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What Do You Need To Become A Memecoin Millionaire?

成為 Memecoin 百萬富翁需要什麼?

發布: 2023/12/20 11:11 閱讀: 614



成為 Memecoin 百萬富翁需要什麼?



  • Meme coins have become a popular phenomenon with a total market cap of over $15 billion.
  • Meme 幣已成為一種流行現象,總市值超過 150 億美元。

  • NuggetRush is a new project that aims to reshape how meme coins are perceived and is attracting seasoned investors and novice crypto enthusiasts.
  • NuggetRush 是一個新項目,旨在重塑模因幣的認知方式,並吸引了經驗豐富的投資者和新手加密貨幣愛好者。

  • Favorable market conditions, including the impending Bitcoin ETF approval and halving, could provide necessary tailwinds for NUGX growth.
  • 有利的市場條件,包括即將到來的比特幣 ETF 批准和減半,可能為 NUGX 的成長提供必要的推動力。

Undoubtedly, meme coins have emerged as a captivating phenomenon, with their cumulative market cap surpassing $15 billion. Dogecoin (DOGE), a top 10 altcoin with over $11 billion in market cap, is king. 

毫無疑問,迷因幣已成為一種迷人的現象,其累積市值超過 150 億美元。狗狗幣 (DOGE) 是排名前十的山寨幣,市值超過 110 億美元,堪稱王者。

However, new projects like NuggetRush (NUGX) plan to reshape how meme coins are perceived, drawing the attention of seasoned investors and novice crypto enthusiasts.

然而,像 NuggetRush (NUGX) 這樣的新項目計劃重塑模因幣的認知方式,吸引了經驗豐富的投資者和新手加密貨幣愛好者的注意。

Meme coins, often without utility and drawing inspiration from popular internet memes or pop culture references, attract traders due to their potential for massive growth, chiefly fueled by community hype and social media buzz, in a cycle of fear of missing out (FOMO).

Meme 幣通常沒有實用性,並從流行的互聯網meme 或流行文化參考中汲取靈感,但由於其巨大增長潛力而吸引了交易者,這主要是由社區炒作和社交媒體熱議推動的,處於害怕錯過(FOMO) 的循環中。

Meme coin bursts, for example, those of Dogecoin, PepeCoin (PEPE), or even Shiba Inu (SHIB), could explain the explosion in interest and the endless search for new projects that can also lift daring but astute investors into millionaire status, even creating generational wealth.

Meme 幣的爆發,例如狗狗幣、佩佩幣(PEPE),甚至柴犬幣(SHIB)的爆發,可以解釋人們興趣的爆炸式增長以及對新項目的無休止的搜索,這些新項目也可以將大膽而精明的投資者提升為百萬富翁,甚至創造世代財富。

This article will examine multiple factors that could potentially lift value-seeking meme coin investors into millionaire status. Specifically, the focus will be on NuggetRush. Most importantly, we will look at how it aims to bring value to holders and the broader meme coin scene.

本文將研究可能將尋求價值的迷因幣投資者提升為百萬富翁地位的多種因素。具體來說,重點將放在 NuggetRush 上。最重要的是,我們將研究它如何為持有者和更廣泛的迷因幣場景帶來價值。

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Bitcoin Likely To Explode In 2024

比特幣可能在 2024 年爆發

The crypto market has been on a firm leg up, with some coins, including Bitcoin, rallying by over 150% in the past three months alone. Considering the relatively volatile nature of altcoins, some meme coins, including NUGX, have posted even more gains, with their respective communities expecting this rally to continue.

加密貨幣市場一直保持強勁上漲勢頭,包括比特幣在內的一些加密貨幣在過去三個月就上漲了 150% 以上。考慮到山寨幣相對波動的性質,包括 NUGX 在內的一些迷因幣的漲幅甚至更大,各自的社區預計這種漲勢將持續下去。

Several factors may support Bitcoin and, in turn, the broader crypto market; explaining why the present market conditions form favorable ground for investors looking at meme coins to graduate them to the millionaire category.


To illustrate, the impending approval of the first batch of Bitcoin ETFs by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) could fast-track crypto adoption, bringing in more institutional investors looking to diversify their portfolios. The surge will also drive more funds to the sphere, lifting Bitcoin, altcoins, and meme coins to new levels.

