首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 百萬富翁製造商:Shiba Inu、Dogecoin、Tradecurve 看起來被低估,現在是買入時機嗎?

Millionaire Makers: Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, Tradecurve Look Undervalued, Is Now The Time To Buy?

百萬富翁製造商:Shiba Inu、Dogecoin、Tradecurve 看起來被低估,現在是買入時機嗎?

發布: 2023/07/19 22:10 閱讀: 632

原文作者:Crypto News Flash


Shiba Inu and Dogecoin are among the biggest millionaire makers in the crypto market. Both projects historically offered huge returns in a short period of time, making them global superstars. But do Shiba Inu and Dogecoin still have that potential in 2023? 

Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 是加密貨幣市場上最大的百萬富翁創造者之一。這兩個項目歷來都在短時間內提供了巨大的回報,使它們成為全球超級明星。但到 2023 年,柴犬和狗狗幣還有這種潛力嗎?

As some experts believe they’re undervalued, both projects are predicted to see surges. However, Tradecurve is taking the lead in terms of potential returns, and is on track to hit a new all-time high in the next week. 

由於一些專家認為它們被低估,因此預計這兩個項目都會激增。然而,Tradecurve 在潛在回報方面處於領先地位,並有望在下週創下歷史新高。


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Could Shibarium Take Shiba Inu To $0.5? 

Shibarium 能否將柴犬價格推至 0.5 美元?

Shytoshi Kusama, the head developer of the Shiba Inu ecosystem, suggested that Shibarium, Shiba Inu’s layer 2 scalability platform, could be released at the Blockchain Futurist Conference in Toronto in August.

Shiba Inu 生態系統的首席開發人員 Shytoshi Kusama 表示,Shiba Inu 的第 2 層可擴展性平台 Shibarium 可能會在 8 月於多倫多舉行的區塊鏈未來主義者大會上發布。

This would be a huge development for Shiba Inu, and investors believe it could push the project to an all-time high. Should Shibarium be a success, analysts believe that Shiba Inu could hit $0.5 by the end of the year, making thousands of new crypto millionaires in the process. 

這對柴犬來說將是一個巨大的發展,投資者相信這可以將該項目推向歷史新高。如果 Shibarium 取得成功,分析師認為 Shiba Inu 的價格可能會在今年年底達到 0.5 美元,從而在這個過程中創造數千名新的加密貨幣百萬富翁。

However, Shiba Inu’s current performance has been below the market average. After recovering from its price crash in June, Shiba Inu has faced a price decline of 4.93% in the last five days and is now trading at $0.00000720. 

然而,柴犬目前的表現已低於市場平均。從 6 月的價格暴跌中恢復過來後,柴犬在過去五天內價格下跌了 4.93%,目前交易價格為 0.00000720 美元。

Given its current growth, some investors believe that price targets of $0.5 could be overly ambitious in 2023. 

鑑於目前的成長,一些投資者認為 2023 年 0.5 美元的目標價可能過於雄心勃勃。

Could Dogecoin Fall Behind Shiba Inu And Tradecurve? 

狗狗幣會落後於柴犬和 Tradecurve 嗎?

Dogecoin has been heavily criticized in 2023 due to its lack of development. While other memecoins are building their ecosystems, Dogecoin continues to rely on its status as a market leader. Now, however, some experts believe that Dogecoin could soon lose this title. 


With no signs of development, Dogecoin’s growth has been low throughout 2023, and its value has declined by 6.11% in the past month. This decline has triggered a decrease in social media activity around Dogecoin, with new projects like Pepe taking the spotlight. 

由於沒有任何發展跡象,狗狗幣在2023年全年增長一直較低,過去一個月其價值已下跌6.11%。這種下降引發了圍繞狗狗幣的社交媒體活動的減少,像 Pepe 這樣的新項目成為人們關注的焦點。

Furthermore, the new lawsuits against Binance and Coinbase could have a significant impact on the Dogecoin community. In total, 54.2% of the Dogecoin supply is held on centralized exchanges, with 25.9% being held on Binance alone. With investors leaving such platforms at record rates, Dogecoin could soon experience a sharp decline in trading activity. 

此外,針對幣安和 Coinbase 的新訴訟可能會對狗狗幣社群產生重大影響。總共 54.2% 的狗狗幣供應量存放在中心化交易所,其中 25.9% 存放​​在幣安網。隨著投資者以創紀錄的速度離開此類平台,狗狗幣的交易活動可能很快就會急劇下降。

Is Tradecurve a Better Investment Than Shiba Inu and Dogecoin?

Tradecurve 是比柴犬和狗狗幣更好的投資嗎?

Compared to Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, Tradecurve is a new project, with significant early growth. However, some experts believe the project remains significantly undervalued. This is due to Tradecurves revolutionary application, which could change how investors interact with trading. 

與 Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 相比,Tradecurve 是一個新項目,早期成長顯著。然而,一些專家認為該項目的價值仍然被嚴重低估。這是由於 Tradecurves 革命性的應用程序,它可能會改變投資者與交易互動的方式。

Tradecurve is the first hybrid exchange that enables users to trade crypto, stocks, CFDs, and commodities. It combines decentralized technology with centralized convenience, allowing for borderless and anonymous trading. 

Tradecurve 是第一個允許用戶交易加密貨幣、股票、差價合約和大宗商品的混合交易所。它將去中心化技術與集中化便利性相結合,允許無國界和匿名交易。

This means that investors will be able to trade both DeFi and TradFi assets while remaining anonymous. No KYC checks are needed for Tradecurve, and investors can connect self-custody wallets to the exchange to make transactions.

這意味著投資者將能夠在保持匿名的情況下交易 DeFi 和 TradFi 資產。 Tradecurve不需要KYC檢查,投資者可以將自我託管錢包連接到交易所進行交易。

Investors will also have a multitude of benefits as TCRV token holders. Tradecurve tokens are selling out fast during stage four of the Tradecurve presale and are predicted to increase from $0.018 to $0.025 by mid July.

身為 TCRV 代幣持有者,投資者還將獲得許多好處。 Tradecurve 代幣在 Tradecurve 預售第四階段迅速售空,預計到 7 月中旬將從 0.018 美元增至 0.025 美元。



For more information about $TCRV presale tokens:

有關 $TCRV 預售代幣的更多資訊:








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