首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著 Memecoin (MEME) 交易量超過 Dogecoin (DOGE),這是 11 月頂級 Meme 代幣的獨家新聞

As Memecoin (MEME) Trading Volume Overtakes Dogecoin (DOGE), Here’s the Scoop on November’s Top Meme Tokens

隨著 Memecoin (MEME) 交易量超過 Dogecoin (DOGE),這是 11 月頂級 Meme 代幣的獨家新聞

發布: 2023/11/20 18:10 閱讀: 416



  • Memecoin (MEME) outpaces Dogecoin (DOGE) in trading, showcasing its rising popularity.
  • Memecoin (MEME) 的交易量超過了 Dogecoin (DOGE),顯示出其日益受歡迎的趨勢。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) blends gaming with real-world impact, attracting investors’ attention.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 將遊戲與現實世界的影響融為一體,吸引了投資者的注意。

  • Technical strengths of Memecoin (MEME) and Deogelon Mars (ELON) underline their potential as top altcoins.
  • Memecoin (MEME) 和 Deogelon Mars (ELON) 的技術優勢凸顯了它們作為頂級山寨幣的潛力。

So, get this: Memecoin (MEME) just zoomed past Dogecoin (DOGE) in trading volume. Yeah, you heard that right. In the cut-throat world of the top altcoins, where fortunes flip faster than a coin, this is a big deal. 

所以,明白了:Memecoin (MEME) 的交易量剛剛超越了 Dogecoin (DOGE)。是的,你沒聽錯。在頂級山寨幣的競爭激烈的世界裡,財富的變化速度比硬幣還快,這是一件大事。

Dogecoin, the original king of meme coins, has always been the front-runner, the one to beat. But boom! Here comes MEME, sprinting past DOGE and turning heads.

狗狗幣,最初的迷因幣之王,一直是領跑者,是被擊敗的人。但是繁榮! MEME 來了,衝過 DOGE 並回頭率。

It’s like the underdog just outran the big dog in an epic crypto race. But the real talk of the town is this cool new player: NuggetRush (NUGX), stepping into the ring with its own unique swagger.

這就像在一場史詩般的加密貨幣競賽中,弱者剛剛超越了強者。但鎮上真正的話題是這位很酷的新玩家:NuggetRush (NUGX),以自己獨特的姿態步入擂台。

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NuggetRush (NUGX)

掘金衝刺 (NUGX)

NuggetRush (NUGX) is not your run-of-the-mill meme token. It’s like the cool new kid on the block that’s changing the game – literally. Picture this: a play-to-earn game where you’re not just playing for kicks but for actual gold. 

NuggetRush (NUGX) 不是普通的迷因代幣。這就像街區裡的酷新小孩正在改變遊戲規則——字面上的意思。想像一下:在一款邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲中,您玩遊戲不只是為了刺激,而是為了真正的金幣。

That’s right, real gold! It’s a sweet mix of gaming and making a real-world impact, perfect for those making baby steps into the world of cryptocurrency trading for beginners.


And it gets better. NuggetRush isn’t just about racking up game points. It’s got a heart, supporting artisanal miners in less developed countries. That’s some serious good karma right there, making it a standout among altcoins to buy

而且情況會變得更好。 NuggetRush 不僅僅是累積遊戲點數。它有一顆心,支持欠發達國家的手工採礦者。這是一些嚴重的善業,使其成為值得購買的山寨幣中的佼佼者。

Plus, it’s already killing it in its presale, with over 41.2 million NUGX sold at 0.012 USDT and a cool $400k in the bank. This early win puts NuggetRush up there with the best altcoins to invest in.

此外,它在預售中已經大獲成功,超過 4,120 萬個 NUGX 以 0.012 USDT 的價格售出,銀行存款高達 40 萬美元。這場早期勝利使 NuggetRush 成為最值得投資的山寨幣。

Now, let’s dive into the technical stuff that really makes NuggetRush shine. This token is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which is like the gold standard for security and transparency. This isn’t just another blockchain game; it’s built on a foundation that’s tried, tested, and trusted.

現在,讓我們深入探討真正讓 NuggetRush 脫穎而出的技術內容。該代幣建立在以太坊區塊鏈上,這就像是安全性和透明度的黃金標準。這不僅僅是另一款區塊鏈遊戲;它是一款區塊鏈遊戲。它建立在經過嘗試、測試和信任的基礎上。

But that’s not all. NuggetRush has some neat features under its hood. It offers NFT staking with up to 20% APY, which is a pretty sweet deal. Plus, the smart contract for NUGX is set to be renounced post-launch, putting all the power in the hands of the community.

