首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 結束了?柴犬 (SHIB) 和 DOGE Eye 等 Meme 幣的戲劇性統治力下降

It's Over? Meme Coins Like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and DOGE Eye Dramatic Dominance Drop

結束了?柴犬 (SHIB) 和 DOGE Eye 等 Meme 幣的戲劇性統治力下降

發布: 2024/06/20 19:02 閱讀: 462



結束了?柴犬 (SHIB) 和 DOGE Eye 等 Meme 幣的戲劇性統治力下降

Market Shift: Meme Coin Dominance Declines

市場轉變:Meme 幣的主導地位下降

Ki Young Ju, founder of CryptoQuant, observed a notable shift in the crypto market. According to Ju, meme coins are losing their dominance in the altcoin sector, indicating a move away from speculative investing towards a more fundamental approach akin to previous market stages.

CryptoQuant 創辦人 Ki Young Ju 觀察到加密市場發生了顯著變化。 Ju 表示,迷因幣正在失去其在山寨幣領域的主導地位,這表明人們正在從投機性投資轉向類似於先前市場階段的更基本的方法。

This shift suggests the end of the meme coin craze that has dominated investor sentiment in recent months. However, Ju emphasizes that his negative outlook is solely for meme coins and not Bitcoin. He remains optimistic about BTC's long-term prospects, indicating that while meme coin hype fades, established assets like Bitcoin maintain their investment potential.

這一轉變顯示近幾個月來主導投資者情緒的迷因幣熱潮已經結束。然而,Ju 強調,他的負面看法只是針對 meme 幣,而不是比特幣。他對比特幣的長期前景仍然持樂觀態度,這表明雖然迷因幣的炒作逐漸消退,但比特幣等成熟資產仍保持其投資潛力。

Shift from Gambling to Fundamentals


The declining dominance of meme coins implies a broader market sentiment that values intrinsic value over speculative ventures. Meme coins often act as leveraged plays on their parent chains, exhibiting amplified price movements that mirror market trends.

迷因幣的主導地位下降意味著更廣泛的市場情緒,即重視內在價值而不是投機風險。 Meme 幣通常在其母鏈上充當槓桿角色,表現出反映市場趨勢的放大價格變動。

However, capital flow typically shifts from less risky assets to more speculative ones in financial markets. This cycle often inflates meme coin valuations, followed by significant withdrawals that trigger market downturns.


Maturation of the Market


The waning dominance of meme coins may signal the maturation of the crypto market. Investors are gravitating towards assets with strong fundamentals, emphasizing value over high-risk, high-reward ventures.



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