首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新 Meme 幣的目標是 300 萬美元里程碑——它能跑贏狗狗幣 (DOGE)嗎?

New Meme Coin Targets $3 Million Milestone – Can It Outperform Dogecoin (DOGE)?

新 Meme 幣的目標是 300 萬美元里程碑——它能跑贏狗狗幣 (DOGE)嗎?

發布: 2024/01/04 17:39 閱讀: 721

原文作者:CoinPedia News


新 Meme 幣的目標是 300 萬美元里程碑——它能跑贏狗狗幣 (DOGE)嗎?

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新 Meme 幣的目標是 300 萬美元里程碑——它能跑贏狗狗幣 (DOGE)嗎?首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

As cryptocurrency analysts predict the value of memecoins over the next quarter, one new project has caught their attention. With over $1 million raised in just one month, the project is now targeting a $3 million milestone before its presale ends. Some experts believe the new meme coin could outperform Dogecoin, which has made its presale popular among memecoin investors. 

當加密貨幣分析師預測下個季度模因幣的價值時,一個新項目引起了他們的注意。該項目在短短一個月內籌集了超過 100 萬美元,目前的目標是在預售結束前籌集 300 萬美元的里程碑。一些專家認為,新的迷因幣的表現可能會優於狗狗幣,這使其預售在迷因幣投資者中很受歡迎。

Dogecoin’s Network Increases – Will Its Price Follow? 


As the world’s largest memecoin, millions of investors are asking whether or not Dogecoin’s value can continue to rise in 2024. After a significant crash in 2022, Dogecoin slowly recovered in 2023 and is now on track to hit $0.1 in January. 

身為全球最大的memecoin,數百萬投資者都在詢問狗狗幣的價值在2024 年是否還能繼續上漲。在2022 年大幅崩盤之後,狗狗幣在2023 年緩慢復甦,目前預計在1 月觸及0.1 美元。

Analysts predict that 2024 could be a pivotal year for Dogecoin, and could determine whether or not the memecoin retains its reputation. A number of factors will influence its value, including celebrity endorsements, ecosystem developments, and institutional interest, which is currently on the rise. 

分析師預測,2024 年可能是狗狗幣的關鍵一年,可能決定這種迷因幣是否能保持其聲譽。許多因素都會影響其價值,包括名人代言、生態系統發展以及目前正在上升的機構興趣。

Following its recent recovery, the Dogecoin ecosystem has come back to life. This vibrant and enthusiastic community is thriving once again, with Dogecoin memes being posted throughout social media platforms. Influencers such as Elon Musk have also helped to drive up Dogecoins’ value, with Elon recently naming a satellite after the memecoin. 


One factor that could significantly determine Dogecoin’s value is institutional adoption. Rumours suggest that Dogecoin could soon be accepted as a payment system on X, which would significantly increase Dogecoin’s price. However, an official announcement is yet to be made.

可以顯著決定狗狗幣價值的因素之一是機構採用。有傳言稱狗狗幣可能很快就會被 X 接受作為支付系統,這將顯著提高狗狗幣的價格。不過,官方尚未發佈公告。

Nonetheless, this potential milestone has triggered an increase in Dogecoins network expansion. This development was highlighted by the Global Head of News at BeInCrypto, Ali Martinez, who outlined that the number of new Dogecoin addresses has consistently reached new highs in December. 

儘管如此,這一潛在的里程碑已經引發了狗狗幣網路擴張的增加。 BeInCrypto 全球新聞主管 Ali Martinez 強調了這一發展,他概述了新的狗狗幣地址數量在 12 月持續創下新高。

Currently trading at $0.093, Dogecoin has the potential to rise in value. However, given that its growth has been relatively slow, some experts believe a new memecoin, Meme Moguls, could offer stronger returns. 

狗狗幣目前的交易價格為 0.093 美元,具有升值潛力。然而,鑑於其成長相對緩慢,一些專家認為新的迷因幣 Meme Moguls 可能會帶來更強的回報。

Meme Moguls Raises $1.3 Million In December 

Meme Moguls 12 月融資 130 萬美元

Currently, in the fourth stage of its presale, Meme Moguls has raised $1.3 million and attracted thousands of new investors. This captivating new project immerses players into a fantasy Meme trading world that offers a myriad of income opportunities and unique features. 

目前,Meme Moguls 已進入預售第四階段,已籌集 130 萬美元,並吸引了數千名新投資者。這個引人入勝的新項目讓玩家沉浸在一個幻想的 Meme 交易世界中,該世界提供了無數的收入機會和獨特的功能。

Meme Moguls is the first project that lets players trade memes in a stock market style. It empowers players and lets them create custom avatars based on their favourite memes, all while building income streams with a meme portfolio. 

Meme Moguls 是第一個讓玩家以股票市場方式交易 meme 的項目。它賦予玩家權力,讓他們根據自己最喜歡的迷因創建自訂頭像,同時透過迷因組合建立收入流。

As part of its Metaverse, players will be able to connect with like-minded investors, mine $MGLS tokens, and join liquidity pools to build passive income streams. For the first five years of the project, token liquidity will be locked, and team tokens will be locked for two years. 

作為 Metaverse 的一部分,玩家將能夠與志同道合的投資者建立聯繫,挖掘 $MGLS 代幣,並加入流動性池以建立被動收入流。在專案的前五年,代幣流動性將被鎖定,團隊代幣將被鎖定兩年。

Analysts speculate that Meme Moguls will offer returns of 100x during its first year, with investors earning rewards throughout the presale. These include a lucrative $10,000 giveaway at the end of each presale stage, in addition to gadgets and more. $MGLS tokens are currently trading at $0.0027 in stage four.

分析師推測,Meme Moguls 在第一年將提供 100 倍的回報,投資者在整個預售期間都可以獲得獎勵。其中包括在每個預售階段結束時豐厚的 10,000 美元贈品,以及小玩意等。 $MGLS 代幣目前在第四階段的交易價格為 0.0027 美元。

For more information about the Meme Moguls (MGLS) Presale: 

有關 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 預售的更多資訊:

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