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Meme Coins Break Bearish Trend with Double-Digit Gains

Meme 幣以兩位數漲幅打破看跌趨勢

發布: 2024/06/25 22:03 閱讀: 904



Meme 幣以兩位數漲幅打破看跌趨勢

Meme Market Volatility and Resurgence

Meme 市場的波動與復甦

Meme coins have experienced significant volatility recently, with Dogwifhat (WIF) losing its top 50 crypto status and Rizz (RIZZ) facing a dramatic price crash during a livestream. However, the meme coin market has seen a resurgence with double-digit growth over the past 24 hours.

Meme 幣最近經歷了大幅波動,Dogwifhat (WIF) 失去了前 50 名加密貨幣的地位,Rizz (RIZZ) 在直播期間面臨價格急劇下跌。然而,模因幣市場在過去 24 小時內出現了兩位數成長的復甦。

WIF Drops Out of Top 50

WIF 跌出前 50 名

Despite a recent surge, meme coins had previously faced significant losses. Dogwifhat (WIF) dropped out of the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market cap on June 23rd after a 38% price decline in seven days. Its market cap fell by 9% to around $1.60 billion, allowing Fantom (FTM) to surpass it.

儘管最近出現了飆升,但模因幣此前曾面臨重大損失。 Dogwifhat (WIF) 在 7 天內價格下跌 38% 後,於 6 月 23 日跌出市值前 50 名加密貨幣。其市值下跌 9% 至 16 億美元左右,讓 Fantom (FTM) 超越了它。

However, WIF has recovered somewhat over the past 24 hours, with its price climbing by 16.33%. It remains the fourth largest meme coin by market cap, behind Pepe (PEPE) with a market cap of $4.9 billion.

不過,WIF在過去24小時內有所回升,價格上漲了16.33%。以市值計算,它仍然是第四大模因幣,僅次於市值 49 億美元的 Pepe (PEPE)。

Rizz Meme Coin Crashes

Rizz Meme 代幣崩潰

Rizz (RIZZ) also experienced a significant downturn. During a live presentation on X, the meme coin's value unexpectedly plummeted by almost 90% in front of shocked viewers. It emerged that developers from Singapore, known for their involvement in abandoned meme coins, may have been behind the crash. They reportedly controlled a large portion of the supply and liquidated their holdings early on.

裡茲(RIZZ)也經歷了大幅下滑。在 X 的現場演示中,迷因幣的價值在震驚的觀眾面前意外暴跌了近 90%。據報道,以參與廢棄迷因幣而聞名的新加坡開發商可能是這次崩盤的幕後黑手。據報道,他們控制了大部分供應,並很早就清算了所持股份。

Meme Coin Comeback


Despite the setbacks, meme coins have rebounded in recent days, breaking out of a week-long bearish trend. Dogecoin (DOGE) has gained over 4%, while Shiba Inu (SHIB) has increased by 1.97%. Newer meme coins, such as Popcat (POPCAT) and Mog Coin (MOG), have also surged.

儘管遭遇挫折,米姆幣最近幾天仍出現反彈,突破了長達一週的看跌趨勢。狗狗幣 (DOGE) 上漲超過 4%,而柴犬 (SHIB) 上漲 1.97%。較新的迷因幣,如 Popcat (POPCAT) 和 Mog Coin (MOG) 也大幅上漲。

Derulo's Token Drama


Jason Derulo, the American singer, sold a significant amount of his newly launched JASON crypto token despite initially claiming that he would not. According to Bubblemaps, a co-creator of the token admitted it was part of an orchestrated plan. Wallets associated with Arora, the co-creator, allegedly held half of JASON's supply and dumped nearly all of it, making a substantial profit. Bubblemaps also identified a wallet allegedly belonging to Derulo that received tokens directly from Arora and sold them.

美國歌手傑森·德魯洛 (Jason Derulo) 出售了大量他新推出的 JASON 加密代幣,儘管最初聲稱他不會這樣做。根據 Bubblemaps 報導,該代幣的聯合創建者承認這是精心策劃的計劃的一部分。據稱,與聯合創始人阿羅拉(Arora)相關的錢包持有 JASON 一半的供應量,並拋售了幾乎全部供應量,賺取了可觀的利潤。 Bubblemaps 還發現了一個據稱屬於 Derulo 的錢包,該錢包直接從 Arora 接收代幣並將其出售。

50 Cent's GUNIT Crypto Scam

50 Cent 的 GUNIT 加密騙局

Renowned rapper 50 Cent claimed that his X account and website were hacked, leading to the promotion of a pump-and-dump scam involving a meme coin called GUNIT. Fraudulent developers created the token and exploited 50 Cent's large following to inflate its price before draining its value. Jackson informed his followers that he was not associated with the crypto in any way.

著名說唱歌手 50 Cent 聲稱他的 X 帳戶和網站遭到黑客攻擊,導致了涉及一種名為 GUNIT 的模因幣的拉高拋售騙局的推廣。欺詐性開發人員創建了該代幣,並利用 50 Cent 的大量追隨者來提高其價格,然後耗盡其價值。傑克森告訴他的追隨者,他與加密貨幣沒有任何關係。


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