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Meme Coin Predictions: PEPE and DOGE Price on the Verge of Market Surge

Meme 幣預測:PEPE 和 DOGE 價格處於市場飆升邊緣

發布: 2023/08/14 16:30 閱讀: 250

原文作者:CoinPedia News


Meme 幣預測:PEPE 和 DOGE 價格處於市場飆升邊緣首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

Renowned crypto analyst Kaleo has recently offered insights into the future trajectories of two prominent meme-inspired cryptocurrencies, Pepe (PEPE) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

著名加密貨幣分析師 Kaleo 最近對兩種著名的受迷因啟發的加密貨幣 Pepe (PEPE) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 的未來發展軌跡提出了見解。

PEPE Price to Spike in Coming Days

PEPE 價格未來幾天將飆升

Kaleo, a respected pseudonymous analyst, predicts that Pepe (PEPE), often considered in competition with Dogecoin, could be on the brink of a substantial upswing. Despite PEPE’s current market cap of $436,489,260, which has witnessed a 74% decrease since its inception, Kaleo suggests the possibility of a parabolic rally, potentially reaching levels last observed in May of this year.

Kaleo 是一位受人尊敬的匿名分析師,他預測,通常被認為與狗狗幣競爭的佩佩 (PEPE) 可能正處於大幅上漲的邊緣。儘管 PEPE 目前的市值為 436,489,260 美元,自成立以來已下跌 74%,但 Kaleo 表示存在拋物線上漲的可能性,有可能達到今年 5 月最後觀察到的水平。

However, concerns loom over how PEPE might react to an ensuing cooling phase following significant gains. While some anticipate a bull rally by mid-September, skeptics remain wary of the prediction of a 30x increase. 

然而,人們擔心 PEPE 在取得顯著收益後可能會如何應對隨後的冷卻階段。儘管有些人預計 9 月中旬將出現多頭反彈,但懷疑論者仍對 30 倍成長的預測持謹慎態度。

Concurrently, Santiments, a data analytics platform, notes certain meme-coins like PEPE & Doge experiencing recent market cap growth. While Bitcoin’s price stays stagnant at $29.6K, $PEPE is rising in market cap by 17% in the last 7 days, along with other altcoins including Doge. However, as the distribution market cycle persists, crypto assets beyond the top 20 are generally seeing declines.

同時,數據分析平台 Santiments 指出,PEPE 和 Doge 等某些迷因幣最近的市值正在成長。雖然比特幣的價格停滯在 29,600 美元,但過去 7 天內,$PEPE 的市值上漲了 17%,與包括 Doge 在內的其他山寨幣一樣。然而,隨著發行市場週期的持續,前 20 名以外的加密資產普遍出現下跌。

While he is manifesting that PEPE’s price trajectory proposes a brief downward movement before a potential surge, possibly involving a retest of high-timeframe diagonal resistance as a form of support. His chart indicates a possible dip to around $0.0000011 before a subsequent rise to approximately $0.0000019.

雖然他表示 PEPE 的價格軌跡表明在潛在飆升之前會出現短暫的下行走勢,可能涉及重新測試高時間框架對角線阻力位作為支撐形式。他的圖表顯示,價格可能會下跌至 0.0000011 美元左右,然後隨後上漲至 0.0000019 美元左右。

DOGE Price Outlook 


Shifting focus to Dogecoin (DOGE), Kaleo predicts that DOGE will outperform Bitcoin (DOGE/BTC) in the near future. Kaleo’s chart points towards a potential surge beyond 0.000004 BTC ($0.12) by the close of the month. Currently, the trading level stands at 0.00000259 BTC, roughly equivalent to $0.076.

Kaleo 將注意力轉向狗狗幣(DOGE),預測 DOGE 在不久的將來將超越比特幣(DOGE/BTC)。 Kaleo 的圖表顯示,到本月底,比特幣價格可能會飆升至超過 0.000004 BTC(0.12 美元)。目前,交易水準為 0.00000259 BTC,約相當於 0.076 美元。

As the crypto market continues its dynamic evolution, Kaleo’s insights provide valuable perspectives on potential trends for these meme-inspired digital assets. It’s crucial to remember that such forecasts are speculative and should be cautiously approached.

隨著加密貨幣市場的不斷動態發展,Kaleo 的見解為這些受迷因啟發的數位資產的潛在趨勢提供了寶貴的視角。重要的是要記住,此類預測是推測性的,應謹慎對待。

In a related context, social engagement around Dogecoin (DOGE) has notably increased, with 64.66 million social engagements registered today, marking a substantial rise of 73.43%. This surge in social interactions indicates heightened community activity and interest in DOGE’s developments. 

與之相關的是,圍繞狗狗幣(DOGE)的社交參與度顯著增加,今天註冊的社交參與度達到 6,466 萬,大幅增加 73.43%。社交互動的激增表明社區活動的增加以及對 DOGE 發展的興趣。

So what are you manifesting in the meme season? While Pepe is showing positive indicators, Doge is also keeping the community alive with the potential to beat Bitcoin. Overall it will be interesting to see who goes ahead in the meme rally. 

那麼你在模因季節表現了什麼?雖然 Pepe 表現出了積極的跡象,但 Doge 也讓社區保持活力,並擁有擊敗比特幣的潛力。總的來說,看看誰在模因集會上領先將會很有趣。


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