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Memecoins, Galaxy Fox to benefit from Solana’s $1M bug bounty

Memecoins 和 Galaxy Fox 將從 Solana 的 100 萬美元漏洞賞金中受益

發布: 2024/07/14 20:04 閱讀: 646



Memecoins 和 Galaxy Fox 將從 Solana 的 100 萬美元漏洞賞金中受益

Headline: Galaxy Fox Adopts Ethereum for Enhanced Reliability and Infrastructure Upgrade Benefits

標題:Galaxy Fox 採用以太坊來增強可靠性和基礎設施升級優勢



Galaxy Fox, a play-to-earn game, has chosen Ethereum as its smart contracts platform, citing its unrivaled uptime and global transaction processing capabilities. Ethereum's robust infrastructure provides the stability and security essential for Galaxy Fox's operations.

Galaxy Fox 是一款邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲,選擇以太坊作為其智慧合約平台,理由是其無與倫比的正常運作時間和全球交易處理能力。以太坊強大的基礎設施為 Galaxy Fox 的營運提供了必需的穩定性和安全性。

Solana's Reliability Enhancements:

Solana 的可靠性增強:

While Solana offers fast transaction speeds and low fees, it has encountered reliability challenges. To address these concerns, Jump Crypto has developed the Firedancer validator client, complementing existing clients and diversifying the network environment. This upgrade aims to improve Solana's performance and make it more suitable for memecoin projects.

儘管 Solana 提供快速的交易速度和低廉的費用,但它遇到了可靠性挑戰。為了解決這些問題,Jump Crypto 開發了 Firedancer 驗證器用戶端,補充了現有客戶端並使網路環境多樣化。本次升級旨在提高 Solana 的性能,使其更適合 memecoin 專案。

Firedancer Bug Bounty Program:

Firedancer Bug 賞金計畫:

To support the Firedancer release, Jump Crypto has launched a 42-day bug bounty program with a $1 million reward. Developers are encouraged to participate and help identify flaws in the code, which will contribute to Solana's overall stability.

為了支持 Firedancer 的發布,Jump Crypto 啟動了為期 42 天的錯誤賞金計劃,獎勵為 100 萬美元。我們鼓勵開發人員參與並幫助識別程式碼中的缺陷,這將有助於 Solana 的整體穩定性。

Benefits for Memecoins and Galaxy Fox:

Memecoins 和 Galaxy Fox 的好處:

Memecoins, including GFOX, the ERC-20 token used in Galaxy Fox, are expected to benefit significantly from Solana's infrastructure upgrade. Improved security and reliability will boost confidence in these projects, attracting more users and increasing transaction volume.

Memecoins,包括 GFOX(Galaxy Fox 中使用的 ERC-20 代幣)預計將從 Solana 的基礎設施升級中受益匪淺。安全性和可靠性的提高將增強人們對這些項目的信心,吸引更多用戶並增加交易量。



The crypto landscape is constantly evolving, and infrastructure upgrades are imperative for scalability, reliability, and security. Solana's Firedancer client and Galaxy Fox's integration with Ethereum are positive developments that will enhance the user experience and promote the wider adoption of play-to-earn games and memecoins.

加密領域不斷發展,基礎設施升級對於可擴展性、可靠性和安全性至關重要。 Solana 的 Firedancer 用戶端以及 Galaxy Fox 與以太坊的整合都是積極的發展,將增強用戶體驗並促進更廣泛地採用邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲和 memecoin。


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