首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Meme幣市場24小時上漲5.25%;領先的迷因正在為多頭市場做準備?

Meme Coin Market is Up By 5.25% In 24 Hours; Leading Memes Setting Up For A Bull Run?


發布: 2024/06/27 00:04 閱讀: 227




The crypto market has endured a challenging start to the latter half of 2024. June has witnessed predominantly bearish conditions for investors, but considering the robust performance of 2024 until this month, complaints seem unwarranted. Unlike last year, the market appears to recover swiftly when bearish conditions arise.

加密貨幣市場在 2024 年下半年經歷了充滿挑戰的開局。與去年不同的是,當出現看跌情況時,市場似乎會迅速復甦。

The meme coin market has experienced explosive growth throughout the year, so its emergence as the first sector to rebound comes as no surprise. The market has witnessed an overall surge of over 5.25%, with Pepe Coin (PEPE) leading the charge, garnering over 17% in the last 24 hours. Anticipating a season of meme coin dominance, we have identified projects poised for significant gains.

模因幣市場全年經歷了爆炸性增長,因此它成為第一個反彈的領域也就不足為奇了。市場整體上漲超過 5.25%,其中 Pepe Coin (PEPE) 領漲,在過去 24 小時內上漲超過 17%。預計模因幣將佔據主導地位,我們已經確定了有望取得重大收益的項目。

  • Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)
  • WienerAI ($WAI)
  • PlayDoge ($PLAY)
  • Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)
  • KAI ($KAI)

Let's delve into each of these meme coins and explore their unique value propositions.

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)WienerAI ($WAI)PlayDoge ($PLAY)Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)KAI ($KAI)讓我們深入研究每一個迷因幣並探索它們獨特的價值主張。

Pepe Unchained- Is Pepe's resurgence attributable to this new presale?

Pepe Unchained - Pepe 的復興是否歸因於這次新的預售?

As previously mentioned, the meme coin market has flourished over the past year. This heightened competition demands projects to differentiate themselves. Some coins adopt a lackluster approach by imitating successful tokens and adding superficial elements. Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) defies this trend. In fact, we boldly assert that this new Pepe iteration may surpass the original in the long run. While previous imitators merely replicated the original, Pepe Unchained aspires to enhance it. The presale commenced last week and has already raised over $740k.

如前所述,模因幣市場在過去一年蓬勃發展。這種激烈的競爭要求項目能夠脫穎而出。有些代幣透過模仿成功的代幣並添加膚淺的元素,採取了乏善可陳的做法。 Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 違背了這一趨勢。事實上,我們大膽斷言,從長遠來看,這個新的 Pepe 迭代可能會超越原來的版本。雖然之前的模仿者只是複製了原作,但 Pepe Unchained 渴望增強它。預售已於上週開始,已籌集超過 74 萬美元。

Two salient features distinguish this project. Firstly, it has established its own layer-2 network. The consensus among experts favors layer-2 over layer-1, and now investors can access enhanced speeds, security, and reduced fees. If this is insufficient motivation, they also offer double staking rewards for investors, presenting a genuine opportunity to accumulate significant crypto.

此項目有兩個顯著特徵。首先,它建立了自己的二層網路。專家們一致認為,第 2 層優於第 1 層,現在投資者可以獲得更高的速度、安全性和更低的費用。如果這還不夠,他們還為投資者提供雙倍的質押獎勵,提供了累積大量加密貨幣的真正機會。

WienerAI- Embark on a journey to the future where pups and AI reign supreme


The WienerAI ($WAI) presale has captivated us to the extent that we envision it as a catalyst for a new trend in the meme coin sector. The meme itself frequently serves as the cornerstone of a project's success. However, WienerAI boasts an origin story unparalleled in its depth.

WienerAI ($WAI) 預售令我們著迷,我們將其視為 meme 幣領域新趨勢的催化劑。模因本身經常成為專案成功的基石。然而,WienerAI 擁有一個深度無與倫比的起源故事。

To elucidate, the narrative transports us to the future, specifically the year 2132. It is an era where AI and pups reign supreme. We encounter a brilliant scientist, The Architect, who embarks on an experiment to merge the two. However, at a pivotal moment, a mishap occurs, causing a sausage to be incorporated into the mix, resulting in the creation of WienerAI. If this captivating tale fails to sway you, the coin also offers exceptional utility through its integrated AI trading capabilities. In today's competitive market, having a bot assist with trades can provide a significant advantage.

