe this is just the beginning.

Avalanche(AVAX)可能還不是一個家喻戶曉的名字,但它作為一種可能被低估的加密貨幣正在引起人們的注意。 AVAX 目前在 C 鍊和 X 鏈上經營,擁有令人印象深刻的 180 億美元市值。但愛好者們相信這只是一個開始。

Price predictions for AVAX are soaring, with some projecting a market cap of $20 billion, $40 billion, or even a whopping $50 billion. While some doubt AVAX can break its previous all-time high of $128 (around $30 at the time), experts remain optimistic.

AVAX 的價格預測正在飆升,有人預測其市值將達到 200 億美元、400 億美元,甚至高達 500 億美元。儘管有些人懷疑 AVAX 能否突破先前 128 美元的歷史高點(當時約為 30 美元),但專家們仍然保持樂觀。

They see AVAX’s robust network and cutting-edge technology as the keys to significant growth and adoption in the next bull market. AVAX’s appeal lies in its powerful network and innovative features, which are attracting a growing base of investors and users.

他們認為 AVAX 強大的網路和尖端技術是下一個多頭市場中大幅成長和採用的關鍵。 AVAX 的吸引力在於其強大的網路和創新功能,吸引越來越多的投資者和用戶。

With rising interest in its scalability and technology, AVAX is well-positioned to grab a significant chunk of the crypto market. As the crypto space matures, potentially undervalued assets like AVAX present exciting opportunities for investors seeking high-growth potential.

隨著人們對其可擴展性和技術的興趣日益濃厚,AVAX 已處於有利位置,可以搶佔加密貨幣市場的重要份額。隨著加密貨幣領域的成熟,像 AVAX 這樣可能被低估的資產為尋求高成長潛力的投資者提供了令人興奮的機會。

A potential bull market on the horizon makes AVAX an intriguing option for those looking to invest in the ever-changing world of digital assets. While currently under the radar, AVAX’s strengths and promising future suggest significant upside.

對於那些希望投資不斷變化的數位資產世界的人來說,即將到來的潛在牛市使 AVAX 成為一個有趣的選擇。雖然目前還處於關注之下,但 AVAX 的優勢和光明的未來表明其具有巨大的上升空間。

As its value gets recognized by more investors, its importance within the crypto community is bound to surge. For those seeking the top altcoin investment opportunities in 2024, explore our comprehensive guide featuring the most noteworthy choices.

隨著它的價值得到更多投資者的認可,它在加密貨幣社區中的重要性必將激增。對於那些尋求 2024 年頂級山寨幣投資機會的人來說,請探索我們的綜合指南,其中包含最值得關注的選擇。

Kaspa (KAS)

卡斯帕 (KAS)

Kaspa (KAS) stands out in the crowded altcoin market with a unique technology: blockDAG. Unlike traditional blockchains that process transactions sequentially, Kaspa utilizes a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure, allowing for parallel processing.

Kaspa (KAS) 憑藉獨特的技術:blockDAG 在擁擠的山寨幣市場中脫穎而出。與依序處理交易的傳統區塊鏈不同,Kaspa 利用有向無環圖 (DAG) 結構,允許並行處理。

This has the potential to significantly increase transaction speeds and provide instant confirmations. Imagine the efficiency gains if Kaspa could achieve performance similar to Solana or Ethereum. Kaspa’s innovative technology could disrupt the cryptocurrency landscape.

這有可能顯著提高交易速度並提供即時確認。想像一下,如果 Kaspa 能夠實現與 Solana 或以太坊類似的效能,將會帶來怎樣的效率提升。 Kaspa 的創新技術可能會顛覆加密貨幣格局。

Analysts believe an upcoming event for Kaspa, a reduction in mining rewards (halving), could be a turning point. Historically, these reductions have coincided with the end of price downturns for Kaspa. Additionally, some analysts cite an “8-month cycle theory,” suggesting Kaspa’s price follows an 8-month pattern of peaks and valleys.

分析師認為,Kaspa 即將舉行的採礦獎勵減少(減半)活動可能是個轉捩點。從歷史上看,這些降價與 Kaspa 價格低迷的結束同時發生。此外,一些分析師引用了“8 個月週期理論”,表明 Kaspa 的價格遵循 8 個月的高峰和低谷模式。

Based on this theory, the halving could spark a new uptrend, potentially driving the price up to $0.30–$0.50 by mid-year. The coming months will reveal if this prediction holds, as crypto enthusiasts keep a close eye on Kaspa’s price movement.

根據這一理論,減半可能會引發新的上漲趨勢,到年中可能會推動價格上漲至 0.30 至 0.50 美元。隨著加密貨幣愛好者密切關注 Kaspa 的價格走勢,未來幾個月將揭曉這一預測是否成立。

Dogecoin20 (DOGE20)

狗狗幣20 (DOGE20)

Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) is generating excitement in the crypto space, strategically timed for launch on the upcoming Doge Day. This limited window allows potential investors to join the presale and be part of the project from the ground floor.

狗狗幣 20 (DOGE20) 在加密貨幣領域引起了人們的關注,策略性地選擇在即將到來的狗狗日推出。這個有限的窗口允許潛在投資者參與預售並從底層參與該專案。

The project’s presale success, exceeding $10 million raised, indicates strong investor confidence. DOGE20 offers flexibility, allowing participation with various cryptocurrencies (Ethereum, Tether) and even fiat currency.

該項目預售成功,籌集資金超過 1000 萬美元,顯示投資者信心十足。 DOGE20 提供靈活性,允許使用各種加密貨幣(以太坊、Tether)甚至法定貨幣參與。

However, using Binance Coin (BNB) forfeits the advertised 55% annual staking return. For comprehensive instructions on how to buy $DOGE20, please refer to our detailed guide.

然而,使用幣安幣 (BNB) 會喪失所宣傳的 55% 的年度質押回報。有關如何購買 $DOGE20 的完整說明,請參閱我們的詳細指南。

As launch day nears, the crypto community buzzes with anticipation. The chance to be an early investor in DOGE20 attracts many seeking potential growth. To take part in the $DOGE20 presale, visit dogecoin20.io.

隨著發布日的臨近,加密社群充滿了期待。成為 DOGE20 早期投資者的機會吸引了許多尋求潛在成長的人。若要參加 $DOGE20 預售,請造訪 dogecoin20.io。



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