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Meme Coin Correction: PEPE Holds Steady, WIF Tumbles

Meme 幣修正:PEPE 維持穩定,WIF 下跌

發布: 2024/06/23 02:02 閱讀: 665

原文作者:Coin Edition


Meme 幣修正:PEPE 維持穩定,WIF 下跌

Meme Coin Correction: PEPE Maintains Stability, WIF Declines


Despite the current bearish market conditions, the PEPE token has exhibited resilience, trading near recent highs. In contrast, the WIF token has experienced significant declines, breaking crucial support levels.

儘管當前市場情勢看跌,PEPE 代幣仍展現出彈性,交易價格接近近期高點。相比之下,WIF 代幣經歷了大幅下跌,突破了關鍵支撐位。

Overall, the meme coin market has undergone a modest correction, with a reduction in trading volume. Total market capitalization has dipped by around 0.18% to approximately $46 million, while trading volume has declined by approximately 25% to $3.266 million.

整體而言,米姆幣市場經歷了小幅調整,交易量減少。總市值下降約 0.18%,至約 4,600 萬美元,成交量下降約 25%,至 326.6 萬美元。

These adjustments mirror broader trends within the cryptocurrency market, which has witnessed a notable 21% decrease in trading volume.

這些調整反映了加密貨幣市場的更廣泛趨勢,該市場的交易量顯著下降了 21%。

PEPE Token Preserves Stability

PEPE 代幣維持穩定性

The PEPE token has remained relatively stable during the market volatility. CoinMarketCap data indicates that PEPE has traded within a bullish territory for most of the day, opening at $0.00001124 and reaching an intraday high of $0.00001165 before encountering resistance and retracing slightly.

PEPE代幣在市場波動期間保持相對穩定。 CoinMarketCap 數據顯示,PEPE 全天大部分時間都在看漲區域內交易,開盤價為 0.00001124 美元,盤中最高達到 0.00001165 美元,然後遇到阻力並小幅回調。

This stability amidst a broader market correction highlights PEPE's potential as a stable investment.

在更廣泛的市場調整中的這種穩定性凸顯了 PEPE 作為穩定投資的潛力。

WIF Token Encounters Declines

WIF 代幣遭遇下跌

The WIF token, on the other hand, has experienced steep declines, falling below crucial support levels. This downturn suggests that WIF may face further downward pressure until it finds new support.

另一方面,WIF 代幣經歷了急劇下跌,跌破了關鍵支撐位。這種低迷表明 WIF 可能面臨進一步的下行壓力,直到找到新的支撐。

In summary, the meme coin market is experiencing a minor correction, with some tokens exhibiting stability and others encountering declines. PEPE's resilience during this period demonstrates its relative strength within the sector.

綜上所述,迷因幣市場正在經歷小幅調整,有些代幣表現穩定,有些則出現下跌。 PEPE 在此期間的韌性表明了其在該行業內的相對實力。


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