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Minu rallying, this meme coin token set for gains


發布: 2024/02/23 06:06 閱讀: 729



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Minu is up 12% in the last day, outperforming other meme coins up just 1-2%. However, another alternative is Sponge. It is up 34% after launching Sponge V2 on Polygon.

Minu 在最後一天上漲了 12%,僅比其他 meme 幣上漲 1-2%。然而,另一個選擇是海綿。在 Polygon 上推出 Sponge V2 後,該公司股價上漲了 34%。

Minu rally triggers Binance listing talks

Minu 反彈引發幣安上市談判

As a BNB chain native cryptocurrency, Minu’s recent performance puts it in contention for a Binance listing. The platform is known to favor BNB chain-native tokens, aiming to incentivize innovation and development.

作為 BNB 鏈原生加密貨幣,Minu 最近的表現使其成為幣安上市的有力爭奪者。眾所周知,該平台偏愛 BNB 鏈原生代幣,旨在激勵創新和發展。

After launching last month, Minu got off to a wildly successful start, currently up over 8,500% since 20 January 2024.

上個月推出後,Minu 取得了巨大成功,自 2024 年 1 月 20 日以來目前已上漲超過 8,500%。

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These returns resemble an early Dogecoin or Shiba Inu, but the highly volatile nature of meme coins means these gains could be wiped out as fast as they were made.


Following its launch, Minu pumped to $0.0000004230 before a two-week pullback, reaching lows of $0.000000085. Later, the coin roared.

推出後,Minu 價格上漲至 0.0000004230 美元,隨後兩週回調,觸及 0.000000085 美元的低點。隨後,硬幣轟鳴。

The price reached an all-time high (ATH) of $0.000001514 earlier today, and despite a sharp pullback since, it has begun climbing again.

今天早些時候,價格達到了 0.000001514 美元的歷史高點 (ATH),儘管此後急劇回調,但它已再次開始攀升。

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While it remains to be seen whether Minu’s run can continue, its recent uptick has maxed out its Fibonacci retracement levels, indicating a consolidation period may follow.

儘管 Minu 的漲勢能否繼續還有待觀察,但其最近的上漲已經突破了斐波那契回撤水平,表明接下來可能會進入盤整期。

Nevertheless, with a market cap of $7 million and accelerating notoriety, the market may behave irrationally, enabling Minu to continue its run.

然而,隨著市值達到 700 萬美元,名聲越來越大,市場可能會出現非理性行為,從而使 Minu 能夠繼續運作。

This possibility is enhanced by community talks that a Binance listing may be on the horizon. 


Yet, having already pumped significantly, traders must remain aware that Minu is due a cooling-off period. 

然而,在已經大幅上漲之後,交易者必須時刻意識到 Minu 即將進入冷靜期。

With this in mind, Sponge is one alternative that shows potential.

考慮到這一點,Sponge 是一種顯示出潛力的替代方案。

Sponge rallies as team nod to P2E game 

Sponge 集會,團隊向 P2E 遊戲致敬

When Sponge bridged from V1 to V2, it switched to Polygon, ensuring lower fees and faster trade execution times for users.

當 Sponge 從 V1 過渡到 V2 時,它切換到 Polygon,確保用戶享受更低的費用和更快的交易執行時間。

But what’s more, it also planned to release a P2E racing game and new staking mechanics, bolstering the token’s utility.

但更重要的是,它還計劃發布 P2E 賽車遊戲和新的質押機制,以增強代幣的實用性。

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The team published a post hinting at new P2E developments yesterday, followed by a 2% uptick in price.

該團隊昨天發表了一篇文章,暗示 P2E 的新進展,隨後價格上漲了 2%。

Sponge’s newfound utility and launch on Polygon prompted bullish predictions from analysts.

Sponge 的新功能以及在 Polygon 上的推出引發了分析師的樂觀預測。

The project’s track record validates this forecast. Sponge V1 launched in May 2023, and quickly soared to a $100 million market cap and netted early investors a 100x ROI.

該項目的追蹤記錄驗證了這一預測。 Sponge V1 於 2023 年 5 月推出,市值迅速飆升至 1 億美元,並為早期投資者帶來了 100 倍的投資回報率。

It also amassed 13K holders, 30K social media followers, and listings on over 10 exchanges.

它還累積了 13,000 名持有者、30,000 名社群媒體追蹤者,並在 10 多個交易所上市。

As well as illustrating the team’s marketing prowess, its track record hints to massive potential for Sponge V2. As per the Sponge V2 website, the project targets “bigger and better exchanges”.

除了展現團隊的行銷實力外,其過往記錄也暗示了 Sponge V2 的巨大潛力。據 Sponge V2 網站稱,該項目的目標是「更大、更好的交易所」。

Investors can buy Sponge V2 from Uniswap or bridge and stake their Ethereum Sponge to Polygon on the project’s website.

投資者可以從 Uniswap 或 Bridge 購買 Sponge V2,並將其以太坊 Sponge 質押到專案網站上的 Polygon。

Read more: Dogecoin bulls target $1, Sponge v2 uptrend remains

了解更多:狗狗幣多頭目標為 1 美元,Sponge v2 上升趨勢依然存在

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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