但這還不是全部。 NuggetRush 的底層有一些簡潔的功能。它提供高達 20% APY 的 NFT 質押,這是一筆相當不錯的交易。此外,NUGX 的智慧合約將在發布後放棄,將所有權力交到社群手中。

This move towards a decentralized, community-driven model isn’t just smart; it’s revolutionary, marking NuggetRush as one of the best altcoins to watch. It’s these thoughtful, innovative touches that position NUGX not just as a meme token, but as a trailblazer among the top altcoins.

這種向去中心化、社區驅動模式的轉變不僅是明智的,而且是明智的。它是革命性的,使 NuggetRush 成為最值得關注的山寨幣之一。正是這些深思熟慮、創新的觸感使 NUGX 不僅成為了一種 meme 代幣,而且成為了頂級山寨幣中的開拓者。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

Memecoin (MEME)

模因幣 (MEME)

Memecoin (MEME) isn’t just riding the meme wave; it’s got some solid tech behind it as an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. This token is built to scale and handle a ton of transactions, making it a smooth operator.

Memecoin (MEME) 不僅順應了 meme 浪潮;作為建立在以太坊區塊鏈上的 ERC-20 代幣,它背後有一些可靠的技術。該代幣旨在擴展和處理大量交易,使其成為一個平穩的運營商。

What sets MEME apart is its user-centric design, focusing on ease of use and accessibility, crucial factors for those new to altcoins. Plus, with advanced encryption and security protocols, MEME ensures that your digital assets are always safe.

MEME 的與眾不同之處在於其以用戶為中心的設計,注重易用性和可近性,這對於山寨幣新手來說是至關重要的因素。此外,憑藉先進的加密和安全協議,MEME 確保您的數位資產始終安全。

But there’s more to MEME than just robust tech. It’s all about community engagement and rewards, offering unique incentives that foster a loyal and active user base. This approach not only boosts the token’s popularity but also stabilizes its market position, making MEME a smart choice for anyone looking for the best altcoins to invest in.

但 MEME 不僅僅是強大的技術。這一切都與社群參與和獎勵有關,提供獨特的激勵措施來培養忠誠和活躍的用戶群。這種方法不僅提高了代幣的受歡迎程度,還穩定了其市場地位,使 MEME 成為任何尋求最佳山寨幣投資的人的明智選擇。

Dogelon Mars (ELON)

多吉隆火星 (ELON)

Dogelon Mars (ELON) stands out with its unique blend of meme culture and technical prowess. Its focus on technical strength makes ELON appealing not just to meme enthusiasts but also to those serious about crypto investing. 

Dogelon Mars (ELON) 以其獨特的迷因文化和技術實力融合而脫穎而出。它對技術實力的關注使得 ELON 不僅吸引了 meme 愛好者,也吸引了那些認真對待加密貨幣投資的人。

The token’s adaptability and future-proofing show a commitment to staying relevant in the competitive world of the top altcoins.


Beyond the basics, ELON takes things up a notch with its quirky, interplanetary theme that’s more than just a gimmick. This creative branding is coupled with a roadmap that promises exciting developments, aiming to keep users engaged and invested.

除了基礎知識之外,ELON 還以其古怪的星際主題將事情提升了一個檔次,這不僅僅是一個噱頭。這種創意品牌與承諾令人興奮的發展的路線圖相結合,旨在保持用戶的參與和投資。

ELON’s strategy of blending fun with functionality is a smart move in the crowded crypto market. By positioning itself as both entertaining and technologically sound, ELON has earned its place among the best altcoins to invest in, appealing to a broad range of crypto enthusiasts.

ELON 將樂趣與功能相結合的策略是擁擠的加密貨幣市場中的明智之舉。透過將自己定位為既有趣又技術可靠,ELON 已成為最佳投資山寨幣之一,吸引了廣泛的加密貨幣愛好者。



In the meme token universe, it’s not just about being the latest fad. Hidden gems like NuggetRush (NUGX) are turning the tables by blending fun gaming, social impact, and digital currency. For anyone, from beginner investors to seasoned traders, the meme token space is where the action is. With stars like NuggetRush, Memecoin, and Dogelon Mars, you’re in for a wild, rewarding ride.

在迷因代幣領域,它不僅僅是成為最新的時尚。像 NuggetRush (NUGX) 這樣的隱藏瑰寶正在透過融合有趣的遊戲、社會影響力和數位貨幣來扭轉局面。對於任何人來說,從初學者投資者到經驗豐富的交易者,迷因代幣空間都是行動所在。與 NuggetRush、Memecoin 和 Dogelon Mars 等明星一起,您將踏上一段瘋狂而有益的旅程。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

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The post As Memecoin (MEME) Trading Volume Overtakes Dogecoin (DOGE), Here’s the Scoop on November’s Top Meme Tokens appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

隨著 Memecoin (MEME) 交易量超過 Dogecoin (DOGE),以下是 11 月份頂級 Meme 代幣的獨家新聞,該帖子首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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