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New memecoin on route to overshadow top crypto players PEPE, SHIB

新的 memecoin 即將超越頂級加密貨幣玩家 PEPE、SHIB

發布: 2024/06/20 20:02 閱讀: 650



新的 memecoin 即將超越頂級加密貨幣玩家 PEPE、SHIB

Angry Pepe Fork: A Rising Star in the Memecoin Universe

憤怒的佩佩叉:Memecoin 宇宙中的後起之秀



The memecoin market is projected to soar to a $100 billion market capitalization by 2024. Adoption rates have reached unprecedented heights, and analysts are hailing the new memecoin, Angry Pepe Fork, as a potential frontrunner.

預計到 2024 年,memecoin 市場的市值將飆升至 1000 億美元。 採用率已達到前所未有的高度,分析師將新的 memecoin Angry Pepe Fork 視為潛在的領跑者。

Angry Pepe Fork: A Revolutionary Meme Coin


Built on the Solana blockchain, Angry Pepe Fork aims to conquer the realm of zombie memecoins. Its APORK army empowers users with a "Conquer to Earn" model, where staking rewards increase with the number of zombie memecoins conquered.

Angry Pepe Fork 基於 Solana 區塊鏈構建,旨在征服殭屍模因幣領域。其 APORK 軍隊為用戶提供「征服即賺取」模式,其中質押獎勵隨著征服的殭屍迷因數量而增加。

Staking and Rewards


Users can stake APORK tokens for various lock-in periods, ranging from 30 days to 90 days. The ecosystem is exploring additional utility partnerships to enhance the token's value. Early adopters can purchase APORK tokens during the presale phase at $0.014, with a 10% bonus on all purchases.

用戶可以將 APORK 代幣質押不同的鎖定期,從 30 天到 90 天不等。該生態系統正在探索更多的公用事業合作夥伴關係,以提高代幣的價值。早期採用者可以在預售階段以 0.014 美元的價格購買 APORK 代幣,所有購買均可享受 10% 的獎勵。

Pepe and Shiba Inu: Market Insights


Pepe has experienced a recent price decline, falling below the $0.000014 support zone. However, top crypto analyst Crypto Rover predicts a potential 10x return for Pepe, citing its modest $6 billion market cap and the likelihood of a bull market.

Pepe 最近經歷了價格下跌,跌破了 0.000014 美元的支撐區域。然而,頂級加密貨幣分析師 Crypto Rover 預測 Pepe 的潛在回報率為 10 倍,理由是其 60 億美元的市值和多頭市場的可能性。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is currently undergoing a downtrend, with an 8% price decline in the past week. Despite the market volatility, influencers like Lerry consider SHIB a strong investment.

柴犬 (SHIB) 目前正處於下跌趨勢,過去一週價格下跌 8%。儘管市場波動,Lerry 等有影響力的人士仍認為 SHIB 是一項強大的投資。



Angry Pepe Fork stands as a promising memecoin with a unique Conquer to Earn model and a rapidly growing ecosystem. While Pepe and Shiba Inu face market challenges, analysts remain optimistic about their long-term potential. With the memecoin market poised for significant growth, investors are eagerly eyeing these top contenders for substantial returns.

Angry Pepe Fork 是一種很有前途的迷因幣,具有獨特的「征服賺錢」模式和快速發展的生態系統。儘管佩佩和柴犬面臨市場挑戰,但分析師仍對其長期潛力持樂觀態度。隨著模因幣市場有望顯著增長,投資者熱切地關注這些頂級競爭者以獲得可觀的回報。


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