首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 下一個大模因幣?在 2023 年加密貨幣競賽中超越柴犬和狗狗幣

The Next Big Meme Coin? Surpassing Shiba Inu and Dogecoin in the 2023 Crypto Race

下一個大模因幣?在 2023 年加密貨幣競賽中超越柴犬和狗狗幣

發布: 2023/12/04 06:00 閱讀: 628

原文作者:Captain Altcoin




  • Long-awaited DOGE-1 mission receives approval from NTIA government agency
  • 期待已久的 DOGE-1 任務獲得 NTIA 政府機構的批准

  • Shiba Inu’s daily burn rate reaches nearly 11,000%
  • 柴犬每日燃燒率接近11000%

  • A 92% gain awaits Rebel Satoshi investors
  • Rebel Satoshi 投資者將獲得 92% 的收益

Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are two of the most-traded meme tokens regularly featured in publications covering the latest top crypto coins. DOGE investors have two space explorations to anticipate while Shiba Inu continues to maintain a high burn rate.

狗狗幣(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)是兩種交易量最大的迷因代幣,經常出現在涵蓋最新頂級加密貨幣的出版物中。 DOGE 投資者預計將有兩次太空探索,而 Shiba Inu 則繼續保持較高的燒錢率。

A new meme coin has entered the market with similar explosive potential to both projects. Keen to learn more? Let’s first look at the trending news for Shiba Inu and Dogecoin.


Shiba Inu Daily Burn Rate Hits Almost 11,000% 

柴犬日燒傷率接近 11,000%

Given SHIB’s inflationary nature, Shiba Inu developers continue to ‘burn‘ tokens regularly to encourage value growth. The latest data from Shibburn revealed a huge 297.57 million SHIB removed from circulation on November 27, 2023, representing a 10653.65% surge in the burn rate.

鑑於 SHIB 的通貨膨脹性質,柴犬開發商繼續定期「銷毀」代幣以鼓勵價值成長。 Shibburn 的最新數據顯示,2023 年 11 月 27 日,大量 2.9757 億個 SHIB 下架,銷毀率激增 10653.65%。

Moreover, recent information from IntoTheBlock reflects a significant milestone for Shiba Inu. The dog-themed coin now has 3.67 million addresses, a record high and a metric suggesting long-term interest in holding SHIB.

此外,IntoTheBlock 的最新資訊反映了柴犬的一個重要里程碑。這款以狗為主題的代幣目前擁有 367 萬個地址,創下歷史新高,這一指標表明持有 SHIB 的長期興趣。

Thus, it’s fair to assume enthusiasts regard it as a good crypto to buy in the meme token industry. While SHIB is down 14% from its monthly high (currently worth $0.00000828), most 2024 forecasts are bullish. The price could reach a minimum peak of $0.000015 for that year. 

因此,可以公平地假設愛好者認為它是模因代幣行業中值得購買的良好加密貨幣。雖然 SHIB 較月度高點(目前價值 0.00000828 美元)下跌 14%,但大多數 2024 年預測都是看漲的。該年價格可能達到 0.000015 美元的最低峰值。

Dogecoin DOGE-1 Moon Mission Gets NTIA Approval

狗狗幣 DOGE-1 月球任務獲得 NTIA 批准

DOGE-1, a CubeSat satellite mission, was announced in May 2021 by ‘DOGE Father’ Elon Musk. It’s a joint mission between SpaceX, Intuitive Machines, and NASA. Two and a half years later, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has green-lighted DOGE-1. Reports suggest that the mission is scheduled for January 12, 2024

DOGE-1 是一項 CubeSat 衛星任務,由「DOGE 之父」馬斯克於 2021 年 5 月宣布。這是 SpaceX、Intuitive Machines 和 NASA 的聯合任務。兩年半後,國家電信和資訊管理局 (NTIA) 為 DOGE-1 開了綠燈。報告顯示,此次任務定於 2024 年 1 月 12 日進行。

DOGE is the subject of another space exploration experience with American space robotics company Astrobotic. The latter will send a physical DOGE token to the moon on December 23, 2023, as a symbolic reference for ‘mooning’ in crypto. Interestingly, DOGE-1 is funded entirely with DOGE, while the Astrobotic launch is only partly funded with the token.

DOGE是美國太空機器人公司Astrobotic另一個太空探索體驗的主題。後者將於 2023 年 12 月 23 日向月球發送實體 DOGE 代幣,作為加密貨幣中「登月」的象徵性參考。有趣的是,DOGE-1 完全由 DOGE 資助,而 Astrobotic 的發布僅部分由代幣資助。

DOGE is worth $0.082 presently. But with the excitement around the space missions, we can expect a potential bullish uptick. Predictions hint that DOGE will trade in the $0.10-0.20 region or higher in 2024.

DOGE 目前價值 0.082 美元。但隨著太空任務的興奮,我們可以預期潛在的看漲上升。預測顯示 DOGE 的交易價格將在 2024 年在 0.10-0.20 美元區域或更高。

Now we review the next meme token sensation, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ), and its unique rebel themes.

現在我們回顧下一個轟動一時的 meme 代幣,Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 及其獨特的反叛主題。



Rebel Satoshi Is Set To Offer 92% ROI After Presale

Rebel Satoshi 預售後將提供 92% 的投資報酬率

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are both based on the Shiba Inu dog. Meanwhile, Rebel Satoshi offers a different perspective. It’s a rebel-inspired meme coin set to challenge the status in modern centralized systems.


Rebel Satoshi advocates for decentralization so that everyone can be financially free. The platform’s goal is to hit $100 million in market cap. This would demonstrate the power of a tight-knit community and offer the best rewards for early adopters.

反叛的中本聰主張權力下放,以便每個人都能實現財務自由。該平台的目標是市值達到 1 億美元。這將展示緊密社區的力量,並為早期採用者提供最好的獎勵。

These supporters will get insider updates and power to plot Rebel Satoshi‘s future with governance rights. Moreover, they can express their best rebel-themed memes in the Rebel Meme Hall of Fame, earning laughter and popularity.


Along with other users, they will join the Rebel Artefacts Vault. Users can explore what will soon be among the most popular NFTs 9,999 rare collectibles and digital art. Finally, members can earn excellent staking returns by ‘locking up’ the $RBLZ utility token.

他們將與其他用戶一起加入 Rebel Artefacts Vault。用戶可以探索即將成為最受歡迎的 NFT——9,999 件稀有收藏品和數位藝術品。最後,會員可以透過「鎖定」$RBLZ實用代幣來獲得豐厚的質押回報。

Unlike DOGE and SHIB, it’s deflationary with a fixed supply of 250 million. Moreover, Rebel Satoshi will ‘burn’ any unsold tokens after its presale. On the topic of this event, $RBLZ is trading for $0.013 in Rebels Round 1. Aside from the burn event, current buyers can anticipate a 92% ROI as $RBLZ will be worth $0.025 afterward.

與 DOGE 和 SHIB 不同,它是通貨緊縮的,固定供應量為 2.5 億。此外,Rebel Satoshi 將在預售後「燒毀」所有未售出的代幣。就本次活動而言,$RBLZ 在 Rebels 第 1 輪的交易價格為 0.013 美元。除了銷毀事件之外,當前買家可以預期 92% 的投資回報率,因為之後 $RBLZ 將價值 0.025 美元。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

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The post The Next Big Meme Coin? Surpassing Shiba Inu and Dogecoin in the 2023 Crypto Race appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

下一個大模因硬幣?在 2023 年加密競賽中超越柴犬和狗狗幣首次出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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