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Missed Out on Dogecoin? Keep an Eye on This Potential Cryptocurrency Star in 2024

錯過了狗狗幣? 2024 年關注這個潛在的加密貨幣明星

發布: 2024/01/12 19:30 閱讀: 907





  • Dogecoin (DOGE) is predicted to continue dropping and fall below $0.075. 
  • 狗狗幣(DOGE)預計將繼續下跌並跌破 0.075 美元。

  • Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) rises 100% during the ongoing presale with another surge to $0.025 predicted.
  • Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 在正在進行的預售期間上漲了 100%,預計將再次飆升至 0.025 美元。

One of the best altcoins in the last bull market, Dogecoin (DOGE), has had an underwhelming 2024 even with the market rising. Amid such a scenario, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) has emerged as the favorite of investors and experts alike during its presale. Let’s dive into what makes $RBLZ the best crypto to invest in ahead of top altcoins like DOGE. 

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 是上一次牛市中最好的山寨幣之一,儘管市場上漲,但 2024 年的表現卻平淡無奇。在這種情況下,Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 在預售期間成為投資者和專家的最愛。讓我們深入探討一下,是什麼讓 $RBLZ 成為優於 DOGE 等頂級山寨幣的最佳投資加密貨幣。

Dogecoin Continues To Dip Despite Going To The Moon


The Dogecoin (DOGE) token has been performing poorly, even with the market getting stronger in 2024. However, the Dogecoin (DOGE) underwent a relief bounce to $0.094 on January 2. Since then, the Dogecoin (DOGE) price has been on a decline. By January 8, the Dogecoin (DOGE) price had dipped by 13.8% to trade at $0.081. 

儘管2024 年市場走強,狗狗幣(DOGE) 代幣的表現仍然不佳。然而,狗狗幣(DOGE) 在1 月2 日經歷了一次緩解性反彈,至0.094 美元。從那時起,狗狗幣(DOGE) 的價格一直處於衰退。截至 1 月 8 日,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格下跌 13.8%,至 0.081 美元。

Amid the drop in DOGE price, it was revealed that SpaceX’s DOGE-1 mission has been delayed to February due to bad weather conditions. However, Dogecoin (DOGE) embarked on a journey towards the moon on January 8. The world’s first private lander, Peregrin, carrying a DOGE wallet, was launched towards the moon on January 8. This launch was a part of the United Launch Alliance’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket under NASA’s commercial payload services initiative. 


Despite these developments, the DOGE price has been trading in a downward direction. Experts predict the Dogecoin (DOGE) price to drop below $0.075 in the coming weeks. 

儘管有這些發展,DOGE 價格一直在下跌。專家預測狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格將在未來幾週內跌破 0.075 美元。



Rebel Satoshi Emerges as Investors Savior Amid a Turbulent Market


The Rebel Satoshi presale for the $RBLZ token has continued to grow by leaps and bounds despite market turbulence. The $RBLZ token presale began with the Early Bird Round at $0.010 per token. Right now, the presale is in the Citizens Round 3 at $0.025 per $RBLZ with a 100% surge. By the end of the presale, the surge in $RBLZ will be 150%, as it will rise to $0.025 per token. 

儘管市場動盪,Rebel Satoshi 的 $RBLZ 代幣預售仍持續突飛猛進。 $RBLZ 代幣預售從早鳥輪開始,每個代幣價格為 0.010 美元。目前,Citizens 第 3 輪的預售價格為每 $RBLZ 0.025 美元,漲幅達 100%。到預售結束時,$RBLZ 的漲幅將達到 150%,達到每個代幣 0.025 美元。

Rebel Satoshi has raised more than $2 million during the presale already. Rebel Satoshi aims to achieve a market cap of $100 million for the $RBLZ token. Rebel Satoshi has made the $RBLZ contract public, which has been audited by SourceHat. There is no buy or sell tax imposed on $RBLZ by Rebel Satoshi. 

Rebel Satoshi 在預售期間已經籌集了超過 200 萬美元。 Rebel Satoshi 的目標是讓 $RBLZ 代幣的市值達到 1 億美元。 Rebel Satoshi 公開了 $RBLZ 合約,該合約已經過 SourceHat 的審計。 Rebel Satoshi 對 $RBLZ 不徵收買賣稅。

The $RBLZ token is built on the Ethereum network and adheres to the ERC-20 token standard. The total supply of $RBLZ is 250 million, with 50% of it being allocated to the public. Right now, more than 100 million $RBLZ have been sold during the presale. Rebel Satoshi will list the token across major DEXs in February. 

$RBLZ 代幣建立在以太坊網路上,並遵守 ERC-20 代幣標準。 $RBLZ的總供應量為2.5億枚,其中50%分配給公眾。目前,預售期間已售出超過 1 億 $RBLZ。 Rebel Satoshi 將於 2 月在主要 DEX 上列出該代幣。

Rebel Satoshi is built on the ideals of Guy Fawkes and Satoshi Nakamoto. Following its ethos, it aims to bring about a revolution led by its community of Recusant members. Rebel Satoshi’s rebellion is against the centralization in the market and challenges the status quo. Hence, experts are calling $RBLZ one of the best cryptos to buy right now. 

Rebel Satoshi 是建立在 Guy Fawkes 和 Satoshi Nakamoto 的理想之上的。遵循其精神,它的目標是引發一場由其 Recusant 成員社群領導的革命。叛逆中本聰的叛逆是反對市場的中心化,挑戰現狀。因此,專家稱 $RBLZ 是目前最值得購買的加密貨幣之一。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

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The post Missed Out on Dogecoin? Keep an Eye on This Potential Cryptocurrency Star in 2024 appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

錯過了狗狗幣的貼文?關注這位 2024 年潛在加密貨幣明星首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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