首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Meme 幣投資者正在研究狗狗幣挑戰者 Rebel Satoshi

Meme coin investors are examining Rebel Satoshi, a Dogecoin challenger

Meme 幣投資者正在研究狗狗幣挑戰者 Rebel Satoshi

發布: 2023/11/20 02:10 閱讀: 962



Meme coins have injected a touch of lightheartedness into the often intimidating crypto world. Despite their playful nature, the meme coin market has a current valuation of $17.8 billion, according to CoinMarketCap.

Meme 幣為常常令人生畏的加密世界注入了一絲輕鬆的氣息。據 CoinMarketCap 稱,儘管模因幣具有好玩的性質,但其市場目前的估值為 178 億美元。

This segment represents a small fraction of the crypto market, indicating considerable untapped potential. Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) is a new player in this arena. 


Let’s explore this project in more detail.


About Rebel Satoshi


Rebel Satoshi is a fresh rebellion-themed meme coin centered around defiance, community-building, and decentralized finance.

Rebel Satoshi 是一種以叛逆為主題的新迷因幣,以反抗、社區建設和去中心化金融為中心。

While most new projects imitate the branding of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, Rebel Satoshi resonates with something unique.

雖然大多數新項目都模仿狗狗幣和柴犬的品牌,但 Rebel Satoshi 卻與一些獨特的東西產生了共鳴。

Simultaneously, it will maintain meme culture so its users can unwind, laugh and have fun.


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The project is motivated by two legendary figures, one from a bygone era and another from the modern 21st century.

該項目的靈感來自兩位傳奇人物,一位來自過去的時代,另一位來自現代 21 世紀。

Guy Fawkes is the first inspiration, as he was part of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 with his conspirators to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

蓋伊·福克斯 (Guy Fawkes) 是第一個靈感來源,因為他是 1605 年火藥陰謀的一部分,與他的陰謀者一起炸毀了議會大廈。

The second, more familiar name is Satoshi Nakamoto, responsible for ushering in digital currencies.


Rebel Satoshi will embody these spirits to challenge oppressive elites and centralized financial systems. It invites other “rebels” who share the same feelings to defy against the status quo and achieve decentralized freedom.


Why Rebel Satoshi?


Rebel Satoshi’s objective is to achieve a $100 million market capitalization. Like other top crypto projects, having constant high trading and liquidity is necessary to achieve the goal.

Rebel Satoshi 的目標是實現 1 億美元的市值。與其他頂級加密項目一樣,保持持續的高交易量和流動性對於實現這一目標是必要的。

Rebel Satoshi allows users to stake its utility token, RBLZ. Staking can strengthen the security of a blockchain while providing passive income.

Rebel Satoshi 讓用戶質押其實用代幣 RBLZ。質押可以增強區塊鏈的安全性,同時提供被動收入。

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RBLZ has a fixed supply of 250 million, contrasting with other meme tokens. Such a design honors Nakamoto’s Bitcoin, which also has a capped supply to prevent inflation.

與其他 meme 代幣相比,RBLZ 的固定供應量為 2.5 億。這樣的設計是為了紀念中本聰的比特幣,它也有供應上限以防止通貨膨脹。

These tokenomics have proven to be value catalysts over time.


Finally, Rebel Satoshi will release two non-fungible token (NFT) collections of rebel-inspired collectibles and digital art.

最後,反叛中本聰將發布兩個非同質代幣 (NFT) 系列,其中包括反叛風格的收藏品和數位藝術。

Rebel Satoshi’s presale


In tribute to Guy Fawkes Night, Rebel Satoshi’s presale for $RBLZ began on Nov. 5, 2023.

為了向蓋伊福克斯之夜致敬,Rebel Satoshi 的 $RBLZ 預售於 2023 年 11 月 5 日開始。

The ongoing Early Bird Round (or first stage) is almost 50% in progress, with the token selling for $0.010. Four more rounds are scheduled, each with incremental price increases.

正在進行的早鳥輪(或第一階段)已進行近 50%,代幣售價為 0.010 美元。也計劃進行四輪,每輪價格都會逐步上漲。

After the presale, Rebel Satoshi will honor Guy Fawkes by “burning” unsold RBLZ. Then, RBLZ will list and trade for $0.025 while the team will also release the first NFT collection.

預售結束後,Rebel Satoshi 將透過「燒毀」未售出的 RBLZ 來紀念 Guy Fawkes。隨後,RBLZ將以0.025美元的價格上線並交易,同時團隊也將發布第一個NFT集合。

Visit the official Rebel Satoshi presale website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram for more details.

請造訪 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯絡 Rebel Red 以了解更多詳情。

Read more: Analysts forecast Rebel Satoshi, Flow, and THORChain to extend gains in November

了解更多:分析師預測 Rebel Satoshi、Flow 和 THORChain 將在 11 月擴大漲幅

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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