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Memecoins (BONK & BRETT) Poised For Potential Gains: An Outlook

Memecoins(BONK 和 BRETT)有望獲得潛在利益:展望

發布: 2024/07/03 00:06 閱讀: 353

原文作者:The Coin Republic


Memecoins(BONK 和 BRETT)有望獲得潛在利益:展望

Surging Memecoins: BRETT and BONK Show Bullish Potential

Memecoins 激增:BRETT 和 BONK 顯示看漲潛力

In the midst of a sluggish crypto market, memecoins have emerged as a beacon of resilience, regaining significant momentum over the past week.


BONK's Upside Trajectory


BONK, a Solana-based memecoin, has attracted over 649,000 wallets. Its active development pipeline and NFT-related projects differentiate it from its peers. Additionally, it is accepted as payment within several Solana projects, allowing users to mint NFTs with BONK.

BONK 是一種基於 Solana 的 memecoin,已吸引了超過 649,000 個錢包。其活躍的開發管道和 NFT 相關項目使其在同行中脫穎而出。此外,它還被多個 Solana 項目接受作為支付方式,允許用戶用 BONK 鑄造 NFT。

BONK's recent bullish momentum is evident in its climb above key moving averages. As of writing, it trades at $0.0000265, with an intraday surge exceeding 10.28%. Analysts predict its potential to reach the $0.00003000 mark soon.

BONK近期的看漲勢頭在其攀升至關鍵移動平均線上方時顯而易見。截至撰寫本文時,其交易價格為 0.0000265 美元,盤中漲幅超過 10.28%。分析師預測其潛力很快就會達到 0.00003000 美元大關。

BRETT's Strong Contendership


BRETT, a memecoin on the Base network, has also exhibited bullish tendencies. Based on the character from Matt Furie's "Boys' Club" comic, BRETT is the largest memecoin on Base by market cap and maintains a close association with BAYC's PEPE.

Base 網路上的迷因幣 BRETT 也表現出看漲趨勢。 BRETT 以 Matt Furie 的《男孩俱樂部》漫畫中的角色為基礎,是 Base 上市值最大的模因幣,並與 BAYC 的 PEPE 保持著密切的聯繫。

At the time of writing, BRETT trades at $0.1649, reflecting a 3.28% intraday gain. Its persistent uptrend and upward momentum position it as a strong contender to excel in the coming weeks.

截至撰寫本文時,BRETT 交易價格為 0.1649 美元,盤中漲幅為 3.28%。其持續的上升趨勢和上升勢頭使其成為未來幾週表現出色的有力競爭者。



This article is solely for informational purposes and does not constitute financial, investment, or other advice. Neither the author nor any individuals mentioned bear responsibility for any financial losses incurred from investing or trading. Independent research is crucial before making any financial decisions.



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