首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Meme 幣正在失去動力嗎? DOGE 和 SHIB 的下跌表明交易者的興趣減弱

Are Meme Coins Losing Steam? A Decline in DOGE and SHIB Suggests Waning Interest from Traders

Meme 幣正在失去動力嗎? DOGE 和 SHIB 的下跌表明交易者的興趣減弱

發布: 2023/09/28 20:09 閱讀: 474



Memecoins, cryptocurrencies inspired by internet memes and jokes, saw a surge of popularity and price appreciation in 2021. However, in recent months memecoin prices and discussion have cooled off significantly. This article will analyze the current state of major memecoins like Dogecoin and provide perspective on their place in the broader crypto market.

Memecoin 是一種受網路迷因和笑話啟發的加密貨幣,在 2021 年人氣激增,價格也上漲。然而,近幾個月來,memecoin 的價格和討論已顯著降溫。本文將分析狗狗幣等主要迷因幣的現狀,並就它們在更廣泛的加密市場中的地位提供觀點。

Source: Santiment – Start using it today

來源:Santiment – 從今天開始使用

Declining Interest in Memecoins

對 Memecoin 的興趣下降

According to data from Santiment, an analytics platform, memecoin discussion and prices have declined since the crypto market top in mid-July 2022. While altcoins overall have seen more declines than gains in recent months, memecoins have been especially weak.

根據分析平台 Santiment 的數據,自 2022 年 7 月中旬加密市場見頂以來,memecoin 的討論和價格一直在下降。雖然近幾個月來山寨幣整體跌幅大於漲幅,但 memecoin 尤其疲軟。

Dogecoin (DOGE), the original memecoin started in 2013, has seen the lowest discussion rates since 2020. This suggests waning interest among crypto traders and communities.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 是 2013 年推出的最初的迷因幣,自 2020 年以來討論率最低。這表明加密貨幣交易者和社群的興趣正在減弱。

Shiba Inu (SHIB), which gained steam as a “Dogecoin killer” in 2021, is down nearly 70% from its October 2021 high. Discussion of SHIB is a fraction of peak levels as well.

柴犬 (SHIB) 在 2021 年被譽為“狗狗幣殺手”,但較 2021 年 10 月的高點下跌了近 70%。 SHIB 的討論也只是峰值水準的一小部分。

The declining interest indicates memecoin mania has cooled off significantly from 2021 heights. Factors include lower risk appetite amid crypto bear market conditions.

興趣下降表明 memecoin 狂熱已較 2021 年的高峰大幅降溫。因素包括加密貨幣熊市條件下風險偏好降低。

Are Memecoins Losing Their Luster?

Memecoin 正在失去光彩嗎?

Memecoins initially attracted interest due to lighthearted communities, often centered around Dogecoin. The unexpected gains of early Dogecoin buyers also fueled interest.

Memecoin 最初之所以引起人們的興趣,是因為其輕鬆的社區(通常以狗狗幣為中心)。早期狗狗幣買家的意外收穫也激發了人們的興趣。

However, memecoins have arguably become less about the memes recently. Instead, traders have viewed them more as speculative assets to try to purchase early and sell for profits.


The trendiness and novelty of memecoins may be wearing off as investors take a more cautious approach post-2021. With less hype, prices and volumes have declined.

隨著投資者在 2021 年後採取更加謹慎的態度,迷因幣的普及度和新穎性可能會逐漸減弱。隨著炒作減少,價格和銷量都下降了。



Memecoin mania was a significant subplot of the 2021 crypto bull market. However, data shows memecoin discussion and prices have cooled considerably. While pockets of interest remain, memecoins do not dominate the crypto conversation as they once did. It remains to be seen if they can regain interest and traction.

Memecoin 狂熱是 2021 年加密貨幣牛市的一個重要次要情節。然而,數據顯示模因幣的討論和價格已經大幅降溫。儘管仍然存在一些興趣,但模因幣不再像以前那樣主導加密貨幣對話。他們是否能重新獲得興趣和吸引力還有待觀察。

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The post Are Meme Coins Losing Steam? A Decline in DOGE and SHIB Suggests Waning Interest from Traders appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

帖子 Meme 幣正在失去動力嗎? DOGE 和 SHIB 的下降表明交易者的興趣減弱首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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