需要說明的是,這個敘述將我們帶到了未來,特別是 2132 年。我們遇到了一位才華洋溢的科學家建築師,他開始進行一項將兩者融合的實驗。然而,在關鍵時刻,意外發生,導致香腸被混入混合物中,從而誕生了 WienerAI。如果這個引人入勝的故事未能打動您,那麼該代幣還可以透過其整合的人工智慧交易功能提供卓越的實用性。在當今競爭激烈的市場中,擁有機器人協助交易可以提供顯著的優勢。

PlayDoge- The P2E game that could overshadow Dogecoin

PlayDoge——可能讓狗狗幣黯然失色的 P2E 遊戲

PlayDoge ($PLAY) ranks among the most sought-after presales in the current market. Within a short period, it has amassed over $5 million in funding. While we exercise caution, we believe it has the potential to outperform Dogecoin (DOGE).

PlayDoge ($PLAY) 是目前市場上最受歡迎的預售產品之一。在很短的時間內,它就籌集了超過 500 萬美元的資金。儘管我們謹慎行事,但我們相信它有潛力超越狗狗幣(DOGE)。

Dogecoin has exhibited modest gains at the time of writing. However, on a broader scale, the leading meme coin has encountered difficulties for an extended period. Its value has gradually declined since PlayDoge's inception, a phenomenon we attribute to the shift of smart investors to the latter.


This P2E coin taps into the enduring appeal of nostalgia. The game draws inspiration from Tamagotchi, a handheld device that every 90s child fondly remembers. Similar to the original game, players must care for their pup, with the added incentive of earning crypto in the process.

這款 P2E 硬幣充分利用了懷舊的持久吸引力。這款遊戲的靈感來自電子寵物蛋,這是一種每個 90 後孩子​​都懷念的手持裝置。與原版遊戲類似,玩家必須照顧他們的小狗,並在此過程中獲得加密貨幣的額外激勵。

Base Dawgz- The multi-chain network designed for adventurers

Base Dawgz - 為冒險家設計的多鏈網絡

One lesson we have learned from 2024 is that established players in the crypto market are not immune to setbacks. We have witnessed this not only with coins but also with networks. Solana's meteoric rise and the emergence of networks like Base demonstrate the inherent uncertainty of the industry. Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) has astutely recognized this and adapted accordingly.

我們從 2024 年學到的一個教訓是,加密貨幣市場的老牌參與者也難以免於挫折。我們不僅透過硬幣,而且透過網路見證了這一點。 Solana 的迅速崛起以及 Base 等網路的出現表明了該行業固有的不確定性。 Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) 敏銳地認識到了這一點並進行了相應的調整。

While Base serves as its primary home, the coin's multi-chain architecture ensures its compatibility with a range of networks, including ETH, SOL, BSC, and AVAX, ensuring its resilience in the face of future market shifts. The presale has generated over $2 million despite being in its early stages.

雖然 Base 是其主要所在地,但該代幣的多鏈架構確保了其與一系列網路的兼容性,包括 ETH、SOL、BSC 和 AVAX,從而確保其面對未來市場變化的彈性。儘管預售尚處於早期階段,但已產生超過 200 萬美元的收入。

A particularly enticing feature of this presale is the implementation of a share-to-earn system. By sharing a referral code upon purchasing $DAWGZ tokens, investors can earn 5% of all referred purchases when their link is used on social media. Additionally, points can be earned by sharing memes and project-related content, redeemable for further tokens.

此次預售的一個特別誘人的特點是實施分享賺取系統。透過在購買 $DAWGZ 代幣時分享推薦代碼,當他們的連結在社交媒體上使用時,投資者可以獲得所有推薦購買的 5%。此外,還可以透過分享迷因和項目相關內容來賺取積分,並可兌換更多代幣。

KAI- The feline poised to dethrone the canine dominance


The four coins discussed above represent our primary recommendations for meme coins with the potential for imminent growth. However, we feel compelled to acknowledge KAI ($KAI) as an honorable mention. Since the inception of meme coins, the market has been dominated by canine-themed tokens, so we find the idea of a retired cat seeking its share of the spotlight particularly appealing. Investors with a preference for cats may gravitate towards this token, increasing its chances of a surge in value.

上面討論的四種硬幣代表了我們對具有即將增長潛力的模因硬幣的主要建議。然而,我們不得不承認 KAI ($KAI) 是一項榮譽獎。自從迷因幣誕生以來,市場一直以犬類為主題的代幣佔據主導地位,因此我們發現一隻退休的貓尋求在聚光燈下分享自己的份額的想法特別有吸引力。喜歡貓的投資者可能會被這種代幣所吸引,從而增加其價值飆升的機會。



With this, we conclude our discussion. As you can observe, our selections for meme coin presales emphasize innovative qualities that will enable them to stand out upon launch. In our view, each of these five tokens possesses a high probability of experiencing substantial gains before the summer's end.


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