首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Meme 硬幣轟動:DOGE、BONK 和 MGLS 在 12 月飆升至新高度——這是您致富的門票嗎?

Meme Coin Sensation: DOGE, BONK, and MGLS Soar to New Heights in December – Is This Your Ticket to Riches?

Meme 硬幣轟動:DOGE、BONK 和 MGLS 在 12 月飆升至新高度——這是您致富的門票嗎?

發布: 2023/12/14 19:47 閱讀: 529



The December crypto scene has witnessed an unparalleled surge, primarily driven by the meteoric rise of meme coins. Dogecoin (DOGE), Bonk (BONK), and Meme Moguls (MGLS) have been dominating headlines, sparking a frenzy among traders. However, Meme Moguls stands out as a new ICO many experts foresee potentially rising by 100x in 2024. This article will analyze all three tokens and determine their future. 

12 月的加密貨幣場景見證了前所未有的激增,這主要是由模因幣的迅速崛起所推動的。狗狗幣 (DOGE)、邦克幣 (BONK) 和 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 一直佔據頭條新聞,引發了交易者的狂熱。然而,Meme Moguls 作為一種新的 ICO 脫穎而出,許多專家預計到 2024 年其價格可能會上漲 100 倍。本文將分析這三種代幣並確定它們的未來。

>> Can You Predict The Next 1000x Meme Coin? Become A Meme Mogul Today <<

>> 你能預測下一個 1000x Meme 幣嗎?今天就成為迷因大亨

Dogecoin (DOGE): First Meme In Space 


The original meme-coin, Dogecoin (DOGE), has been the darling of the crypto world for years. The Dogecoin worth has been skyrocketing recently as SpaceX plans to launch the first Doge-1 satellite to the moon soon. This event represents the first crypto and meme in space, as a physical representation of the DOGE token will be sent. 

最初的迷因幣——狗狗幣(DOGE),多年來一直是加密世界的寵兒。隨著 SpaceX 計劃很快向月球發射第一顆 Doge-1 衛星,狗狗幣的價值最近一直在飆升。該事件代表了太空中的第一個加密貨幣和模因,因為將發送 DOGE 代幣的物理表示。

In terms of the Dogecoin price performance, it has seen an upward trajectory since the start of December. It has risen from $0.08 on December 1 to $0.09 on December 11. The technical analysis also paints a bullish picture, with its value sitting comfortably above the 100 and 200-day EMAs. 

就狗狗幣的價格表現而言,自 12 月初以來一直呈上升趨勢。它已從 12 月 1 日的 0.08 美元上漲至 12 月 11 日的 0.09 美元。技術分析也描繪出一幅看漲的圖景,其價值輕鬆位於 100 日和 200 日均線上方。

Experts in the crypto field are buzzed about the upcoming satellite launch, predicting the Dogecoin price will reach $0.10 before December ends. As the hype for this event grows, Dogecoin remains one of the altcoins to watch. 

加密領域的專家對即將到來的衛星發射感到興奮,預測狗狗幣的價格將在 12 月底前達到 0.10 美元。隨著這事件的炒作不斷增加,狗狗幣仍然是值得關注的山寨幣之一。

Bonk (BONK): Outstanding Growth 


Similarly, Bonk (BONK has achieved tremendous growth in the past month – rising by 473%. This surge resulted from the popular crypto exchange KuCoin listing the Bonk crypto. After this news, its value jumped from $0.0000037 on November 28 to $0.00001193 on December 11. 

同樣,Bonk(BONK)在過去一個月也取得了巨大的成長——上漲了473%。這次飆升是由於受歡迎的加密貨幣交易所KuCoin 上架了Bonk 加密貨幣。此消息傳出後,其價值從11 月28 日的0.0000037 美元躍升至12 月11 日的0.00001193 美元。 。

From a technical standpoint, sentiment around Bonk is bullish. Currently, there are 18 technical indicators in the green, while the Bonk price sits above its 21-day EMA. 

從技術角度來看,圍繞著 Bonk 的情緒是看漲的。目前,有 18 個技術指標呈綠色,而 Bonk 價格位於 21 日均線上方。

As per market analysts, this altcoin has the potential to reach a value of $0.00001168 before 2023 ends. They believe Bonk will slowly climb the DeFi crypto list and could enter 2024 with a bang.