舉例來說,美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 即將批准第一批比特幣 ETF,這可能會加快加密貨幣的採用,吸引更多希望實現投資組合多元化的機構投資者。這一激增也將推動更多資金流入該領域,將比特幣、山寨幣和迷因幣提升到新的水平。

Some analysts predict that Bitcoin could easily breeze past 2021 highs of $69,000 once this happens. If this is true, most low market cap altcoins will likely rise by 3X or more in the coming sessions.

一些分析師預測,一旦發生這種情況,比特幣可能會輕鬆突破 2021 年的高點 69,000 美元。如果這是真的,大多數低市值山寨幣可能會在未來幾個交易日上漲 3 倍或更多。

Beyond the Bitcoin ETF approval, the market is also looking at the upcoming Bitcoin halving. This periodic event will reduce block mining rewards by half, increasing scarcity and possibly pumping prices to new highs.

除了比特幣 ETF 獲得批准外,市場還在關注即將到來的比特幣減半。這一週期性事件將使區塊挖礦獎勵減少一半,增加稀缺性,並可能將價格推至新高。

NuggetRush: A Millionaire Maker?


Among the numerous memecoins vying for attention, NuggetRush is a promising option. It is considered the best NFT crypto in late Q4 2023.

在眾多爭奪關注度的迷因幣中,NuggetRush 是一個很有前途的選擇。它被認為是 2023 年第四季末最好的 NFT 加密貨幣。

NuggetRush differentiates itself from the rest through a unique ecosystem that incorporates play-to-earn (P2E), blockchain, crypto, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

NuggetRush 憑藉獨特的生態系統脫穎而出,該生態系統融合了即玩即賺 (P2E)、區塊鏈、加密貨幣、去中心化金融 (DeFi) 和不可替代代幣 (NFT)。

Their P2E aims to offer gamers an engaging experience. Gamers earn in-game assets while enjoying. NUGX, the platform’s ERC-20 coin, is core to the platform. It is used as a medium of exchange in NuggetRush’s internal NFT marketplace. Holders can also vote on proposals, getting involved in governance.

他們的 P2E 旨在為遊戲玩家提供引人入勝的體驗。玩家在享受遊戲的同時賺取遊戲內資產。 NUGX 是該平台的 ERC-20 代幣,是該平台的核心。它被用作 NuggetRush 內部 NFT 市場的交換媒介。持有者也可以對提案進行投票,參與治理。

Moreover, a portion of the NUGX supply will be channeled to charity.

此外,部分 NUGX 供應將用於慈善事業。

Optimistic investors are, however, doubling down on NuggetRush because of its focus on community engagement and growth. Their decentralization and decision to renounce the platform’s smart contracts will likely support NUGX prices in the long haul.

然而,由於 NuggetRush 專注於社區參與和成長,樂觀的投資者加倍押注於 NuggetRush。從長遠來看,他們的去中心化和放棄平台智能合約的決定可能會支撐 NUGX 的價格。

Additionally, while aiming to ride the meme coin wave, NUGX is deflationary. This means, gradually, the total supply will be reduced. Analysts say this could support prices, making NUGX one of the top crypto coins.

此外,雖然 NUGX 的目標是順應迷因幣浪潮,但它是通貨緊縮的。這意味著總供應量將逐漸減少。分析師表示,這可能會支撐價格,使 NUGX 成為頂級加密貨幣之一。

Coupled with favorable market conditions, including the impending Bitcoin ETF approval and halving, NUGX could find the necessary tailwinds for growth.

再加上有利的市場條件,包括即將到來的比特幣 ETF 批准和減半,NUGX 可能會找到必要的成長動力。

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Memecoins carry inherent risks since they are driven mainly by speculation and hype rather than fundamental value. However, NuggetRush, with its unique ecosystem, engaged community, and tokenomics, is increasingly being explored by value investors seeking to be crypto millionaires in the next Bull Run.

Memecoin 具有固有的風險,因為它們主要是由投機和炒作而非基本價值驅動的。然而,NuggetRush 憑藉其獨特的生態系統、參與性社區和代幣經濟學,正越來越多地被尋求在下一次牛市中成為加密貨幣百萬富翁的價值投資者所探索。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

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The post What Do You Need To Become A Memecoin Millionaire? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

文章《你需要什麼才能成為 Memecoin 百萬富翁?》首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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