首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於柴犬(SHIB)和狗狗幣(DOGE)保持持平,新 Memecoin 預計將在下半年佔據主導地位

New Memecoin Poised To Dominate the Second Half As Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) Remain Flat

由於柴犬(SHIB)和狗狗幣(DOGE)保持持平,新 Memecoin 預計將在下半年佔據主導地位

發布: 2024/07/03 18:48 閱讀: 519



由於柴犬(SHIB)和狗狗幣(DOGE)保持持平,新 Memecoin 預計將在下半年佔據主導地位

Memecoins Lead Crypto Market Gains

Memecoin 引領加密貨幣市場上漲

Memecoins dominated the first half of 2023, propelling several tokens to impressive gains. While established players like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) saw modest increases, a new contender, KangaMoon, has emerged as a frontrunner for market dominance in the second half.

Memecoin 在 2023 年上半年佔據主導地位,推動多種代幣取得了令人矚目的收益。雖然 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等老牌玩家的成長幅度不大,但新的競爭者 KangaMoon 已成為下半年市場主導地位的領跑者。

Shiba Inu (SHIB): A Rising Burn Rate

柴犬 (SHIB):燃燒率上升

SHIB has generated buzz with its escalating burn rate. Over 918 million tokens have been removed from circulation since June, bolstering investor confidence. Despite a 60% price surge in the first half, SHIB has stalled below $0.00001800. Analysts believe it may rally towards a new target of $0.00003000.

SHIB 因其不斷上升的燒錢率而引起熱議。自 6 月以來,已有超過 9.18 億枚代幣退出流通,增強了投資者的信心。儘管上半年價格飆升 60%,SHIB 仍停滯在 0.00001800 美元以下。分析師認為,它可能會反彈至 0.00003000 美元的新目標。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Potential for Rally


DOGE has faced bearish pressure recently, yet bulls remain in control. If it sustains the support level at $0.1274, DOGE could see sustained gains throughout 2024. The weekly chart suggests a potential surge above $0.20.

DOGE 最近面臨看跌壓力,但多頭仍掌控局面。如果維持 0.1274 美元的支撐位,DOGE 可能會在 2024 年持續上漲。

KangaMoon: A SocialFi Memecoin on the Rise

KangaMoon:正在崛起的 SocialFi Memecoin

While most memecoins have traded sideways, KangaMoon has skyrocketed in its first week of trading. From $0.01 in presale, it now commands $0.0980, a 9.8x increase.

雖然大多數 memecoin 的交易都是橫盤整理,但 KangaMoon 在交易的第一周就飆升了。預售時為 0.01 美元,現在為 0.0980 美元,漲幅為 9.8 倍。

KangaMoon's unique integration of SocialFi features and a Play-to-Earn (P2E) ecosystem has attracted investors. Users are rewarded for engagement, fostering a community and promoting brand recognition. KangaMoon has raised $8 million and garnered over 32,000 users, with experts predicting it may become a top-performing memecoin by the end of the year, peaking above $1.

KangaMoon 獨特地整合了 SocialFi 功能和 Play-to-Earn (P2E) 生態系統,吸引了投資者。用戶因參與、培養社群和提升品牌認知度而獲得獎勵。 KangaMoon 已籌集 800 萬美元,並擁有超過 32,000 名用戶,專家預測它可能會在今年年底成為表現最好的 memecoin,峰值超過 1 美元。



While SHIB and DOGE remain market leaders, KangaMoon is positioned as a promising investment opportunity for memecoin enthusiasts. Its innovative SocialFi application has the potential to redefine the meme coin landscape.

雖然 SHIB 和 DOGE 仍然是市場領導者,但 KangaMoon 被定位為 memecoin 愛好者的一個有前途的投資機會。其創新的 SocialFi 應用程式有可能重新定義迷因硬幣的格局。


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