首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新 Meme 幣 Pepe Unchained 兩天內斬獲 25 萬美元,預售金額突破 85 萬美元:加密貨幣準備好迎接終極 $PEPE 了嗎?

New Meme Coin Pepe Unchained Rockets Past $850k In Presale After Snaring $250K In 2 Days: Is Crypto Ready For The Ultimate $PEPE?

新 Meme 幣 Pepe Unchained 兩天內斬獲 25 萬美元,預售金額突破 85 萬美元:加密貨幣準備好迎接終極 $PEPE 了嗎?

發布: 2024/06/27 00:02 閱讀: 255

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


新 Meme 幣 Pepe Unchained 兩天內斬獲 25 萬美元,預售金額突破 85 萬美元:加密貨幣準備好迎接終極 $PEPE 了嗎?

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU): A Liberated Meme Coin with Massive Gains

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU):一種獲得巨大收益的解放 Meme 代幣

Pepe Unchained has raised an additional $250,000 in its presale within just 48 hours. This innovative evolution of Pepe operates on its own Layer 2 chain, freeing itself from Ethereum's limitations and offering lower fees and lightning-fast transaction speeds.

Pepe Unchained 在短短 48 小時內就在預售中額外籌集了 25 萬美元。 Pepe 的這項創新演變在自己的第 2 層鏈上運行,擺脫了以太坊的限制,並提供更低的費用和閃電般的交易速度。

For those who missed out on the meteoric rise of its predecessor, $PEPE, Pepe Unchained presents a second chance to experience "marvelous gains" with $PEPU. Just imagine investing $100 in $PEPE over a year ago. Today, that investment would be worth an astounding $118 million – a staggering 118,396,126% return.

對於那些錯過了其前身 $PEPE 迅速崛起的人來說,Pepe Unchained 提供了第二次體驗 $PEPU 的「驚人收益」的機會。想像一下一年多前在 $PEPE 上投資 100 美元。如今,這項投資價值高達 1.18 億美元,回報率高達 118,396,126%。

As $PEPU prepares to list on a major exchange, its potential for growth is undeniable. Currently priced at $0.0080641, it is poised to increase to $0.0080964 as it moves into the next phase of its presale.

隨著 $PEPU 準備在主要交易所上市,其成長潛力是不可否認的。目前售價為 0.0080641 美元,隨著進入下一階段的預售,價格預計將上漲至 0.0080964 美元。

Meme Coins Bounce Back, $PEPU Leads the Resurgence

Meme 幣反彈,$PEPU 引領復甦

In the last 24 hours, meme coins have experienced a notable resurgence in trading volume. Dogecoin ($DOGE) rose by 1.22%, Shiba Inu ($SHIB) gained 1.64%, and Floki ($FLOKI) increased by 1.33%. However, $PEPU outperformed them all with an impressive 7.22% gain.

在過去 24 小時內,meme 幣的交易量顯著回升。狗狗幣 ($DOGE) 上漲 1.22%,柴犬 ($SHIB) 上漲 1.64%,Floki ($FLOKI) 上漲 1.33%。然而,$PEPU 的表現優於所有其他股票,漲幅高達 7.22%,令人印象深刻。

This surge in demand for meme coins suggests a potential bull run ahead. $PEPU's $1 billion trading volume in just one day stands out as a testament to its resilience amid recent market downturns.

對模因幣的需求激增表明潛在的牛市即將到來。 $PEPU 在短短一天內的交易量就達到了 10 億美元,證明了其在近期市場低迷時期的韌性。

$PEPU: $PEPE On Steroids, Unleashing Massive Gains

$PEPU:$PEPE 類固醇,釋放巨大收益

Ethereum's constraints have driven Pepe to create its own Layer 2 solution, providing a faster and more cost-effective way for its devoted fans to acquire tokens. This eliminates the high gas fees associated with Ethereum transactions, allowing investors to maximize their returns.

以太坊的限制促使 Pepe 創建自己的 Layer 2 解決方案,為其忠實粉絲提供一種更快、更具成本效益的方式來獲取代幣。這消除了與以太坊交易相關的高額汽油費,使投資者能夠最大化回報。

Additionally, Pepe Unchained has developed its own block explorer, giving users the ability to track all transactions on its chain.

此外,Pepe Unchained 還開發了自己的區塊瀏覽器,使用戶能夠追蹤其鏈上的所有交易。

Double Rewards: Stake $PEPU for Over 2000% APY

雙倍獎勵:質押 $PEPU 可獲得超過 2000% APY

Investors seeking to accumulate more $PEPU tokens should stake their coins now, while the APY remains over 2000%. A recent surge in staking activity has resulted in 66 million $PEPE tokens being staked, generating substantial daily returns.

尋求累積更多 $PEPU 代幣的投資者應該立即質押他們的代幣,而 APY 仍超過 2000%。最近質押活動激增,導致 6,600 萬美元的 PEPE 代幣被質押,產生了可觀的每日回報。

Presale Ongoing: Get In Early


The $PEPU presale is currently offering approximately 1.6 billion tokens at a low price. To participate, visit the Pepe Unchained website, connect your wallet, and purchase using ETH, USDT, BNB, or bank cards.

PEPU 預售目前以低價提供約 16 億枚代幣。要參與,請訪問 Pepe Unchained 網站,連接您的錢包,然後使用 ETH、USDT、BNB 或銀行卡進行購買。

Join the Pepe Unchained community on X and Telegram to stay updated on the project's progress.

加入 X 和 Telegram 上的 Pepe Unchained 社區,隨時了解專案的進度。

As Pepe Unchained continues to innovate and expand its ecosystem, the future looks bright for this liberated meme coin. Invest in $PEPU now and give Pepe what it needs: to be Unchained!

As Pepe Unchained continues to innovate and expand its ecosystem, the future looks bright for this liberated meme coin. Invest in $PEPU now and give Pepe what it needs: to be Unchained!


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