根據市場分析師的說法,這種山寨幣的價值有可能在 2023 年底之前達到 0.00001168 美元。他們相信 Bonk 將慢慢在 DeFi 加密貨幣排行榜上攀升,並可能在 2024 年大放異彩。

Meme Moguls (MGLS): The Best Crypto To Invest in Now

Meme Moguls (MGLS):現在最值得投資的加密貨幣

According to Statista, the meme industry value may reach $6.1B by 2025, and Meme Moguls (MGLS) aims to capitalize on it by bringing something new. It will introduce the first-ever play-to-earn game where you can learn more about investing or wealth-building through meme-based assets. 

據 Statista 稱,到 2025 年,meme 行業價值可能達到 $6.1B,Meme Moguls (MGLS) 的目標是透過帶來新的東西來利用它。它將推出有史以來第一個邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲,您可以透過基於迷因的資產了解更多有關投資或財富累積的資訊。

Simulated investing and head-to-head battles are only some Features that Meme Moguls will offer. For instance, an in-game Marketplace will also be included where you can buy, sell, or trade items you collect.  

模擬投資和麵對面的戰鬥只是 Meme Moguls 提供的部分功能。例如,遊戲中還將包含一個市場,您可以在其中購買、出售或交易您收集的物品。

The DeFi project recently also announced its new Farming feature, allowing you to earn coins by actively contributing to it. If you engage with the platform, you will drive the Meme Moguls ecosystem forward. This is an excellent opportunity to obtain more MGLS tokens.

DeFi專案最近也宣布了新的Farming功能,讓你可以透過積極貢獻來賺取金幣。如果您參與該平台,您將推動 Meme Moguls 生態系統向前發展。這是獲得更多 MGLS 代幣的絕佳機會。

All these Features are driven by the MGLS token, making it a meme coin with utility. It will serve as a governance token and also as an in-game currency. Holding it will bring you many benefits and exclusive rewards. 

所有這些功能均由 MGLS 代幣驅動,使其成為具有實用性的迷因幣。它將作為治理代幣和遊戲內貨幣。持有它將為您帶來許多好處和專屬獎勵。

Currently, it is valued at only $0.0021 as it is in Stage 1 of its presale. However, more price pumps will occur as this crypto ICO event advances. Some experts even foresee a rise to $0.19 in the first year of operation. 

目前,它正處於預售第一階段,估值僅為 0.0021 美元。然而,隨著加密貨幣 ICO 事件的進展,將會出現更多的價格上漲。一些專家甚至預計營運第一年價格將上漲至 0.19 美元。

While this prediction may be outlandish, The Crypto Basic reports show Shiba Inu has provided buyers with a 1.6M% ROI in three years. Meme Moguls has the same potential and could join the top 5 cryptocurrencies list soon. 

雖然這項預測可能有些奇怪,但 The Crypto Basic 的報告顯示,柴犬在三年內為買家提供了 160 萬%的投資回報率。 Meme Moguls 也有同樣的潛力,很快就會躋身加密貨幣前 5 名之列。

Pathway To Riches 


The meme coin market is on fire as December is underway, with Dogecoin, Bonk, and Meme Moguls taking center stage. However, Meme Moguls may outshine its peers as it possesses many advantages. For instance, it has real utility, while DOGE and BONK rely on hype – causing their prices to become volatile. 

隨著 12 月的到來,Meme 幣市場火熱,狗狗幣、Bonk 和 Meme Moguls 佔據了中心舞台。然而,Meme Moguls 可能會因為擁有許多優勢而脫穎而出。例如,它具有實際效用,而 DOGE 和 BONK 則依賴炒作,導致其價格波動。

Moreover, its low market cap of $6.3M suggests that MGLS could experience value rises much faster as fewer new funds are needed. All these reasons are why the Meme Moguls presale has seen a stellar performance, raising over $238,591 USDT so far.

此外,其 630 萬美元的低市值表明,隨著所需新資金的減少,MGLS 的價值可能會成長得更快。所有這些原因都是 Meme Moguls 預售表現出色的原因,迄今為止籌集了超過 238,591 USDT 的資金。

For more information about the Meme Moguls (MGLS) presale:

有關 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 預售的更多資訊:

  • Website: https://mememoguls.com/
  • 網址:https://mememoguls.com/

  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/meme_moguls
  • 推特:https://twitter.com/meme_moguls

Source: https://thebittimes.com/meme-coin-sensation-doge-bonk-and-mgls-soar-to-new-heights-in-december-is-this-your-ticket-to-riches-tbt73442.html

資料來源:https://thebittimes.com/meme-coin-sensation-doge-bonk-and-mgls-soar-to-new-heights-in-december-is-this-your-ticket-to-riches-tbt73442 。 html


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