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From Meme to Millions: The Dogecoin Revolution in Australian Online Casinos


發布: 2024/02/21 21:32 閱讀: 465




Dogecoin is perhaps one of the more famous cryptocurrencies available, aside from the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum, which arguably have bigger reputations. However, the altcoin has managed to form its global recognition for a very different reason than those known because of its value.


Dogecoin is a digital token that managed to gain traction amongst the wider community later in its life when one of the world’s influential men decided to put a simple tweet out stating “DOGE”, thus resulting in the coin exploding and skyrocketing in price and popularity.


So much so, it became a main standout cryptocurrency for many holders of digital currency, with numerous industries deciding to embrace the popularity that had been experienced. Industries that decided to accept the coin included those across various sectors, with the entertainment niche being one market that truly embraced it.


AMC Theatres were among the early adopters, as were travel firm AirBaltic and automotive Tesla. The casino industry was not far behind, either, with players able to play online pokies in Australia using Dogecoin without issue to enhance their overall gambling experiences.

AMC 劇院是早期採用者之一,旅遊公司 AirBaltic 和汽車特斯拉也是如此。賭場業也不甘落後,玩家可以在澳洲使用狗狗幣玩線上老虎機,毫無問題地增強他們的整體賭博體驗。

Gamers have been able to enjoy several security benefits that the altcoin has provided, such as being able to enjoy a fun, decentralized, and community-driven alternative compared to when they may have used traditional Australian dollars instead. It is a simple coin that enjoyed widespread adoption, low fees, and rapid speeds, which are similar traits Bitcoin experienced while offering more favorable conditions than other cryptocurrencies that could be used.


The Story of Dogecoin’s Rise to Millions from Being a Simple Meme


With meme coins being in the news currently due to the TRUMP meme coin being talked about as a potential rival to the Dogecoin and Shiba Inu crypto giants, it does seem a perfect time to reflect on the crazy years that the Dogecoin had witnessed.


Birthed in 2013, the DOGE coin was designed by Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus as a meme due to the viral sensation of Kabosu, the female Shiba Inu of Japanese owner Atsuko Sato. The art teacher had posted photos of her loved pet online and before she knew it, one of them would blow up as the photo of the dog staring into the camera from the side with her paws crossed would be given worded treatment of colorful but grammatically incorrect statements in Comic Sans. From there, it became a phenomenon of sorts, as Kabosu became a marketing tool for many companies.

DOGE 硬幣誕生於2013 年,由傑克遜·帕爾默(Jackson Palmer) 和比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 設計,由於日本所有者佐藤敦子(Atsuko Sato) 的雌性柴犬卡博蘇(Kabosu) 的病毒式傳播而引起了人們的注意。這位美術老師在網路上發布了她心愛的寵物的照片,在她意識到之前,其中一張照片就被炸毀了,因為那隻狗交叉爪子從側面盯著鏡頭的照片會被用色彩繽紛但語法不正確的措辭處理。Comic Sans 中的聲明。從那時起,它成為一種現象,因為 Kabosu 成為許多公司的行銷工具。

Going back to the coin, Palmer and Markus wanted to capitalize on its popularity but see how far they could go with the joke coin. They made billions of it available with the technological knowledge they had, and within its first year, they had seen it become the world’s sixth-largest cryptocurrency, having a market cap of $22,144,496. In 2014, the world did not even have Ethereum, which perhaps helps highlight its extraordinary rise from meme to millions.

回到硬幣,帕爾默和馬庫斯想要利用它的受歡迎程度,但看看他們能用笑話硬幣走多遠。他們利用自己擁有的技術知識發行了數十億美元,在第一年裡,他們見證了它成為世界第六大加密貨幣,市值達到 22,144,496 美元。 2014 年,世界上甚至還沒有以太坊,這或許有助於突顯其從流行文化到數百萬的非凡崛起。

Of course, this was just the story’s beginning, as it went through several other stages. The altcoin would go through a period of abandonment by Palmer, as he decided to leave the industry in 2015. However, in 2017 – after a natural period of decline – DOGE soared once again and reached a record-high of $0.018773 in January 2018. An unusual story in 2017 helped boost its popularity once again, as the Twitter account for China Central Television posted that Doge (the dog) had died, something that her owner would deny and disprove with a video of her eating.

當然,這只是故事的開始,後面還經歷了幾個階段。這種山寨幣經歷了帕爾默的放棄期,因為他在2015 年決定離開該行業。然而,在經歷了一段自然下降期後,DOGE 在2017 年再次飆升,並於2018 年1 月創下了0.018773美元的歷史新高。2017 年的一個不尋常的故事再次提升了它的知名度,因為中央電視台的Twitter 帳戶發布了Doge(狗)死了的消息,但她的主人否認了這一點,並用她吃東西的影片反駁了這一說法。

That April Fool’s Day joke led to its revival again in 2020, with the TikTok craze playing its role. A user posted under the hashtag ‘#DogecoinTikTokChallenge’ stated that if users were to invest $25 in the practically worthless coin, they would have $10,000 once it hit a value of $1. This led to a lot of interest, but then a certain Elon Musk helped push the boundaries further.

愚人節笑話在 2020 年再次復活,TikTok 熱潮發揮了作用。一位在「#DogecoinTikTokChallenge」標籤下發文的用戶表示,如果用戶投資 25 美元購買這種幾乎毫無價值的代幣,一旦價值達到 1 美元,他們將獲得 10,000 美元。這引起了許多人的興趣,但後來 Elon Musk 進一步推動了這一界限。

Elon Musk’s influence on Dogecoin


An admirer of the altcoin, Musk posted a one-word tweet that saw it jump in value by 20% in December 2020. A few months later, he continued to fan its popularity by mentioning it in various tweets, such as claiming it to be the people’s crypto and even uploaded a photoshopped picture of him holding Shiba Inu like he was holding Simba in The Lion King.

作為山寨幣的崇拜者,馬斯克發布了一則單字推文,導致該幣的價值在2020 年12 月上漲了20%。幾個月後,他在各種推文中提到它,繼續煽動它的受歡迎程度,例如聲稱它是人們的加密貨幣,甚至上傳了一張他抱著柴犬的照片,就像他在《獅子王》中抱著辛巴一樣。

Before this, he had responded to a tweet in 2019 stating: “Dogecoin might be my fav cryptocurrency.” In doing so, he got some famous celebrities to get in on the action, which helped Dogecoin reach an all-time record-high of $0.08495, an increase of 352% from its previous high. It continued to escalate as mainstream media attention had reported and followed the story.

在此之前,他曾在 2019 年回復過一條推文,表示:“狗狗幣可能是我最喜歡的加密貨幣。”在此過程中,他邀請了一些名人參與進來,幫助狗狗幣創下了 0.08495 美元的歷史新高,較之前的高點上漲了 352%。隨著主流媒體的關注和報道,事態繼續升級。

Today, it continues to trend positively, with the coin’s market cap being $11,856,800,863, and it is currently at a price of $0.08286 in February 2024.

如今,它繼續呈現積極趨勢,該代幣的市值為 11,856,800,863 美元,目前 2024 年 2 月的價格為 0.08286 美元。

Image by Anna Mustermann from Pixabay

圖片由Anna Mustermann在Pixabay上發布

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